
Dilute measurement-induced cooling into many-body ground states. (arXiv:2311.05258v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Thu, 2023-12-21 18:45

Cooling a quantum system to its ground state is important for the characterization of non-trivial interacting systems, and in the context of a variety of quantum information platforms. In principle, this can be achieved by employing measurement-based passive steering protocols, where the steering steps are predetermined and are not based on measurement readouts. However, measurements, i.e., coupling the system to auxiliary quantum degrees of freedom, is rather costly, and protocols in which the number of measurements scales with system size will have limited practical applicability. Here, we identify conditions under which measurement-based cooling protocols can be taken to the dilute limit. For two examples of frustration-free one-dimensional spin chains, we show that steering on a single link is sufficient to cool these systems into their unique ground states. We corroborate our analytical arguments with finite-size numerical simulations and discuss further applications.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Dynamics of spin glass formation under tunable fluctuations in frustrated cavity QED experiments. (arXiv:2311.05682v2 [cond-mat.dis-nn] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Thu, 2023-12-21 18:45

We solve the dynamics of multi-mode cavity QED with frustrated atom-photon couplings using non-perturbative diagrammatics. Our technique enables a thorough investigation of the nature of the spin glass transition hosted in these platforms. We focus in particular on the role of quantum correlations in each of the atomic ensembles which form the frustrated spin network modeling the experiment. We report on the stabilizing effect of strong quantum fluctuations in fostering a glassy phase over extended time scales. At variance with this behaviour, in the semi-classical limit, spin glass order is pre-thermally obstructed by the ferromagnetic correlations present at the level of individual atomic ensembles, which substantially delay spin glass formation, acting as competing order. Our results set the stage for studying cavity QED experiments with tunable quantum fluctuations, and accompanying them in the transition from semi-classical to strongly correlated operational regimes.

Categories: Journals, Physics

A postgraduate laboratory experiment to set up a single-photon detector using MKIDs. (arXiv:2311.08295v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Thu, 2023-12-21 18:45

This paper presents a laboratory activity aimed at developing knowledge and expertise in microwave applications at cryogenic temperatures. The experience focuses on the detection of single infrared photons through Microwave Kinetic Inductance Detectors (MKIDs). The experimental setup, theoretical concepts, and activities involved are detailed, highlighting the skills and knowledge gained through the experience. This experiment is designed for postgraduate students in the field of quantum technologies.

Categories: Journals, Physics

A $\delta$-free approach to quantization of transmission lines connected to lumped circuits. (arXiv:2311.09897v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Thu, 2023-12-21 18:45

The quantization of systems composed of transmission lines connected to lumped circuits poses significant challenges, arising from the interplay between continuous and discrete degrees of freedom. A widely adopted strategy, based on the pioneering work of Yurke and Denker, entails representing the lumped circuit contributions using Lagrangian densities that incorporate Dirac $\delta$-functions. However, this approach introduces complications, as highlighted in the recent literature, including divergent momentum densities, necessitating the use of regularization techniques. In this work, we introduce a $\delta$-free Lagrangian formulation for a transmission line coupled to a lumped circuit without the need for a discretization of the transmission line or mode expansions. This is achieved by explicitly enforcing boundary conditions at the line ends in the principle of least action. In this framework, the quantization and the derivation of the Heisenberg equations of the network are straightforward. We apply our approach to an analytically solvable network consisting of a semi-infinite transmission line capacitively coupled to a LC circuit.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Random pure Gaussian states and Hawking radiation. (arXiv:2311.10562v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Thu, 2023-12-21 18:45

