
Many-body Non-Hermitian Skin Effect for Multipoles. (arXiv:2401.04162v1 [cond-mat.str-el]) Quantum Physics - Thu, 2024-01-11 00:45

In this work, we investigate the fate of the non-Hermitian skin effect in one-dimensional systems that conserve the dipole moment and higher moments of an associated global $\text{U}(1)$ charge. Motivated by field theoretical arguments and lattice model calculations, we demonstrate that the key feature of the non-Hermitian skin effect for $m$-pole conserving systems is the generation of an $(m+1)$th multipole moment. For example, in contrast to the conventional skin effect where charges are anomalously localized at one boundary, the dipole-conserving skin effect results in charges localized at both boundaries, in a configuration that generates an extremal quadrupole moment. In addition, we explore the dynamical consequences of the $m$-pole skin effect, focusing on charge and entanglement propagation. Both numerically and analytically, we provide evidence that long-time steady-states have Fock-space localization and an area-law scaling of entanglement entropy, which serve as quantum indicators of the skin effect.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Efficient Quantum Trace Estimation with Reconfigurable Real-Time Circuits. (arXiv:2401.04176v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Thu, 2024-01-11 00:45

Recently, quantum algorithms that leverage real-time evolution under a many-body Hamiltonian have proven to be exceptionally effective in estimating individual eigenvalues near the edge of the Hamiltonian spectrum, such as the ground state energy. By contrast, evaluating the trace of an operator requires the aggregation of eigenvalues across the entire spectrum. In this work, we introduce an efficient near-term quantum algorithm for computing the trace of a broad class of operators, including matrix functions of the target Hamiltonian. Our trace estimator is similar to the classical Girard-Hutchinson estimator in that it involves the preparation of many random states. Although the exact Girard-Hutchinson estimator is not tractably realizable on a quantum computer, we can construct random states that match the variance of the Girard-Hutchinson estimator through only real-time evolution. Importantly, our random states are all generated using the same Hamiltonians for real-time evolution, with randomness owing only to stochastic variations in the duration of the evolutions. In this sense, the circuit is reconfigurable and suitable for realization on both digital and analog platforms. For numerical illustration, we highlight important applications in the physical, chemical, and materials sciences, such as calculations of density of states and free energy.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Schr\"odinger cats escape confinement. (arXiv:2401.04193v1 [cond-mat.stat-mech]) Quantum Physics - Thu, 2024-01-11 00:45

We consider local quenches from initial states generated by a single spin flip in either the true or the false vacuum state of the confining quantum Ising spin chain in the ferromagnetic regime. Contrary to global quenches, where the light-cone behaviour is strongly suppressed, we find a significant light-cone signal propagating with a nonzero velocity besides the expected localised oscillating component. Combining an analytic representation of the initial state with a numerical description of the relevant excitations using the two-fermion approximation, we can construct the spectrum of post-quench excitations and their overlaps with the initial state, identifying the underlying mechanism. For confining quenches built upon the true vacuum, the propagating signal consists of Schr{\"o}dinger cats of left and right-moving mesons escaping confinement. In contrast, for anti-confining quenches built upon the false vacuum, it is composed of Schr{\"o}dinger cats of left and right-moving bubbles which escape Wannier-Stark localisation.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Cooper quartets designing in multi-terminal superconducting devices. (arXiv:2401.04202v1 [cond-mat.mes-hall]) Quantum Physics - Thu, 2024-01-11 00:45

Quantum design of Cooper quartets in a double quantum dot system coupled to ordinary superconducting leads is presented as a novel platform for the study of an elusive many-body state of matter, that is at the basis of the phenomenon of charge-$4e$ superconductivity. A fundamentally novel, maximally correlated ground state, in the form of a superposition of vacuum $|0\rangle$ and four-electron state $|4e\rangle$, emerges as a narrow resonance and it is promoted by an attractive interdot interaction. A novel phenomenology in the dissipationless transport regime is elucidated, that yields typical flux quantization in units of $h/4e$ and manifests in non-local multi-terminal coherence and in two-Cooper pair transport properties mediated by the quartet ground state. The results open the way to the exploration of correlation effects and non-local coherence in hybrid superconducting devices, parity-protected quantum computing schemes and more generally, the work poses the basis for the design and simulation of novel correlated states of matter starting from ordinary ingredients available in a quantum solid state lab.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Observation of quantum oscillations in the extreme weak anharmonic limit. (arXiv:2401.04227v1 [cond-mat.mes-hall]) Quantum Physics - Thu, 2024-01-11 00:45

