
Universality in driven open quantum matter. (arXiv:2312.03073v1 [cond-mat.stat-mech]) Quantum Physics - Thu, 2023-12-07 04:45

Universality is a powerful concept, which enables making qualitative and quantitative predictions in systems with extensively many degrees of freedom. It finds realizations in almost all branches of physics, including in the realm of nonequilibrium systems. Our focus here is on its manifestations within a specific class of nonequilibrium stationary states: driven open quantum matter. Progress in this field is fueled by a number of uprising platforms ranging from light-driven quantum materials over synthetic quantum systems like cold atomic gases to the functional devices of the noisy intermediate scale quantum era. These systems share in common that, on the microscopic scale, they obey the laws of quantum mechanics, while detailed balance underlying thermodynamic equilibrium is broken due to the simultaneous presence of Hamiltonian unitary dynamics and nonunitary drive and dissipation. The challenge is then to connect this microscopic physics to macroscopic observables, and to identify universal collective phenomena that uniquely witness the breaking of equilibrium conditions, thus having no equilibrium counterparts. In the framework of a Lindblad-Keldysh field theory, we discuss on the one hand the principles delimiting thermodynamic equilibrium from driven open stationary states, and on the other hand show how unifying concepts such as symmetries, the purity of states, and scaling arguments are implemented. We then present instances of universal behavior structured into three classes: new realizations of paradigmatic nonequilibrium phenomena, including a survey of first experimental realizations; novel instances of nonequilibrium universality found in these systems made of quantum ingredients; and genuinely quantum phenomena out of equilibrium, including in fermionic systems. We also discuss perspectives for future research on driven open quantum matter.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Dual-VQE: A quantum algorithm to lower bound the ground-state energy. (arXiv:2312.03083v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Thu, 2023-12-07 04:45

The variational quantum eigensolver (VQE) is a hybrid quantum--classical variational algorithm that produces an upper-bound estimate of the ground-state energy of a Hamiltonian. As quantum computers become more powerful and go beyond the reach of classical brute-force simulation, it is important to assess the quality of solutions produced by them. Here we propose a dual variational quantum eigensolver (dual-VQE) that produces a lower-bound estimate of the ground-state energy. As such, VQE and dual-VQE can serve as quality checks on their solutions; in the ideal case, the VQE upper bound and the dual-VQE lower bound form an interval containing the true optimal value of the ground-state energy. The idea behind dual-VQE is to employ semi-definite programming duality to rewrite the ground-state optimization problem as a constrained maximization problem, which itself can be bounded from below by an unconstrained optimization problem to be solved by a variational quantum algorithm. When using a convex combination ansatz in conjunction with a classical generative model, the quantum computational resources needed to evaluate the objective function of dual-VQE are no greater than those needed for that of VQE. We simulated the performance of dual-VQE on the transverse-field Ising model, and found that, for the example considered, while dual-VQE training is slower and noisier than VQE, it approaches the true value with error of order $10^{-2}$.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Flexible polar encoding for information reconciliation in QKD. (arXiv:2312.03100v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Thu, 2023-12-07 04:45

Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) enables two parties to establish a common secret key that is information-theoretically secure by transmitting random bits that are encoded as qubits and sent over a quantum channel, followed by classical information processing steps known as information reconciliation and key extraction. Transmission of information over a quantum channel introduces errors that are generally considered to be due to the adversary's tempering with the quantum channel and needs to be corrected using classical communication over an (authenticated) public channel. Commonly used error-correcting codes in the context of QKD include cascade codes, low-density parity check (LDPC) codes, and more recently polar codes. In this work, we explore the applicability of designing of a polar code encoder based on a channel reliability sequence. We show that the reliability sequence can be derived and used to design an encoder independent of the choice of decoder. We then implement our design and evaluate its performance against previous implementations of polar code encoders for QKD as well as other typical error-correcting codes. A key advantage of our approach is the modular design which decouples the encoder and decoder design and allows independent optimization of each. Our work leads to more versatile polar code-based error reconciliation in QKD systems that would result in deployment in a broader range of scenarios.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Absence of backscattering in Fermi-arc-mediated conductivity of topological Dirac semimetal Cd$_{3}$As$_{2}$. (arXiv:2312.03108v1 [cond-mat.str-el]) Quantum Physics - Thu, 2023-12-07 04:45

