
Quantum memory assisted observable estimation. (arXiv:2212.07710v3 [quant-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Wed, 2023-12-13 10:45

The estimation of many-qubit observables is an essential task of quantum information processing. The generally applicable approach is to decompose the observables into weighted sums of multi-qubit Pauli strings, i.e., tensor products of single-qubit Pauli matrices, which can readily be measured with single qubit rotations. The accumulation of shot noise in this approach, however, severely limits the achievable variance for a finite number of measurements. We introduce a novel method, dubbed Coherent Pauli Summation (CPS) that circumvents this limitation by exploiting access to a single-qubit quantum memory in which measurement information can be stored and accumulated. Our algorithm offers a reduction in the required number of measurements for a given variance that scales linearly with the number of Pauli strings of the decomposed observable. Our work demonstrates how a single long-coherence qubit memory can assist the operation of noisy many-qubit quantum devices in a cardinal task.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Boundary states of Three Dimensional Topological Order and the Deconfined Quantum Critical Point. (arXiv:2212.09754v2 [cond-mat.str-el] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Wed, 2023-12-13 10:45

We study the boundary states of the archetypal three-dimensional topological order, i.e. the three-dimensional $\mathbb{Z}_2$ toric code. There are three distinct elementary types of boundary states that we will consider in this work. In the phase diagram that includes the three elementary boundaries there may exist a multi-critical point, which is captured by the so-called deconfined quantum critical point (DQCP) with an "easy-axis" anisotropy. Moreover, there is an emergent $\mathbb{Z}_{2,\text{d}}$ symmetry that swaps two of the boundary types, and it becomes part of the global symmetry of the DQCP. The emergent $\mathbb{Z}_{2,\text{d}}$ symmetry on the boundary is originated from a type of surface defect in the bulk. We further find a gapped boundary with a surface topological order that is invariant under the emergent symmetry.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Reinforcement learning optimization of the charging of a Dicke quantum battery. (arXiv:2212.12397v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Wed, 2023-12-13 10:45

Quantum batteries are energy-storing devices, governed by quantum mechanics, that promise high charging performance thanks to collective effects. Due to its experimental feasibility, the Dicke battery - which comprises $N$ two-level systems coupled to a common photon mode - is one of the most promising designs for quantum batteries. Here, we use reinforcement learning to optimize the charging process of a Dicke battery either by modulating the coupling strength, or the system-cavity detuning. We find that the extractable energy (ergotropy) and quantum mechanical energy fluctuations (charging precision) can be greatly improved with respect to standard charging strategies. Notably, the collective speedup of the charging time can be preserved even when nearly fully charging the battery.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Thermodynamic state convertibility is determined by qubit cooling and heating. (arXiv:2301.06048v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Wed, 2023-12-13 10:45

Thermodynamics plays an important role both in the foundations of physics and in technological applications. An operational perspective adopted in recent years is to formulate it as a quantum resource theory. At the core of this theory is the interconversion between athermality states, i.e., states out of thermal equilibrium. Here, we solve the question how athermality can be used to heat and cool other quantum systems that are initially at thermal equilibrium. We then show that the convertibility between quasi-classical resources (resources that do not exhibit coherence between different energy eigenstates) is fully characterized by their ability to cool and heat qubits, i.e., by two of the most fundamental thermodynamical tasks on the simplest quantum systems.

Categories: Journals, Physics

High-dimensional Encoding in the Round-Robin Differential-Phase-Shift Protocol. (arXiv:2302.07888v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Wed, 2023-12-13 10:45

In quantum key distribution (QKD), protocols are tailored to adopt desirable experimental attributes, including high key rates, operation in high noise levels, and practical security considerations. The round-robin differential phase shift protocol (RRDPS), falling in the family of differential phase shift protocols, was introduced to remove restrictions on the security analysis, such as the requirement to monitor signal disturbances, improving its practicality in implementations. While the RRDPS protocol requires the encoding of single photons in high-dimensional quantum states, at most, only one bit of secret key is distributed per sifted photon. However, another family of protocols, namely high-dimensional (HD) QKD, enlarges the encoding alphabet, allowing single photons to carry more than one bit of secret key each. The high-dimensional BB84 protocol exemplifies the potential benefits of such an encoding scheme, such as larger key rates and higher noise tolerance. Here, we devise an approach to extend the RRDPS QKD to an arbitrarily large encoding alphabet and explore the security consequences. We demonstrate our new framework with a proof-of-concept experiment and show that it can adapt to various experimental conditions by optimizing the protocol parameters. Our approach offers insight into bridging the gap between seemingly incompatible quantum communication schemes by leveraging the unique approaches to information encoding of both HD and DPS QKD.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Fluxonium Qubits in a Flip-Chip Package. (arXiv:2303.01481v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Wed, 2023-12-13 10:45