We investigate a granular aluminium quantum circuit with an anharmonicity of the order of its decoherence rate in a 3-dimensional microwave cavity. We perform single qubit-like manipulations such as Rabi oscillations and Ramsey fringes. Our findings, supported by quantitative numerical modeling, show that a very weakly anharmonic oscillator can also display quantum oscillations outside the qubit regime. These oscillations are hard to disambiguate from qubit oscillations in time domain measurements for a single driving frequency. This sheds new light on recent findings for new material superconducting quantum bits. Our platform shows in addition large magnetic field resilience which could find applications for quantum enhanced dark matter search.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Design of Fully Integrated 45 nm CMOS System-on-Chip Receiver for Readout of Transmon Qubit. (arXiv:2401.04228v1 []) Quantum Physics - Thu, 2024-01-11 00:45

This study unveils a comprehensive design strategy, intricately addressing the realization of transmon qubits, the design of Josephson parametric amplifiers, and the development of an innovative fully integrated receiver dedicated to sensing ultra-low-level quantum signals. Quantum theory takes center stage, leveraging the Lindblad master and quantum Langevin equations to design the transmon qubit and Josephson parametric amplifier as open quantum systems. The mentioned quantum devices engineering integrated with the design of a fully integrated 45 nm CMOS system-on-chip receiver, weaves together a nuanced tapestry of quantum and classical elements. On one hand, for the transmon qubit and parametric amplifier operating at 10 mK, critical quantum metrics including entanglement, Stoke projector probabilities, and parametric amplifier gain are calculated. On the other hand, the resulting receiver is a symphony of high-performance elements, featuring a wide-band low-noise amplifier with a 0.8 dB noise figure and ~37 dB gains, a sweepable 5.0 GHz sinusoidal wave generator via the voltage-controlled oscillator, and a purpose-designed mixer achieving C-band to zero-IF conversion. Intermediate frequency amplifier, with a flat gain of around 26 dB, and their low-pass filters, generate a pure sinusoidal wave at zero-IF, ready for subsequent processing at room temperature. This design achieves an impressive balance, with low power consumption (~122 mW), a noise figure of ~0.9 dB, high gain (~130 dB), a wide bandwidth of 3.6 GHz, and compact dimensions (0.54*0.4 mm^2). The fully integrated receiver capability to read out at least 90 qubits positions this design for potential applications in quantum computing. Validation through post-simulations at room temperature underscores the promising and innovative nature of this design.

Categories: Journals, Physics

S-FABLE and LS-FABLE: Fast approximate block-encoding algorithms for unstructured sparse matrices. (arXiv:2401.04234v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Thu, 2024-01-11 00:45

The Fast Approximate BLock-Encoding algorithm (FABLE) is a technique to block-encode arbitrary $N\times N$ dense matrices into quantum circuits using at most $O(N^2)$ one and two-qubit gates and $\mathcal{O}(N^2\log{N})$ classical operations. The method nontrivially transforms a matrix $A$ into a collection of angles to be implemented in a sequence of $y$-rotation gates within the block-encoding circuit. If an angle falls below a threshold value, its corresponding rotation gate may be eliminated without significantly impacting the accuracy of the encoding. Ideally many of these rotation gates may be eliminated at little cost to the accuracy of the block-encoding such that quantum resources are minimized. In this paper we describe two modifications of FABLE to efficiently encode sparse matrices; in the first method termed Sparse-FABLE (S-FABLE), for a generic unstructured sparse matrix $A$ we use FABLE to block encode the Hadamard-conjugated matrix $H^{\otimes n}AH^{\otimes n}$ (computed with $\mathcal{O}(N^2\log N)$ classical operations) and conjugate the resulting circuit with $n$ extra Hadamard gates on each side to reclaim a block-approximation to $A$. We demonstrate that the FABLE circuits corresponding to block-encoding $H^{\otimes n}AH^{\otimes n}$ significantly compress and that overall scaling is empirically favorable (i.e. using S-FABLE to block-encode a sparse matrix with $\mathcal{O}(N)$ nonzero entries requires approximately $\mathcal{O}(N)$ rotation gates and $\mathcal{O}(N\log N)$ CNOT gates). In the second method called `Lazy' Sparse-FABLE (LS-FABLE), we eliminate the quadratic classical overhead altogether by directly implementing scaled entries of the sparse matrix $A$ in the rotation gates of the S-FABLE oracle. This leads to a slightly less accurate block-encoding than S-FABLE, while still demonstrating favorable scaling to FABLE similar to that found in S-FABLE.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Observing the quantum Mpemba effect in quantum simulations. (arXiv:2401.04270v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Thu, 2024-01-11 00:45