A black hole evaporates by Hawking radiation. Each mode of that radiation is thermal. If the total state is nevertheless to be pure, modes must be entangled. Estimating the minimum size of this entanglement has been an important outstanding issue. We develop a new theory of constrained random symplectic transformations, based on that the total state is pure and Gaussian with given marginals. In the random constrained symplectic model we then compute the distribution of mode-mode correlations, from which we bound mode-mode entanglement. Modes of frequency much larger than $\frac{k_B T_{H}(t)}{\hbar}$ are not populated at time $t$ and drop out of the analysis. Among the other modes find that correlations and hence entanglement between relatively thinly populated modes (early-time high-frequency modes and/or late modes of any frequency) to be strongly suppressed. Relatively highly populated modes (early-time low-frequency modes) can on the other hand be strongly correlated, but a detailed analysis reveals that they are nevertheless also weakly entangled. Our analysis hence establishes that restoring unitarity after a complete evaporation of a black hole does not require strong quantum entanglement between any pair of Hawking modes. Our analysis further gives exact general expressions for the distribution of mode-mode correlations in random, pure, Gaussian states with given marginals, which may have applications beyond black hole physics.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Two-dimensional symmetry-protected topological phases and transitions in open quantum systems. (arXiv:2311.12619v3 [quant-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Thu, 2023-12-21 18:45

We investigate the influence of local decoherence on a symmetry-protected topological (SPT) phase of the two-dimensional (2D) cluster state. Mapping the 2D cluster state under decoherence to a classical spin model, we show a topological phase transition of a $\mathbb{Z}_2^{(0)}\times\mathbb{Z}_{2}^{(1)}$ SPT phase into the trivial phase occurring at a finite decoherence strength. To characterize the phase transition, we employ three distinct diagnostic methods, namely, the relative entropy between two decohered SPT states with different topological edge states, the strange correlation function of $\mathbb{Z}_2^{(1)}$ charge, and the multipartite negativity of the mixed state on a disk. All the diagnostics can be obtained as certain thermodynamic quantities in the corresponding classical model, and the results of three diagnostic tests are consistent with each other. Given that the 2D cluster state possesses universal computational capabilities in the context of measurement-based quantum computation, the topological phase transition found here can also be interpreted as a transition in the computational power.

Categories: Journals, Physics

State Diagrams to determine Tree Tensor Network Operators. (arXiv:2311.13433v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Thu, 2023-12-21 18:45

This work is concerned with tree tensor network operators (TTNOs) for representing quantum Hamiltonians. We first establish a mathematical framework connecting tree topologies with state diagrams. Based on these, we devise an algorithm for constructing a TTNO given a Hamiltonian. The algorithm exploits the tensor product structure of the Hamiltonian to add paths to a state diagram, while combining local operators if possible. We test the capabilities of our algorithm on random Hamiltonians for a given tree structure. Additionally, we construct explicit TTNOs for nearest neighbour interactions on a tree topology. Furthermore, we derive a bound on the bond dimension of tensor operators representing arbitrary interactions on trees. Finally, we consider an open quantum system in the form of a Heisenberg spin chain coupled to bosonic bath sites as a concrete example. We find that tree structures allow for lower bond dimensions of the Hamiltonian tensor network representation compared to a matrix product operator structure. This reduction is large enough to reduce the number of total tensor elements required as soon as the number of baths per spin reaches $3$.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Page curve entanglement dynamics in an analytically solvable model. (arXiv:2311.18045v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Thu, 2023-12-21 18:45

The entanglement entropy of black holes is expected to follow the Page curve. After an initial linear increase with time the entanglement entropy should reach a maximum at the Page time and then decrease. This bending down of the Page curve and the apparent contradiction with Hawking's semiclassical calculation from 1975 is at the center of the black hole information paradox. Motivated by this - from the point of view of non-equilibrium quantum many-body systems - unusual behavior of the entanglement entropy, this paper introduces an exactly solvable model of free fermions that explicitly shows such a Page curve: Instead of saturating at a volume law the entanglement entropy vanishes asymptotically for late times. Physical observables like the particle current do not show any unusual behavior at the Page time and one can explicitly see how the semiclassical connection between particle current and entanglement generation breaks down.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Dynamical Magic Transitions in Monitored Clifford+T Circuits. (arXiv:2312.00132v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Thu, 2023-12-21 18:45

