
The Hadamard gate cannot be replaced by a resource state in universal quantum computation. (arXiv:2312.03515v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Thu, 2023-12-07 04:45

We consider models of quantum computation that involve operations performed on some fixed resourceful quantum state. Examples that fit this paradigm include magic state injection and measurement-based approaches. We introduce a framework that incorporates both of these cases and focus on the role of coherence (or superposition) in this context, as exemplified through the Hadamard gate. We prove that given access to incoherent unitaries (those that are unable to generate superposition from computational basis states, e.g. CNOT, diagonal gates), classical control, computational basis measurements, and any resourceful ancillary state (of arbitrary dimension), it is not possible to implement any coherent unitary (e.g. Hadamard) exactly with non-zero probability. We also consider the approximate case by providing lower bounds for the induced trace distance between the above operations and $n$ Hadamard gates. To demonstrate the stability of this result, this is then extended to a similar no-go result for the case of using $k$ Hadamard gates to exactly implement $n>k$ Hadamard gates.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Clustering by Contour coreset and variational quantum eigensolver. (arXiv:2312.03516v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Thu, 2023-12-07 04:45

Recent work has proposed solving the k-means clustering problem on quantum computers via the Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm (QAOA) and coreset techniques. Although the current method demonstrates the possibility of quantum k-means clustering, it does not ensure high accuracy and consistency across a wide range of datasets. The existing coreset techniques are designed for classical algorithms and there has been no quantum-tailored coreset technique which is designed to boost the accuracy of quantum algorithms. In this work, we propose solving the k-means clustering problem with the variational quantum eigensolver (VQE) and a customised coreset method, the Contour coreset, which has been formulated with specific focus on quantum algorithms. Extensive simulations with synthetic and real-life data demonstrated that our VQE+Contour Coreset approach outperforms existing QAOA+Coreset k-means clustering approaches with higher accuracy and lower standard deviation. Our work has shown that quantum tailored coreset techniques has the potential to significantly boost the performance of quantum algorithms when compared to using generic off-the-shelf coreset techniques.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Validation and benchmarking of quantum annealing technology. (arXiv:2312.03534v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Thu, 2023-12-07 04:45

In this thesis, we focus on the problem of validating and benchmarking quantum annealers. To this end, we propose two algorithms for solving real-world problems and test how they perform on the current generation of quantum annealers. The first algorithm allows for solving the dynamics of quantum systems (or, in fact, any dynamical systems). The second of the proposed algorithms is suitable for solving a particular family of railway dispatching problems. We assess the performance of those algorithms on the current generation of D-Wave quantum annealers with the assistance of two novel, classical strategies for solving an Ising model also presented in the thesis. The first, tensor network-based approach is a heuristic algorithm tailored for solving instances defined on Chimera-like graphs, thus making it ideal for providing a baseline with which the results from physical annealers can be compared. The other presented approach is a massively parallel implementation of the exhaustive (brute-force) search through the whole solution space. Although the brute-force approach is limited to moderate instance sizes, it has the advantage of being able to compute the low energy spectrum and certify the solutions. Our results suggest that present-day quantum annealers are able to solve a subset of the aforementioned problems. In particular, we show that the D-Wave annealers are capable of capturing the dynamics of a simple quantum system in a specific regime of parameters, and can be used to obtain good-quality solutions for instances of railway conflict management problems. Finally, our findings indicate that the current generation of D-Wave annealers is far from perfect. We discuss problem instances for which the annealers failed to find a good or even feasible solution. We also provide, where possible, a plausible explanation of why some of the presented problems might be hard for the annealers.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Path integral derivation of the thermofield double state in causal diamonds. (arXiv:2312.03541v1 [hep-th]) Quantum Physics - Thu, 2023-12-07 04:45

In this article, we follow the framework given in the article Physica A, 158, pg 58-63 (1989) by R. Laflamme to derive the thermofield double state for a causal diamond using the Euclidean path integral formalism, and subsequently derive the causal diamond temperature. The interpretation of the physical and fictitious system in the thermofield double state arises naturally from the boundary conditions of the fields defined on the Euclidean sections of the cylindrical background geometry $S^{1}_{\beta}\times \mathbb{R}$, where $\beta$ defines the periodicity of the Euclidean time coordinate and $S^{1}_{\beta}$ is the one-dimensional sphere (circle). The temperature detected by a static diamond observer at $x=0$ matches with the thermofield double temperature derived via this path integral procedure.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Schroedinger equation as a confluent Heun equation. (arXiv:2312.03569v1 [nlin.SI]) Quantum Physics - Thu, 2023-12-07 04:45