The non-equilibrium physics of many-body quantum systems harbors various unconventional phenomena. In this study, we experimentally investigate one of the most puzzling of these phenomena -- the quantum Mpemba effect, where a tilted ferromagnet restores its symmetry more rapidly when it is farther from the symmetric state compared to when it is closer. We present the first experimental evidence of the occurrence of this effect in a trapped-ion quantum simulator. The symmetry breaking and restoration are monitored through entanglement asymmetry, probed via randomized measurements, and postprocessed using the classical shadows technique. Our findings are further substantiated by measuring the Frobenius distance between the experimental state and the stationary thermal symmetric theoretical state, offering direct evidence of subsystem thermalization.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Frequency-dependent squeezing for gravitational-wave detection through quantum teleportation. (arXiv:2401.04295v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Thu, 2024-01-11 00:45

Ground-based interferometric gravitational wave detectors are highly precise sensors for weak forces, limited in sensitivity across their detection band by quantum fluctuations of light. Current and future instruments address this limitation by injecting frequency-dependent squeezed vacuum into the detection port, utilizing narrow-band, low-loss optical cavities for optimal rotation of the squeezing ellipse at each signal frequency. This study introduces a novel scheme employing the principles of quantum teleportation and entangled states of light. It allows achieving broadband suppression of quantum noise in detuned signal recycled-Fabry-Perot--Michelson interferometers, which is the baseline design of the low-frequency detector within the Einstein Telescope xylophone detector, without requiring additional filter cavities or modifications to the core optics of the main interferometer.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Magnetically controlled quantum thermal devices via three nearest-neighbor coupled spin-1/2 systems. (arXiv:2401.04315v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Thu, 2024-01-11 00:45

A quantum thermal device based on three nearest-neighbor coupled spin-1/2 systems controlled by the magnetic field is proposed. We systematically study the steady-state thermal behaviors of the system. When the two terminals of our system are in contact with two thermal reservoirs, respectively, the system behaves as a perfect thermal modulator that can manipulate heat current from zero to specific values by adjusting magnetic field direction over different parameter ranges, since the longitudinal magnetic field can completely block the heat transport. Significantly, the modulator can also be achieved when a third thermal reservoir perturbs the middle spin. We also find that the transverse field can induce the system to separate into two subspaces in which neither steady-state heat current vanishes, thus providing an extra level of control over the heat current through the manipulation of the initial state. In addition, the performance of this device as a transistor can be enhanced by controlling the magnetic field, achieving versatile amplification behaviors, in particular substantial amplification factors.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Implementation of space-division multiplexed entanglement-based quantum cryptography over multicore fiber. (arXiv:2401.04327v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Thu, 2024-01-11 00:45

Quantum communication implementations require efficient and reliable quantum channels. Optical fibers have proven to be an ideal candidate for distributing quantum states. Thus, today's efforts address overcoming issues towards high data transmission and long-distance implementations. Here, we experimentally demonstrate the secret key rate enhancement via space-division multiplexing using a multicore fiber. Our multiplexing technique exploits the momentum correlation of photon pairs generated by spontaneous parametric down-conversion. We distributed polarization-entangled photon pairs into opposite cores within a 19-core multicore fiber. We estimated the secret key rates in a configuration with 6 and 12 cores from the entanglement visibility after transmission through 411 m long multicore fiber.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Long-lived topological time-crystalline order on a quantum processor. (arXiv:2401.04333v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Thu, 2024-01-11 00:45