Having previously been the subject of decades of semiconductor research, cadmium arsenide has now reemerged as a topological material, realizing ideal three-dimensional Dirac points at the Fermi level. These topological Dirac points lead to a number of extraordinary transport phenomena, including strong quantum oscillations, large magnetoresistance, ultrahigh mobilities, and Fermi velocities exceeding graphene. The large mobilities persist even in thin films and nanowires of cadmium arsenide, suggesting the involvement of topological surface states. However, computational studies of the surface states in this material are lacking, in part due to the large 80-atom unit cell. Here we present the computed Fermi arc surface states of a cadmium arsenide thin film, based on a tight-binding model derived directly from the electronic structure. We show that despite the close proximity of the Dirac points, the Fermi arcs are very long and straight, extending through nearly the entire Brillouin zone. The shape and spin properties of the Fermi arcs suppress both back- and side- scattering at the surface, which we show by explicit integrals over the phase space. The introduction of a small symmetry-breaking term, expected in a strong electric field, gaps the electronic structure, creating a weak topological insulator phase that exhibits similar transport properties. Crucially, the mechanisms suppressing scattering in this material differ from those in other topological materials such as Weyl semimetals and topological insulators, suggesting a new route for engineering high-mobility devices based on Dirac semimetal surface states.

Categories: Journals, Physics

The Automated Bias Triangle Feature Extraction Framework. (arXiv:2312.03110v1 [cond-mat.mes-hall]) Quantum Physics - Thu, 2023-12-07 04:45

Bias triangles represent features in stability diagrams of Quantum Dot (QD) devices, whose occurrence and property analysis are crucial indicators for spin physics. Nevertheless, challenges associated with quality and availability of data as well as the subtlety of physical phenomena of interest have hindered an automatic and bespoke analysis framework, often still relying (in part) on human labelling and verification. We introduce a feature extraction framework for bias triangles, built from unsupervised, segmentation-based computer vision methods, which facilitates the direct identification and quantification of physical properties of the former. Thereby, the need for human input or large training datasets to inform supervised learning approaches is circumvented, while additionally enabling the automation of pixelwise shape and feature labeling. In particular, we demonstrate that Pauli Spin Blockade (PSB) detection can be conducted effectively, efficiently and without any training data as a direct result of this approach.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Longitudinal (curvature) couplings of an $N$-level qudit to a superconducting resonator at the adiabatic limit and beyond. (arXiv:2312.03118v1 [cond-mat.mes-hall]) Quantum Physics - Thu, 2023-12-07 04:45

Understanding how and to what magnitude solid-state qubits couple to metallic wires is crucial to the design of quantum systems such as quantum computers. Here, we investigate the coupling between a multi-level system, or qudit, and a superconducting (SC) resonator's electromagnetic field, focusing on the interaction involving both the transition and diagonal dipole moments of the qudit. Specifically, we explore the effective dynamical (time-dependent) longitudinal coupling that arises when a solid-state qudit is adiabatically modulated at small gate frequencies and amplitudes, in addition to a static dispersive interaction with the SC resonator. For the first time, we derive Hamiltonians describing the longitudinal multi-level interactions in a general dispersive regime, encompassing both dynamical longitudinal and dispersive interactions. These Hamiltonians smoothly transition between their adiabatic values, where the couplings of the n-th level are proportional to the level's energy curvature concerning a qudit gate voltage, and the substantially larger dispersive values, which occur due to a resonant form factor. We provide several examples illustrating the transition from adiabatic to dispersive coupling in different qubit systems, including the charge (1e DQD) qubit, the transmon, the double quantum dot singlet-triplet qubit, and the triple quantum dot exchange-only qubit. In some of these qubits, higher energy levels play a critical role, particularly when their qubit's dipole moment is minimal or zero. For an experimentally relevant scenario involving a spin-charge qubit with magnetic field gradient coupled capacitively to a SC resonator, we showcase the potential of these interactions. They enable close-to-quantum-limited quantum non-demolition (QND) measurements and remote geometric phase gates, demonstrating their practical utility in quantum information processing.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Efficient quantum circuits for port-based teleportation. (arXiv:2312.03188v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Thu, 2023-12-07 04:45