The strong anharmonicity and high coherence times inherent to fluxonium superconducting circuits are beneficial for quantum information processing. In addition to requiring high-quality physical qubits, a quantum processor needs to be assembled in a manner that minimizes crosstalk and decoherence. In this paper, we report work on fluxonium qubits packaged in a flip-chip architecture, where a classical control and readout chip is bump-bonded to the quantum chip, forming a multi-chip module (MCM). The modular approach allows for improved connectivity between the qubits and control/readout elements, and separate fabrication processes. We characterize the coherence properties of the individual fluxonium qubits, demonstrate high fidelity single-qubit gates with 6 ns microwave pulses (without DRAG), and identify the main decoherence mechanisms to improve on the reported results.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Improved clinical data imputation via classical and quantum determinantal point processes. (arXiv:2303.17893v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Wed, 2023-12-13 10:45

Imputing data is a critical issue for machine learning practitioners, including in the life sciences domain, where missing clinical data is a typical situation and the reliability of the imputation is of great importance. Currently, there is no canonical approach for imputation of clinical data and widely used algorithms introduce variance in the downstream classification. Here we propose novel imputation methods based on determinantal point processes that enhance popular techniques such as the Multivariate Imputation by Chained Equations (MICE) and MissForest. Their advantages are two-fold: improving the quality of the imputed data demonstrated by increased accuracy of the downstream classification; and providing deterministic and reliable imputations that remove the variance from the classification results. We experimentally demonstrate the advantages of our methods by performing extensive imputations on synthetic and real clinical data. We also perform quantum hardware experiments by applying the quantum circuits for DPP sampling, since such quantum algorithms provide a computational advantage with respect to classical ones. We demonstrate competitive results with up to ten qubits for small-scale imputation tasks on a state-of-the-art IBM quantum processor. Our classical and quantum methods improve the effectiveness and robustness of clinical data prediction modeling by providing better and more reliable data imputations. These improvements can add significant value in settings demanding high precision, such as in pharmaceutical drug trials where our approach can provide higher confidence in the predictions made.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Dissipative Boundary State Preparation. (arXiv:2305.00031v2 [cond-mat.mes-hall] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Wed, 2023-12-13 10:45

We devise a generic and experimentally accessible recipe to prepare boundary states of topological or nontopological quantum systems through an interplay between coherent Hamiltonian dynamics and local dissipation. Intuitively, our recipe harnesses the spatial structure of boundary states which vanish on sublattices where losses are suitably engineered. This yields unique nontrivial steady states that populate the targeted boundary states with infinite lifetimes while all other states are exponentially damped in time. Remarkably, applying loss only at one boundary can yield a unique steady state localized at the very same boundary. We detail our construction and rigorously derive full Liouvillian spectra and dissipative gaps in the presence of a spectral mirror symmetry for a one-dimensional Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model and a two-dimensional Chern insulator. We outline how our recipe extends to generic noninteracting systems.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Kinetics of information scrambling in correlated electrons: disorder-driven transition from shock-wave to FKPP dynamics. (arXiv:2305.04958v2 [cond-mat.stat-mech] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Wed, 2023-12-13 10:45

Quenched disorder slows down the scrambling of quantum information. Using a bottom-up approach, we formulate a kinetic theory of scrambling in a correlated metal near a superconducting transition, following the scrambling dynamics as the impurity scattering rate is increased. Within this framework, we rigorously show that the butterfly velocity $v$ is bounded by the light cone velocity $v_{\rm lc }$ set by the Fermi velocity. We analytically identify a disorder-driven dynamical transition occurring at small but finite disorder strength between a spreading of information characterized at late times by a discontinuous shock wave propagating at the maximum velocity $v_{\rm lc}$, and a smooth traveling wave belonging to the Fisher or Kolmogorov-Petrovsky-Piskunov (FKPP) class and propagating at a slower, if not considerably slower, velocity $v$. In the diffusive regime, we establish the relation $v^2/\lambda_{\rm FKPP} \sim D_{\rm el}$ where $\lambda_{\rm FKPP}$ is the Lyapunov exponent set by the inelastic scattering rate and $D_{\rm el}$ is the elastic diffusion constant.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Cavity magnonics with easy-axis ferromagnet: Critically enhanced magnon squeezing and light-matter interaction. (arXiv:2305.08119v2 [cond-mat.mes-hall] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Wed, 2023-12-13 10:45