The classical simulation of highly-entangling quantum dynamics is conjectured to be generically hard. Thus, recently discovered measurement-induced transitions between highly entangling and low-entanglement dynamics are phase transitions in classical simulability. Here, we study simulability transitions beyond entanglement: noting that some highly-entangling dynamics (e.g., integrable systems or Clifford circuits) are easy to classically simulate, thus requiring "magic"--a subtle form of quantum resource--to achieve computational hardness, we ask how the dynamics of magic competes with measurements. We study the resulting "dynamical magic transitions" focusing on random monitored Clifford circuits doped by T gates (injecting magic). We identify dynamical "stabilizer-purification"--the collapse of a superposition of stabilizer states by measurements--as the mechanism driving this transition. We find cases where transitions in magic and entanglement coincide, but also others with a magic and simulability transition in a highly (volume-law) entangled phase. In establishing our results, we use Pauli-based computation, a scheme distilling the quantum essence of the dynamics to a magic state register subject to mutually commuting measurements. We link stabilizer-purification to "magic fragmentation" wherein these measurements separate into disjoint, O(1)-weight blocks, and relate this to the spread of magic in the original circuit becoming arrested.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Irreversible behaviour of a gas owing to Unruh radiation. (arXiv:2312.12048v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Thu, 2023-12-21 18:45

When gas molecules collide, they accelerate, and therefore encounter the Fulling-Davies-Unruh and Moore-DeWitt effects. The size of these effects is sufficient to randomize the motion of the gas molecules after about 1 nanosecond at standard temperature and pressure. Such observations show that quantum field theory modifies what is required to isolate a physical system sufficiently for its behaviour to be unitary. In practice the requirements are never satisfied exactly. Therefore the evolution of the observable universe is non-unitary and thermodynamically irreversible.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Dimension-free Remez Inequalities and norm designs. (arXiv:2310.07926v5 [quant-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Thu, 2023-12-21 18:45

The classical Remez inequality bounds the supremum of a bounded-degree polynomial on an interval $X$ by its supremum on any subset $Y\subset X$ of positive Lebesgue measure.

There are many multivariate generalizations of the Remez inequality, but most have constants that depend strongly on dimension.

Here we show that a broad class of domains $X$ and test sets $Y$ -- termed \emph{norm designs} -- enjoy dimension-free Remez-type estimates.

Instantiations of this theorem allow us for example \emph{a}) to bound the supremum of an $n$-variate degree-$d$ polynomial on the solid cube $[0,1]^n$ by its supremum on the regular grid $\{0,1/d,2/d,\ldots, 1\}^n$ independent of dimension; and \emph{b}) in the case of a degree-$d$ polynomial $f:\mathbf{Z}_K^n\to\mathbf{C}$ on the $n$-fold product of cyclic groups of order $K$, to show the supremum of $f$ does not increase by more than $\mathcal{O}(\log K)^{2d}$ when $f$ is extended to the polytorus as $f:\mathbf{T}^n\to\mathbf{C}$.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Islands Far Outside the Horizon. (arXiv:2312.03078v3 [hep-th] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Thu, 2023-12-21 18:45

Information located in an entanglement island in semiclassical gravity can be nonperturbatively reconstructed from distant radiation, implying a radical breakdown of effective field theory. We show that this occurs well outside of the black hole stretched horizon. We compute the island associated to large-angular momentum Hawking modes of a four-dimensional Schwarzschild black hole. These modes typically fall back into the black hole but can be extracted to infinity by relativistic strings or, more abstractly, by asymptotic boundary operators constructed using the timelike tube theorem. Remarkably, we find that their island can protrude a distance of order $\sqrt{\ell_p r_{\rm hor}}$ outside the horizon. This is parametrically larger than the Planck scale $\ell_p$ and is comparable to the Bohr radius for supermassive black holes. Therefore, in principle, a distant observer can determine experimentally whether the black hole information paradox is resolved by complementarity, or by a firewall.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Essay: Where Can Quantum Geometry Lead Us?. (arXiv:2312.11516v1 [cond-mat.supr-con]) Quantum Physics - Wed, 2023-12-20 17:45