Port-based teleportation (PBT) is a variant of quantum teleportation that, unlike the canonical protocol by Bennett et al., does not require a correction operation on the teleported state. Since its introduction by Ishizaka and Hiroshima in 2008, no efficient implementation of PBT was known. We close this long-standing gap by building on our recent results on representations of partially transposed permutation matrix algebras and mixed quantum Schur transform. We describe efficient quantum circuits for probabilistic and deterministic PBT protocols on $n$ ports of arbitrary local dimension, both for EPR and optimized resource states. We describe two constructions based on different encodings of the Gelfand-Tsetlin basis for $n$ qudits: a standard encoding that achieves $\widetilde{O}(n)$ time and $O(n\mathrm{log}(n))$ space complexity, and a Yamanouchi encoding that achieves $\widetilde{O}(n^2)$ time and $O(\mathrm{log}(n))$ space complexity, both for constant local dimension and target error. We also describe efficient circuits for preparing the optimal resource states.

Categories: Journals, Physics

$n$-body anti-bunching in a degenerate Fermi gas of $^3$He* atoms. (arXiv:2312.03189v1 [cond-mat.quant-gas]) Quantum Physics - Thu, 2023-12-07 04:45

A key observable in investigations into quantum systems are the $n$-body correlation functions, which provide a powerful tool for experimentally determining coherence and directly probing the many-body wavefunction. While the (bosonic) correlations of photonic systems are well explored, the correlations present in matter-wave systems, particularly for fermionic atoms, are still an emerging field. In this work, we use the unique single-atom detection properties of $^3$He* atoms to perform simultaneous measurements of the $n$-body quantum correlations, up to the fifth-order, of a degenerate Fermi gas. In a direct demonstration of the Pauli exclusion principle, we observe clear anti-bunching at all orders and find good agreement with predicted correlation volumes. Our results pave the way for using correlation functions to probe some of the rich physics associated with fermionic systems, such as d-wave pairing in superconductors.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Quantum Fusion of Independent Networks Based on Multi-user Entanglement Swapping. (arXiv:2312.03279v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Thu, 2023-12-07 04:45

With the advance development in quantum science, constructing a large-scale quantum network has become a hot area of future quantum information technology. Future quantum networks promise to enable many fantastic applications and will unlock fundamentally new technologies in information security and large-scale computation. The future quantum internet is required to connect quantum information processors to achieve unparalleled capabilities in secret communication and enable quantum communication between any two points on Earth. However, the existing quantum networks are basically constructed to realize the communication between the end users in their own networks. How to bridge different independent networks to form a fully-connected quantum internet becomes a pressing challenge for future networks. Here, we demonstrate the quantum fusion of two independent networks for the first time based on multiuser entanglement swapping, to merge two 10-user networks into a larger network with 18 users in quantum correlation layer. By performing the Bell state measurement between two nonneighboring nodes, the users from different networks can establish entanglement and ultimately every pair of the 18 users are able to communicate with each other using the swapped states. Our approach opens attractive opportunities for the establishment of quantum entanglement between remote nodes in different networks, which facilitates versatile quantum information interconnects and has great application in constructing large-scale intercity quantum communication networks.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Advantage of probabilistic non-Gaussian operations in the distillation of single mode squeezed vacuum state. (arXiv:2312.03320v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Thu, 2023-12-07 04:45

We consider the distillation of squeezing in single mode squeezed vacuum state using three different probabilistic non-Gaussian operations: photon subtraction (PS), photon addition (PA) and photon catalysis (PC). To accomplish this, we consider a practical model to implement these non-Gaussian operations and derive the Wigner characteristic function of the resulting non-Gaussian states. Our result shows that while PS and PC operations can distill squeezing, PA operations cannot. Furthermore, we delve into the success probabilities associated with these non-Gaussian operations and identify optimal parameters for the distillation of squeezing. Our current analysis holds significant relevance for experimental endeavors concerned with squeezing distillation.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Quantum Random Number Generation with Partial Source Assumptions. (arXiv:2312.03333v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Thu, 2023-12-07 04:45

