IOTA-COST Workshop on Cold Molecular Ions

2011-11-23 - 2011-11-25
Sandbjerg Estate, Denmark

The first IOTA-COST Workshop on Cold Molecular Ions, Sandbjerg Estate, Denmark, November 23-25, 2011, is now open for registration and submission of abstract via the website:
The scope of the Workshop is dedicated to the task of advancing methods to prepare cold molecular ions and address new applications.

Topics of the workshop will include:

  • Development of cooling methods for a variety of molecular species.
  • Establishment of new optical protocols for the preparation and interrogation of trapped cold molecular ions.
  • Implementation of new experimental approaches to study sympathetic cooling, ion-neutral interactions, collisions and chemical reactions.
  • Prospects for molecular ion based Quantum Technology.
  • Advances in theoretical methods.

At the website: you will as well find all information on the meeting.
The deadline is October 1, 2011, for both registration and submission of abstracts for presentations.


Sandbjerg Estate