Quantum geometry defines the phase and amplitude distances between quantum states. The phase distance is characterized by the Berry curvature and thus relates to topological phenomena. The significance of the full quantum geometry, including the amplitude distance characterized by the quantum metric, has started to receive attention in the last few years. Various quantum transport and interaction phenomena have been found to be critically influenced by quantum geometry. For example, quantum geometry allows counterintuitive flow of supercurrent in a flat band where single electrons are immobile. In this Essay, I will discuss my view of the important open problems and future applications of this research topic and will try to inspire the reader to come up with further ideas. At its best, quantum geometry can open a new chapter in band theory and lead to breakthroughs as transformative as room-temperature superconductivity. However, first, more experiments directly showing the effect of quantum geometry are needed. We also have to integrate quantum geometry analysis in our most advanced numerical methods. Further, the ramifications of quantum geometry should be studied in a wider range, including electric and electromagnetic responses and interaction phenomena in free- and correlated-electron materials, bosonic systems, optics, and other fields.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Shortcut-to-Adiabatic Controlled-Phase Gate in Rydberg Atoms. (arXiv:2312.11594v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Wed, 2023-12-20 17:45

A shortcut-to-adiabatic protocol for the realization of a fast and high-fidelity controlled-phase gate in Rydberg atoms is developed. The adiabatic state transfer, driven in the high-blockade limit, is sped up by compensating nonadiabatic transitions via oscillating fields that mimic a counterdiabatic Hamiltonian. High fidelities are obtained in wide parameter regions. The implementation of the bare effective counterdiabatic field, without original adiabatic pulses, enables to bypass gate errors produced by the accumulation of blockade-dependent dynamical phases, making the protocol efficient also at low blockade values. As an application toward quantum algorithms, how the fidelity of the gate impacts the efficiency of a minimal quantum-error correction circuit is analyzed.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Reinforcement Learning Based Quantum Circuit Optimization via ZX-Calculus. (arXiv:2312.11597v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Wed, 2023-12-20 17:45

We propose a novel Reinforcement Learning (RL) method for optimizing quantum circuits using the graph-like representation of a ZX-diagram. The agent, trained using the Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) algorithm, employs Graph Neural Networks to approximate the policy and value functions. We test our approach for two differentiated circuit size regimes of increasing relevance, and benchmark it against the best-performing ZX-calculus based algorithm of the PyZX library, a state-of-the-art tool for circuit optimization in the field. We demonstrate that the agent can generalize the strategies learned from 5-qubit circuits to 20-qubit circuits of up to 450 Clifford gates, with enhanced compressions with respect to its counterpart while remaining competitive in terms of computational performance.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Error-corrected Hadamard gate simulated at the circuit level. (arXiv:2312.11605v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Wed, 2023-12-20 17:45

We simulate the logical Hadamard gate in the surface code under a circuit-level noise model, compiling it to a physical circuit on square-grid connectivity hardware. Our paper is the first to do this for a logical unitary gate on a quantum error-correction code. We consider two proposals, both via patch-deformation: one that applies a transversal Hadamard gate (i.e. a domain wall through time) to interchange the logical $X$ and $Z$ strings, and another that applies a domain wall through space to achieve this interchange. We explain in detail why they perform the logical Hadamard gate by tracking how the stabilisers and the logical operators are transformed in each quantum error-correction round. We optimise the physical circuits and evaluate their logical failure probabilities, which we find to be comparable to those of a quantum memory experiment for the same number of quantum error-correction rounds. We present syndrome-extraction circuits that maintain the same effective distance under circuit-level noise as under phenomenological noise. We also explain how a $SWAP$-quantum error-correction round (required to return the patch to its initial position) can be compiled to only four two-qubit gate layers. This can be applied to more general scenarios and, as a byproduct, explains from first principles how the ''stepping'' circuits of the recent Google paper [McEwen, Bacon, and Gidney, Quantum 7, 1172 (2023)] can be constructed.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Universal structure of measurement-induced information in many-body ground states. (arXiv:2312.11615v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Wed, 2023-12-20 17:45