Quantum random number generator harnesses the power of quantum mechanics to generate true random numbers, making it valuable for various scientific applications. However, real-world devices often suffer from imperfections that can undermine the integrity and privacy of generated randomness. To combat this issue, we present a novel quantum random number generator and experimentally demonstrate it. Our approach circumvents the need for exhaustive characterization of measurement devices, even in the presence of a quantum side channel. Additionally, we also do not require detailed characterization of the source, relying instead on reasonable assumptions about encoding dimension and noise constraints. Leveraging commercially available all-fiber devices, we achieve a randomness generation rate of 40 kbps.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Observations of super-resolution using phase-controlled coherent photons in a delayed-choice quantum eraser scheme. (arXiv:2312.03343v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Thu, 2023-12-07 04:45

Super-resolution overcoming the standard quantum limit has been intensively studied for quantum sensing applications of precision target detection over the last decades. Not only higher-order entangled photons but also phase-controlled coherent photons have been used to demonstrate the super-resolution. Due to the extreme inefficiency of higher-order entangled photon-pair generation and ultralow signal-to-noise ratio, however, quantum sensing has been severely limited. Here, we report observations of coherently excited super-resolution using phase-controlled coherent photons in a delayed-choice quantum eraser scheme. Using phase manipulations of the quantum erasers, super-resolution has been observed for higher-order intensity correlations between them, satisfying the Heisenberg limit in phase resolution. This new type of precision phase-detection technique opens the door to practical applications of quantum sensing compatible with current technologies based on coherence optics.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Measuring the arrival time of an electron wave packet using a dynamical potential barrier. (arXiv:2312.03385v1 [cond-mat.mes-hall]) Quantum Physics - Thu, 2023-12-07 04:45

A time-dependent potential barrier has been used to probe the arrival-time distribution of the wave packet of a hot electron by raising the barrier to block the packet upon arrival of the packet at the barrier. To see whether the barrier precisely detects the distribution, it is necessary to study an error caused by a finite rising speed of the barrier. For this purpose, we study transmission of an electron wave packet through the dynamical barrier, and identify two regimes, the semiclassical regime and the quasistatic regime. In each regime, we calculate the arrival-time distribution reconstructed by using the barrier and quantify the error in the detection, the difference of the temporal uncertainty between the wave-packet distribution and the reconstructed distribution. Our finding suggests that for precise detection, the time scale, in which the barrier height rises over the energy distribution of the wave packet and the tunneling energy window of the barrier, has to be much shorter than the temporal uncertainty of the wave packet. The analytical results are confirmed with numerical calculations.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Three-dimensional harmonic oscillator as a quantum Otto engine. (arXiv:2312.03387v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Thu, 2023-12-07 04:45

A quantum Otto engine based on a three-dimensional harmonic oscillator is proposed. One of the modes of this oscillator functions as the working fluid, while the other two play the role of baths. The coupling between the working fluid and the baths is controlled using an external central potential. All four strokes of the engine are simulated numerically, exploring the nonadiabatic effects in the compression and expansion phases, as well as the energy transfer during the working fluid's contact with the baths. The efficiency and power of several realizations of the proposed engine are also computed with the former agreeing well with the theoretical predictions for the quantum Otto cycle.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Multiple wave packets running in the photon number-space. (arXiv:2312.03402v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Thu, 2023-12-07 04:45

If a two-level system coupled to a single-mode cavity is strongly driven by an external laser, instead of a continuous accumulation of photons in the cavity, oscillations in the mean photon number occur. These oscillations correspond to peaks of finite width running up and down in the photon number distribution, reminiscent of wave packets in linear chain models. A single wave packet is found if the cavity is resonant to the external laser. Here, we show that for finite detuning multiple packet structures can exist simultaneously, oscillating at different frequencies and amplitudes. We further study the influence of dissipative effects resulting in the formation of a stationary state, which depending on the parameters can be characterized by a bimodal photon number distribution. While we give analytical limits for the maximally achievable photon number in the absence of any dissipation, surprisingly, dephasing processes can push the photon occupations towards higher photon numbers.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Quantum-Inspired Neural Network Model of Optical Illusions. (arXiv:2312.03447v1 [physics.soc-ph]) Quantum Physics - Thu, 2023-12-07 04:45