Generating and probing the magnon squeezing is an important challenge in the field of quantum magnonics. In this work, we propose a cavity magnonics setup with an easy-axis ferromagnet to address this challenge. To this end, we first establish a mechanism for the generation of magnon squeezing in the easy-axis ferromagnet and show that the magnon squeezing can be critically enhanced by tuning an external magnetic field near the Ising phase transition point. When the magnet is coupled to the cavity field, the effective cavity-magnon interaction becomes proportional to the magnon squeezing, allowing one to enhance the cavity-magnon coupling strength using a static field. We demonstrate that the magnon squeezing can be probed by measuring the frequency shift of the cavity field. Moreover, a magnonic superradiant phase transition can be observed in our setup by tuning the static magnetic field, overcoming the challenge that the magnetic interaction between the cavity and the magnet is typically too weak to drive the superradiant transition. Our work paves the way to develop unique capabilities of cavity magnonics that goes beyond the conventional cavity QED physics by harnessing the intrinsic property of a magnet.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Hubbard parameters for programmable tweezer arrays. (arXiv:2306.03019v3 [cond-mat.quant-gas] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Wed, 2023-12-13 10:45

The experimental realization of Fermi-Hubbard tweezer arrays opens a new stage for engineering fermionic matter, where programmable lattice geometries and Hubbard model parameters are combined with single-site imaging. In order to use these versatile experimental Fermi-Hubbard models as quantum simulators, it is crucial to know the Hubbard parameters describing them. Here we develop methods to calculate the Hubbard model parameters of arbitrary two-dimensional lattice geometries: the tunneling $t$, on-site potential $V$, and interaction $U$, for multiple bands and for both fermions and bosons. We show several examples. One notable finding is that a finite array of equally strong and separated individual tweezer potentials actually sums to give a non-periodic total potential and thus spatially non-uniform Hubbard parameters. We demonstrate procedures to find trap configurations that equalize these parameters. More generally, these procedures solve the inverse problem of calculating Hubbard parameters: given desired Hubbard parameters, find trap configurations to realize them. These methods will be critical tools for using tunnel-coupled tweezer arrays.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Localization effects in disordered quantum batteries. (arXiv:2306.13164v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Wed, 2023-12-13 10:45

We investigate the effect of localization on the local charging of quantum batteries (QBs) modeled by disordered spin systems. Two distinct schemes based on the transverse-field random Ising model are considered, with Ising couplings defined on a Chimera graph and on a linear chain with up to next-to-nearest neighbor interactions. By adopting a low-energy demanding charging process driven by local fields only, we obtain that the maximum extractable energy by unitary processes (ergotropy) is highly enhanced in the ergodic phase in comparison with the many-body localization (MBL) scenario. As we turn off the next-to-nearest neighbor interactions in the Ising chain, we have the onset of the Anderson localization phase. We then show that the Anderson phase exhibits a hybrid behavior, interpolating between large and small ergotropy as the disorder strength is increased. We also consider the splitting of total ergotropy into its coherent and incoherent contributions. This incoherent part implies in a residual ergotropy that is fully robust against dephasing, which is a typical process leading to the self-discharging of the battery in a real setup. Our results are experimentally feasible in scalable systems, such as in superconducting integrated circuits.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Modeling the Performance of Early Fault-Tolerant Quantum Algorithms. (arXiv:2306.17235v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Wed, 2023-12-13 10:45

Progress in fault-tolerant quantum computation (FTQC) has driven the pursuit of practical applications with early fault-tolerant quantum computers (EFTQC). These devices, limited in their qubit counts and fault-tolerance capabilities, require algorithms that can accommodate some degrees of error, which are known as EFTQC algorithms. To predict the onset of early quantum advantage, a comprehensive methodology is needed to develop and analyze EFTQC algorithms, drawing insights from both the methodologies of noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) and traditional FTQC. To address this need, we propose such a methodology for modeling algorithm performance on EFTQC devices under varying degrees of error. As a case study, we apply our methodology to analyze the performance of Randomized Fourier Estimation (RFE), an EFTQC algorithm for phase estimation. We investigate the runtime performance and the fault-tolerant overhead of RFE in comparison to the traditional quantum phase estimation algorithm. Our analysis reveals that RFE achieves significant savings in physical qubit counts while having a much higher runtime upper bound. We anticipate even greater physical qubit savings when considering more realistic assumptions about the performance of EFTQC devices. By providing insights into the performance trade-offs and resource requirements of EFTQC algorithms, our work contributes to the development of practical and efficient quantum computing solutions on the path to quantum advantage.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Quantum thermodynamics of de Sitter space. (arXiv:2307.04800v3 [gr-qc] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Wed, 2023-12-13 10:45