This article deals with two classes of quasi-exactly solvable (QES) trigonometric potentials for which the one-dimensional Schroedinger equation reduces to a confluent Heun equation (CHE) where the independent variable takes only finite values. Power series for the CHE are used to get finite- and infinite-series eigenfunctions. Finite series occur only for special sets of parameters and characterize the quasi-exact solvability. Infinite series occur for all admissible values of the parameters (even values involving finite series), and are bounded and convergent in the entire range of the independent variable. Moreover, throughout the article we examine other QES trigonometric and hyperbolic potentials. In all cases, for a finite series there is a convergent infinite series.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Generalized $\alpha$-Observational Entropy. (arXiv:2312.03572v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Thu, 2023-12-07 04:45

Recognizing the inadequacy of existing measures for thermodynamic entropy, recent research focuses on observational Eetropy (OE) as a promising alternative, offering practical applicability and theoretical insights. In this work, we extend the scope of observational entropy by generalizing it to a parameterized version called $\alpha$-Observational entropy ($\alpha$-OE). $\alpha$-OE is expressed in terms of the Petz-R\'{e}nyi relative entropy between the states on which a quantum-to-classical channel is applied. It is also expressed by using Sandwitched relative entropy. We prove various properties of the $\alpha$-OE, which are the generalization of the properties of OE, including the monotonically increasing of $\alpha$-OE as a function of refinement of coarse-graining. The generalized quantum relative entropies play a central role in many areas of quantum information theory, and we provide a connection of these entropic quantities to thermodynamic properties.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Fluorescence Lifetime Hong-Ou-Mandel Sensing. (arXiv:2312.03575v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Thu, 2023-12-07 04:45

Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy in the time domain is typically performed by recording the arrival time of photons either by using electronic time tagging or a gated detector. As such the temporal resolution is limited by the performance of the electronics to 100's of picoseconds. Here, we demonstrate a fluorescence lifetime measurement technique based on photon-bunching statistics with a resolution that is only dependent on the duration of the reference photon or laser pulse, which can readily reach the 1-0.1 picosecond timescale. A range of fluorescent dyes having lifetimes spanning from 1.6 to 7 picoseconds have been here measured with only ~1 second measurement duration. We corroborate the effectiveness of the technique by measuring the Newtonian viscosity of glycerol/water mixtures by means of a molecular rotor having over an order of magnitude variability in lifetime, thus introducing a new method for contact-free nanorheology. Accessing fluorescence lifetime information at such high temporal resolution opens a doorway for a wide range of fluorescent markers to be adopted for studying yet unexplored fast biological processes, as well as fundamental interactions such as lifetime shortening in resonant plasmonic devices.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Rotating quantum droplets confined in an anharmonic potential. (arXiv:2312.03615v1 [cond-mat.quant-gas]) Quantum Physics - Thu, 2023-12-07 04:45

We investigate the rotational properties of quantum droplets, which form in a mixture of two Bose-Einstein condensates, in the presence of an anharmonic trapping potential. We identify various phases as the atom number and the angular momentum/angular velocity of the trap vary. These phases include center-of-mass-like excitation (without, or with vortices), vortices of single and multiple quantization, etc. Finally, we compare our results with those of the single-component problem.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Revisiting Brownian SYK and its possible relations to de Sitter. (arXiv:2312.03623v1 [hep-th]) Quantum Physics - Thu, 2023-12-07 04:45

We revisit Brownian Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model and argue that it has emergent energy conservation overlooked in the literature before. We solve this model in the double-scaled regime and demonstrate hyperfast scrambling, exponential decay of correlation functions, bounded spectrum and unexpected factorization of higher-point functions. We comment on how these results are related to de Sitter holography.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Coherent pair injection as a route towards the enhancement of supersolid order in many-body bosonic models. (arXiv:2312.03624v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Thu, 2023-12-07 04:45