Ambiguous optical illusions have been a paradigmatic object of fascination, research and inspiration in arts, psychology and video games. However, accurate computational models of perception of ambiguous figures have been elusive. In this paper, we design and train a deep neural network model to simulate the human's perception of the Necker cube, an ambiguous drawing with several alternating possible interpretations. Defining the weights of the neural network connection using a quantum generator of truly random numbers, in agreement with the emerging concepts of quantum artificial intelligence and quantum cognition we reveal that the actual perceptual state of the Necker cube is a qubit-like superposition of the two fundamental perceptual states predicted by classical theories. Our results will find applications in video games and virtual reality systems employed for training of astronauts and operators of unmanned aerial vehicles. They will also be useful for researchers working in the fields of machine learning and vision, psychology of perception and quantum-mechanical models of human mind and decision-making.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Telling different unravelings apart via nonlinear quantum-trajectory averages. (arXiv:2312.03452v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Thu, 2023-12-07 04:45

We propose a way to operationally infer different unravelings of the Gorini-Kossakowski-Sudarshan-Lindblad master equation appealing to stochastic conditional dynamics via quantum trajectories. We focus on the paradigmatic quantum nonlinear system of resonance fluorescence for the two most popular unravelings: the Poisson-type, corresponding to direct detection of the photons scattered from the two-level emitter, and the Wiener-type, revealing complementary attributes of the signal to be measured, such as the wave amplitude and the spectrum. We show that a quantum-trajectory-averaged variance, made of single trajectories beyond the standard description offered by the density-matrix formalism, is able to make a distinction between the different environments encountered by the field scattered from the two-level emitter. Our proposal is tested against commonly encountered experimental limitations, and can be readily extended to account for open quantum systems with several degrees of freedom.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Modeling the dynamics of quantum systems coupled to large dimensional baths using effective energy states. (arXiv:2312.03460v1 [physics.chem-ph]) Quantum Physics - Thu, 2023-12-07 04:45

The quantum dynamics of a low-dimensional system in contact with a large but finite harmonic bath is theoretically investigated by coarse-graining the bath into a reduced set of effective energy states. In this model, the couplings between the system and the bath are obtained from the statistical average over the discrete, degenerate effective states. Our model is aimed at intermediate bath sizes in which non-Markovian processes and energy transfer between the bath and the main system are important. The method is applied to a model system of a Morse oscillator coupled to 40 harmonic modes. The results are found to be in excellent agreement with the direct quantum dynamics simulations of Bouakline et al. [J. Phys. Chem. A 116, 11118-11127 (2012)], but at a much lower computational cost. Extension to larger baths is discussed in comparison to the time-convolutionless method. We also extend this study to the case of a microcanonical bath with finite initial internal energies. The computational efficiency and convergence properties of the effective bath states model with respect to relevant parameters are also discussed.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Quantum-secured single-pixel imaging under general spoofing attack. (arXiv:2312.03465v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Thu, 2023-12-07 04:45

In this paper, we introduce a quantum-secured single-pixel imaging (QS-SPI) technique designed to withstand spoofing attacks, wherein adversaries attempt to deceive imaging systems with fake signals. Unlike previous quantum-secured protocols that impose a threshold error rate limiting their operation, even with the existence of true signals, our approach not only identifies spoofing attacks but also facilitates the reconstruction of a true image. Our method involves the analysis of a specific mode correlation of a photon-pair, which is independent of the mode used for image construction, to check security. Through this analysis, we can identify both the targeted image region by the attack and the type of spoofing attack, enabling reconstruction of the true image. A proof-of-principle demonstration employing polarization-correlation of a photon-pair is provided, showcasing successful image reconstruction even under the condition of spoofing signals 2000 times stronger than the true signals. We expect our approach to be applied to quantum-secured signal processing such as quantum target detection or ranging.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Convolutional neural network based decoders for surface codes. (arXiv:2312.03508v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Thu, 2023-12-07 04:45

The decoding of error syndromes of surface codes with classical algorithms may slow down quantum computation. To overcome this problem it is possible to implement decoding algorithms based on artificial neural networks. This work reports a study of decoders based on convolutional neural networks, tested on different code distances and noise models. The results show that decoders based on convolutional neural networks have good performance and can adapt to different noise models. Moreover, explainable machine learning techniques have been applied to the neural network of the decoder to better understand the behaviour and errors of the algorithm, in order to produce a more robust and performing algorithm.

Categories: Journals, Physics
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