We consider the local physics of an open quantum system embedded in an expanding three-dimensional space $\mathbf x$, evolving in cosmological time $t$, weakly coupled to a massless quantum field. We derive the corresponding Markovian master equation for the system's nonunitary evolution and show that, for a de Sitter space with Hubble parameter $h = $ const., the background fields act as a physical heat bath with temperature $T_{\rm dS} = h / 2 \pi$. The energy density of this bath obeys the Stefan-Boltzmann law $\rho_{\rm dS} \propto h^4$. We comment on how these results clarify the thermodynamics of de Sitter space and support previous arguments for its instability in the infrared. The cosmological implications are considered in an accompanying letter.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Optimal realization of Yang-Baxter gate on quantum computers. (arXiv:2307.16781v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Wed, 2023-12-13 10:45

Quantum computers provide a promising method to study the dynamics of many-body systems beyond classical simulation. Integrable systems lay the theoretical foundation for our understanding on the dynamics of the many-body system. Quantum simulation of the integrable system not only provides a valid benchmark for quantum computers but is also the first step in studying integrable-breaking systems. The building block for the simulation of an integrable system is the Yang-Baxter gate. It is vital to know how to optimally realize the Yang-Baxter gates on quantum computers. Based on the geometric picture of the Yang-Baxter gates, we present the optimal realizations of two types of Yang-Baxter gates with a minimal number of CNOT or $R_{zz}$ gates. We also show how to systematically realize the Yang-Baxter gates via the pulse control on IBM quantum computers. We test and compare the different realizations on IBM quantum computers. We find that the pulse realizations of the Yang-Baxter gates always have a higher gate fidelity compared to the optimal CNOT or $R_{zz}$ realizations. On the basis of the above optimal realizations, we demonstrate the simulation of the Yang-Baxter equation on quantum computers. Our results provide a guideline and standard for further experimental studies based on the Yang-Baxter gate.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Universality of Three Identical Bosons with Large, Negative Effective Range. (arXiv:2308.01394v2 [nucl-th] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Wed, 2023-12-13 10:45

"Resummed-Range Effective Field Theory'' is a consistent nonrelativistic effective field theory of contact interactions with large scattering length $a$ and an effective range $r_0$ large in magnitude but negative. Its leading order is non-perturbative. Its observables are universal, i.e.~they depend only on the dimensionless ratio $\xi:=2r_0/a$, with the overall distance scale set by $|r_0|$. In the two-body sector, the position of the two shallow $S$-wave poles in the complex plane is determined by $\xi$. We investigate three identical bosons at leading order for a two-body system with one bound and one virtual state ($\xi\le0$), or with two virtual states ($0\le\xi<1$). Such conditions might, for example, be found in systems of heavy mesons. We find that no three-body interaction is needed to renormalise (and stabilise) Resummed-Range EFT at LO. A well-defined ground state exists for $0.366\ldots\ge\xi\ge-8.72\ldots$. Three-body excitations appear for even smaller ranges of $\xi$ around the ``quasi-unitarity point'' $\xi=0$ ($|r_0|\ll|a|\to\infty$) and obey discrete scaling relations. We explore in detail the ground state and the lowest three excitations and parametrise their trajectories as function of $\xi$ and of the binding momentum $\kappa_2^-$ of the shallowest \twoB state from where three-body and two-body binding energies are identical to zero three-body binding. As $|r_0|\ll|a|$ becomes perturbative, this version turns into the ``Short-Range EFT'' which needs a stabilising three-body interaction and exhibits Efimov's Discrete Scale Invariance. By interpreting that EFT as a low-energy version of Resummed-Range EFT, we match spectra to determine Efimov's scale-breaking parameter $\Lambda_*$ in a renormalisation scheme with a ``hard'' cutoff. Finally, we compare phase shifts for scattering a boson on the two-boson bound state with that of the equivalent Efimov system.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Stabilizing two-qubit entanglement with dynamically decoupled active feedback. (arXiv:2308.03923v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Wed, 2023-12-13 10:45