Over the last couple of decades, quantum simulators have been probing quantum many-body physics with unprecedented levels of control. So far, the main focus has been on the access to novel observables and dynamical conditions related to condensed-matter models. However, the potential of quantum simulators goes beyond the traditional scope of condensed-matter physics: Being based on driven-dissipative quantum optical platforms, quantum simulators allow for processes that are typically not considered in condensed-matter physics. These processes can enrich in unexplored ways the phase diagram of well-established models. Taking the extended Bose-Hubbard model as the guiding example, in this work we examine the impact of coherent pair injection, a process readily available in, for example, superconducting circuit arrays. The interest behind this process is that, in contrast to the standard injection of single excitations, it can be configured to preserve the U(1) symmetry underlying the model. We prove that this process favors both superfluid and density-wave order, as opposed to insulation or homogeneous states, thereby providing a novel route towards the access of lattice supersolidity.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Quantum Optics with Rydberg Superatoms. (arXiv:2312.03649v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Thu, 2023-12-07 04:45

Quantum optics based on highly excited atoms, also known as Rydberg atoms, has cemented itself as a powerful platform for the manipulation of light at the few-photon level. The Rydberg blockade, resulting from the strong interaction between individual Rydberg atoms, can turn a large ensemble of atoms into a system which collectively resembles a single two-level emitter, a so-called Rydberg superatom. The coupling of this artificial emitter to a driving photonic mode is collectively enhanced by Rydberg interactions, enabling strong coherent coupling at the few-photon level in free-space. The exquisite level of control achievable through this has already demonstrated its utility in applications of quantum computing and information processing. Here, we review the derivation of the collective coupling between a Rydberg superatom and a single light mode and discuss the similarity of this free-space setup to waveguide quantum electrodynamics systems of quantum emitters coupled to photonic waveguides. We also briefly review applications of Rydberg superatoms to quantum optics such as single-photon generation and single-photon subtraction.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Quantum Picturalism: Learning Quantum Theory in High School. (arXiv:2312.03653v1 [physics.ed-ph]) Quantum Physics - Thu, 2023-12-07 04:45

Quantum theory is often regarded as challenging to learn and teach, with advanced mathematical prerequisites ranging from complex numbers and probability theory to matrix multiplication, vector space algebra and symbolic manipulation within the Hilbert space formalism. It is traditionally considered an advanced undergraduate or graduate-level subject.

In this work, we challenge the conventional view by proposing "Quantum Picturalism" as a new approach to teaching the fundamental concepts of quantum theory and computation. We establish the foundations and methodology for an ongoing educational experiment to investigate the question "From what age can students learn quantum theory if taught using a diagrammatic approach?". We anticipate that the primary benefit of leveraging such a diagrammatic approach, which is conceptually intuitive yet mathematically rigorous, will be eliminating some of the most daunting barriers to teaching and learning this subject while enabling young learners to reason proficiently about high-level problems. We posit that transitioning from symbolic presentations to pictorial ones will increase the appeal of STEM education, attracting more diverse audience.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Single-ion optical autocorrelator. (arXiv:2312.03679v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Thu, 2023-12-07 04:45

Well isolated quantum systems are exquisite sensors of electromagnetic fields. In this work, we use a single trapped ion for characterizing chirped ultraviolet (UV) picosecond laser pulses. The frequency swept pulses resonantly drive a strong dipole transition via rapid adiabatic passage, resulting in near deterministic population exchange caused by absorption or stimulated emission of photons. When subjecting an ion to counterpropagating pulse pairs, we observe the loss and revival of atomic coherence as a function of the pulse pair spatial overlap enabling quantification of the temporal pulse broadening caused by a frequency chirp in shaped UV pulses with a very low peak power. We find good agreement between measured and applied chirp. The ultrafast population exchange imparts an impulsive force where the estimated change in the mean phonon numbers of 0.5 is measured for two pairs of pulses. The resonant ultrafast kicks could be applied to matter wave interferometry experiments and present a step towards ultrafast entanglement operations in trapped ions.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Systematic Literature Review: Quantum Machine Learning and its applications. (arXiv:2201.04093v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Thu, 2023-12-07 04:45