Unlike unitary dynamics, measurements of a subsystem can induce long-range entanglement via quantum teleportation. The amount of measurement-induced entanglement or mutual information depends jointly on the measurement basis and the entanglement structure of the state (before measurement), and has operational significance for whether the state is a resource for measurement-based quantum computing, as well as for the computational complexity of simulating the state using quantum or classical computers. In this work, we examine entropic measures of measurement-induced entanglement (MIE) and information (MII) for the ground-states of quantum many-body systems in one- and two- spatial dimensions. From numerical and analytic analysis of a variety of models encompassing critical points, quantum Hall states, string-net topological orders, and Fermi liquids, we identify universal features of the long-distance structure of MIE and MII that depend only on the underlying phase or critical universality class of the state. We argue that, whereas in $1d$ the leading contributions to long-range MIE and MII are universal, in $2d$, the existence of a teleportation transition for finite-depth circuits implies that trivial $2d$ states can exhibit long-range MIE, and the universal features lie in sub-leading corrections. We introduce modified MIE measures that directly extract these universal contributions. As a corollary, we show that the leading contributions to strange-correlators, used to numerically identify topological phases, are in fact non-universal in two or more dimensions, and explain how our modified constructions enable one to isolate universal components. We discuss the implications of these results for classical- and quantum- computational simulation of quantum materials.

Categories: Journals, Physics

An operational definition of quantum information scrambling. (arXiv:2312.11619v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Wed, 2023-12-20 17:45

Quantum information scrambling (QIS) is a characteristic feature of several quantum systems, ranging from black holes to quantum communication networks. While accurately quantifying QIS is crucial to understanding many such phenomena, common approaches based on the tripartite information have limitations due to the accessibility issues of quantum mutual information, and do not always properly take into consideration the dependence on the encoding input basis. To address these issues, we propose a novel and computationally efficient QIS quantifier, based on a formulation of QIS in terms of quantum state discrimination. We show that the optimal guessing probability, which reflects the degree of QIS induced by an isometric quantum evolution, is directly connected to the accessible min-information, a generalized channel capacity based on conditional min-entropy, which can be cast as a convex program and thus computed efficiently. By applying our proposal to a range of examples with increasing complexity, we illustrate its ability to capture the multifaceted nature of QIS in all its intricacy.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Pauli Spectrum and Magic of Typical Quantum Many-Body States. (arXiv:2312.11631v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Wed, 2023-12-20 17:45

An important question of quantum information is to characterize genuinely quantum (beyond-Clifford) resources necessary for universal quantum computing. Here, we use the Pauli spectrum to quantify how magic, beyond Clifford, typical many-qubit states are. We first present a phenomenological picture of the Pauli spectrum based on quantum typicality and then confirm it for Haar random states. We then introduce filtered stabilizer entropy, a magic measure that can resolve the difference between typical and atypical states. We proceed with the numerical study of the Pauli spectrum of states created by random circuits as well as for eigenstates of chaotic Hamiltonians. We find that in both cases the Pauli spectrum approaches the one of Haar random states, up to exponentially suppressed tails. Our results underscore differences between typical and atypical states from the point of view of quantum information.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Spread complexity for measurement-induced non-unitary dynamics and Zeno effect. (arXiv:2312.11635v1 [hep-th]) Quantum Physics - Wed, 2023-12-20 17:45

Using spread complexity and spread entropy, we study non-unitary quantum dynamics. For non-hermitian Hamiltonians, we extend the bi-Lanczos construction for the Krylov basis to the Schr\"odinger picture. Moreover, we implement an algorithm adapted to complex symmetric Hamiltonians. This reduces the computational memory requirements by half compared to the bi-Lanczos construction. We apply this construction to the one-dimensional tight-binding Hamiltonian subject to repeated measurements at fixed small time intervals, resulting in effective non-unitary dynamics. We find that the spread complexity initially grows with time, followed by an extended decay period and saturation. The choice of initial state determines the saturation value of complexity and entropy. In analogy to measurement-induced phase transitions, we consider a quench between hermitian and non-hermitian Hamiltonian evolution induced by turning on regular measurements at different frequencies. We find that as a function of the measurement frequency, the time at which the spread complexity starts growing increases. This time asymptotes to infinity when the time gap between measurements is taken to zero, indicating the onset of the quantum Zeno effect, according to which measurements impede time evolution.

Categories: Journals, Physics
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