We propose and analyze a protocol for stabilizing a maximally entangled state of two noninteracting qubits using active state-dependent feedback from a continuous two-qubit half-parity measurement in coordination with a concurrent, non-commuting dynamical decoupling drive. We demonstrate that such a drive can be simultaneous with the measurement and feedback, while also playing a key part in the feedback protocol itself. We show that robust stabilization with near-unit fidelity can be achieved even in the presence of realistic nonidealities, such as time delay in the feedback loop, imperfect state-tracking, inefficient measurements, dephasing from $1/f$-distributed qubit-frequency noise, and relaxation. We mitigate feedback-delay error by introducing a forward-state-estimation strategy in the feedback controller that tracks the effects of control signals already in transit. More generally, the steady state is globally attractive without the need for ancillas, regardless of the error state, in contrast to most known feedback and error correction schemes.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Embedding of a non-Hermitian Hamiltonian to emulate the von Neumann measurement scheme. (arXiv:2308.15411v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Wed, 2023-12-13 10:45

The problem of how measurement in quantum mechanics takes place has existed since its formulation. Von Neumann proposed a scheme where he treated measurement as a two-part process -- a unitary evolution in the full system-ancilla space and then a projection onto one of the pointer states of the ancilla (representing the "collapse" of the wavefunction). The Lindblad master equation, which has been extensively used to explain dissipative quantum phenomena in the presence of an environment, can effectively describe the first part of the von Neumann measurement scheme when the jump operators in the master equation are Hermitian. We have proposed a non-Hermitian Hamiltonian formalism to emulate the first part of the von Neumann measurement scheme. We have used the embedding protocol to dilate a non-Hermitian Hamiltonian that governs the dynamics in the system subspace into a higher-dimensional Hermitian Hamiltonian that evolves the full space unitarily. We have obtained the various constraints and the required dimensionality of the ancilla Hilbert space in order to achieve the required embedding. Using this particular embedding and a specific projection operator, one obtains non-Hermitian dynamics in the system subspace that closely follow the Lindblad master equation. This work lends a new perspective to the measurement problem by employing non-Hermitian Hamiltonians.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Ehrenfest Modeling of Cavity Vacuum Fluctuations and How to Achieve Emission from a Three-Level Atom. (arXiv:2309.01912v2 [physics.chem-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Wed, 2023-12-13 10:45

A much-needed solution for the efficient modeling of strong coupling between matter and optical cavity modes is offered by mean-field mixed quantum--classical dynamics, where a classical cavity field interacts self-consistently with quantum states of matter through Ehrenfest's theorem. We previously introduced a modified mean-field approach, referred to as decoupled mean-field (DC-MF) dynamics, wherein vacuum fluctuations of the cavity field are decoupled from the quantum-mechanical ground state as a means to resolve an unphysical drawing of energy from the vacuum fluctuations by a two-level atom. Here, we generalize DC-MF dynamics for an arbitrary number of (nondegenerate) atomic levels, and show that it resolves an unphysical lack of emission from a three-level atom predicted by conventional mean-field dynamics. We furthermore show DC-MF to provide an improved description of reabsorption and (resonant) two-photon emission processes.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Anatomy of the eigenstates distribution: a quest for a genuine multifractality. (arXiv:2309.06468v2 [cond-mat.dis-nn] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Wed, 2023-12-13 10:45

Motivated by a series of recent works, an interest in multifractal phases has risen as they are believed to be present in the Many-Body Localized (MBL) phase and are of high demand in quantum annealing and machine learning. Inspired by the success of the RosenzweigPorter (RP) model with Gaussian-distributed hopping elements, several RP-like ensembles with the fat-tailed distributed hopping terms have been proposed, with claims that they host the desired multifractal phase. In the present work, we develop a general (graphical) approach allowing a self-consistent analytical calculation of fractal dimensions for a generic RP model and investigate what features of the RP Hamiltonians can be responsible for the multifractal phase emergence. We conclude that the only feature contributing to a genuine multifractality is the on-site energies' distribution, meaning that no random matrix model with a statistically homogeneous distribution of diagonal disorder and uncorrelated off-diagonal terms can host a multifractal phase.

Categories: Journals, Physics
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