Quantum computing is the process of performing calculations using quantum mechanics. This field studies the quantum behavior of certain subatomic particles for subsequent use in performing calculations, as well as for large-scale information processing. These capabilities can give quantum computers an advantage in terms of computational time and cost over classical computers. Nowadays, there are scientific challenges that are impossible to perform by classical computation due to computational complexity or the time the calculation would take, and quantum computation is one of the possible answers. However, current quantum devices have not yet the necessary qubits and are not fault-tolerant enough to achieve these goals. Nonetheless, there are other fields like machine learning or chemistry where quantum computation could be useful with current quantum devices. This manuscript aims to present a Systematic Literature Review of the papers published between 2017 and 2023 to identify, analyze and classify the different algorithms used in quantum machine learning and their applications. Consequently, this study identified 94 articles that used quantum machine learning techniques and algorithms. The main types of found algorithms are quantum implementations of classical machine learning algorithms, such as support vector machines or the k-nearest neighbor model, and classical deep learning algorithms, like quantum neural networks. Many articles try to solve problems currently answered by classical machine learning but using quantum devices and algorithms. Even though results are promising, quantum machine learning is far from achieving its full potential. An improvement in the quantum hardware is required since the existing quantum computers lack enough quality, speed, and scale to allow quantum computing to achieve its full potential.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Engines for predictive work extraction from memoryful quantum stochastic processes. (arXiv:2207.03480v5 [quant-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Thu, 2023-12-07 04:45

Quantum information-processing techniques enable work extraction from a system's inherently quantum features, in addition to the classical free energy it contains. Meanwhile, the science of computational mechanics affords tools for the predictive modeling of non-Markovian classical and quantum stochastic processes. We combine tools from these two sciences to develop a technique for predictive work extraction from non-Markovian stochastic processes with quantum outputs. We demonstrate that this technique can extract more work than non-predictive quantum work extraction protocols, on one hand, and predictive work extraction without quantum information processing, on the other. We discover a phase transition in the efficacy of memory for work extraction from quantum processes, which is without classical precedent. Our work opens up the prospect of machines that harness environmental free energy in an essentially quantum, essentially time-varying form.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Close-to-optimal continuity bound for the von Neumann entropy and other quasi-classical applications of the Alicki-Fannes-Winter technique. (arXiv:2207.08791v4 [quant-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Thu, 2023-12-07 04:45

We consider a quasi-classical version of the Alicki-Fannes-Winter technique widely used for quantitative continuity analysis of characteristics of quantum systems and channels. This version allows us to obtain continuity bounds under constraints of different types for quantum states belonging to subsets of a special form that can be called "quasi-classical".

Several applications of the proposed method are described. Among others, we obtain the universal continuity bound for the von Neumann entropy under the energy-type constraint which in the case of one-mode quantum oscillator is close to the specialized optimal continuity bound presented recently by Becker, Datta and Jabbour.

We obtain semi-continuity bounds for the quantum conditional entropy of quantum-classical states and for the entanglement of formation in bipartite quantum systems with the rank/energy constraint imposed only on one state. Semi-continuity bounds for entropic characteristics of classical random variables and classical states of a multi-mode quantum oscillator are also obtained.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Asymmetric particle-antiparticle Dirac equation: second quantization. (arXiv:2208.12239v2 [hep-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Thu, 2023-12-07 04:45

We build the fully relativistic quantum field theory related to the asymmetric Dirac fields. These fields are solutions of the asymmetric Dirac equation, a Lorentz covariant Dirac-like equation whose positive and "negative" frequency plane wave solutions' dispersion relations are no longer degenerate. At the second quantization level, we show that this implies that particles and antiparticles sharing the same wave number have different energies and momenta. In spite of that, we prove that by properly fixing the values of the relativistic invariants that define the asymmetric Dirac free field Lagrangian density, we can build a consistent, fully relativistic, and renormalizable quantum electrodynamics (QED) that is empirically equivalent to the standard QED. We discuss the reasons and implications of this non-trivial equivalence, exploring qualitatively other scenarios in which the asymmetric Dirac fields may lead to beyond the standard model predictions. We conjecture that this non-degeneracy in the energies for particles and antiparticles may lead to a fully relativistic understanding of the asymmetry between matter and antimatter in the present day universe as well as to an alternative way of modeling the gravitational interaction between a particle and an antiparticle. We give a complete account of how the asymmetric Dirac fields and the corresponding annihilation and creation operators transform under improper Lorentz transformations (parity and time reversal operations) and under the charge conjugation operation. We also prove that the present theory respects the CPT theorem.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Exhaustive Characterization of Quantum Many-Body Scars using Commutant Algebras. (arXiv:2209.03377v2 [cond-mat.str-el] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Thu, 2023-12-07 04:45

We study Quantum Many-Body Scars (QMBS) in the language of commutant algebras, which are defined as symmetry algebras of families of local Hamiltonians. This framework explains the origin of dynamically disconnected subspaces seen in models with exact QMBS, i.e., the large "thermal" subspace and the small "non-thermal" subspace, which are attributed to the existence of unconventional non-local conserved quantities in the commutant; hence this unifies the study of conventional symmetries and weak ergodicity breaking phenomena into a single framework. Furthermore, this language enables us to use the von Neumann Double Commutant Theorem (DCT) to formally write down the exhaustive algebra of all Hamiltonians with a desired set of QMBS, which demonstrates that QMBS survive under large classes of local perturbations. We illustrate this using several standard examples of QMBS, including the spin-1/2 ferromagnetic, AKLT, spin-1 XY $\pi$-bimagnon, and the electronic $\eta$-pairing towers of states; and in each of these cases we explicitly write down a set of generators for the full algebra of Hamiltonians with these QMBS.Understanding this hidden structure in QMBS Hamiltonians also allows us to recover results of previous "brute-force" numerical searches for such Hamiltonians. In addition, this language clearly demonstrates the equivalence of several unified formalisms for QMBS proposed in the literature, and also illustrates the connection between two apparently distinct classes of QMBS Hamiltonians -- those that are captured by the so-called Shiraishi-Mori construction, and those that lie beyond. Finally, we show that this framework motivates a precise definition for QMBS that automatically implies that they violate the conventional Eigenstate Thermalization Hypothesis (ETH), and we discuss its implications to dynamics.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Spectral Properties of the Symmetry Generators of Conformal Quantum Mechanics: A Path-Integral Approach. (arXiv:2210.02370v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Thu, 2023-12-07 04:45

A path-integral approach is used to study the spectral properties of the generators of the SO(2,1) symmetry of conformal quantum mechanics (CQM). In particular, we consider the CQM version that corresponds to the weak-coupling regime of the inverse square potential. We develop a general framework to characterize a generic symmetry generator $G$ (linear combinations of the Hamiltonian $H$, special conformal operator $K$, and dilation operator $D$), from which the path-integral propagators follow, leading to a complete spectral decomposition. This is done for the three classes of operators: elliptic, parabolic, and hyperbolic. We also highlight novel results for the hyperbolic operators, with a continuous spectrum, and their quantum-mechanical interpretation. The spectral technique developed for the eigensystem of continuous-spectrum operators can be generalized to other operator problems.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Quantum Event Learning and Gentle Random Measurements. (arXiv:2210.09155v3 [quant-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Thu, 2023-12-07 04:45

We prove the expected disturbance caused to a quantum system by a sequence of randomly ordered two-outcome projective measurements is upper bounded by the square root of the probability that at least one measurement in the sequence accepts. We call this bound the Gentle Random Measurement Lemma.

We then consider problems in which we are given sample access to an unknown state $\rho$ and asked to estimate properties of the accepting probabilities $\text{Tr}[M_i \rho]$ of a set of measurements $\{M_1, M_2, \ldots , M_m\}$. We call these types of problems Quantum Event Learning Problems. Using the gentle random measurement lemma, we show randomly ordering projective measurements solves the Quantum OR problem, answering an open question of Aaronson. We also give a Quantum OR protocol which works on non-projective measurements but which requires a more complicated type of measurement, which we call a Blended Measurement. Given additional guarantees on the set of measurements $\{M_1, \ldots, M_m\}$, we show the Quantum OR protocols developed in this paper can also be used to find a measurement $M_i$ such that $\text{Tr}[M_i \rho]$ is large. We also give a blended measurement based protocol for estimating the average accepting probability of a set of measurements on an unknown state.

Finally we consider the Threshold Search Problem described by O'Donnell and B\u{a}descu. By building on our Quantum Event Finding result we show that randomly ordered (or blended) measurements can be used to solve this problem using $O(\log^2(m) / \epsilon^2)$ copies of $\rho$. Consequently, we obtain an algorithm for Shadow Tomography which requires $\tilde{O}(\log^2(m)\log(d)/\epsilon^4)$ samples, matching the current best known sample complexity. This algorithm does not require injected noise in the quantum measurements, but does require measurements to be made in a random order and so is no longer online.

Categories: Journals, Physics
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