Topologically ordered phases of matter elude Landau's symmetry-breaking theory, featuring a variety of intriguing properties such as long-range entanglement and intrinsic robustness against local perturbations. Their extension to periodically driven systems gives rise to exotic new phenomena that are forbidden in thermal equilibrium. Here, we report the observation of signatures of such a phenomenon -- a prethermal topologically ordered time crystal -- with programmable superconducting qubits arranged on a square lattice. By periodically driving the superconducting qubits with a surface-code Hamiltonian, we observe discrete time-translation symmetry breaking dynamics that is only manifested in the subharmonic temporal response of nonlocal logical operators. We further connect the observed dynamics to the underlying topological order by measuring a nonzero topological entanglement entropy and studying its subsequent dynamics. Our results demonstrate the potential to explore exotic topologically ordered nonequilibrium phases of matter with noisy intermediate-scale quantum processors.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Counting and metrology of distributed atomic clocks using metropolitan fiber. (arXiv:2401.04353v1 [physics.atom-ph]) Quantum Physics - Thu, 2024-01-11 00:45

We demonstrate a distributed atomic clocks network between Shanghai Institute of Optics and fine Mechanics (SIOM) and Shanghai Institute of Measurement and Test (SIMT). The frequency signals from three different clocks transfer in one fiber link and four clocks can have comparison in two different labs.By comparing the results of the comparison between the two labs, it was found that the consistency of the frequency signal is on the order of lower than 1E-15. And we also achieve consistency between two locations at the E-15 level of frequency reporting. This scheme can achieve distributed time counting and frequency dissemination of remote atomic clocks, which is a new exploration of the future time keeping laboratory mode.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Generalized wave-particle-Mixdness triality for n-path interferometers. (arXiv:2401.04370v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Thu, 2024-01-11 00:45

The wave-particle duality, as one of the expressions of Bohr complementarity, is usually quantified by path predictability and the visibility of interference fringes. With the development of quantum resource theory, the quantitative analysis of wave-particle duality is increasing, most of which are expressed in the form of specific functions. In this paper, we obtain the path information measure for pure states by converting the coherence measure for pure state into a symmetric concave function. Then we prove the function as a path information measure is also valid for mixed states. Furthermore, we also establish a generalized wave-particle-mixedness traility. Although the mixedness proposed in the text is not a complete mixedness measure, it also satisfies some conditions of mixdness measure. From the perspective of resource theory, the path information we establish can be used as the measure of the resource of predictability, and the triaility relationship we establish reveals the relationship among coherence, predictability, purity and mixdness degree to a certain extent. According to our method, given either coherence measure or path information, a particular form of wave-particle-mixedness traility can be established. This will play an important role in establishing connections between wave, particle and other physical quantifiers.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Minimal criteria for continuous-variable genuine multipartite entanglement. (arXiv:2401.04376v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Thu, 2024-01-11 00:45

We derive a set of genuine multi-mode entanglement criteria for second moments of the quadrature operators. The criteria have a common form of the uncertainty relation between sums of variances of position and momentum quadrature combinations. A unique feature of the criteria is that the sums contain the least possible number of variances of at most two-mode combinations. The number of second moments we need to know to apply the criteria thus scales only linearly with the number of modes, as opposed to the quadratic scaling of the already existing criteria. Each criterion is associated with a tree graph, which allowed us to develop a direct method of construction of the criteria based solely on the structure of the underlying tree. The practicality of the proposed criteria is demonstrated by finding a number of examples of Gaussian states of up to six modes, whose genuine multi-mode entanglement is detected by them. The designed criteria are particularly suitable for verification of genuine multipartite entanglement in large multi-mode states or when only a set of two-mode nearest-neighbour marginal covariance matrices of the investigated state is available.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Krylov complexity as an order parameter for deconfinement phase transitions at large $N$. (arXiv:2401.04383v1 [hep-th]) Quantum Physics - Thu, 2024-01-11 00:45

Krylov complexity has been proposed as a diagnostic of chaos in non-integrable lattice and quantum mechanical systems, and if the system is chaotic, Krylov complexity grows exponentially with time. However, when Krylov complexity is applied to quantum field theories, even in free theory, it grows exponentially with time. This exponential growth in free theory is simply due to continuous momentum in non-compact space and has nothing to do with the mass spectrum of theories. Thus by compactifying space sufficiently, exponential growth of Krylov complexity due to continuous momentum can be avoided. In this paper, we propose that the Krylov complexity of operators such as $\mathcal{O}=\textrm{Tr}[F_{\mu\nu}F^{\mu\nu}]$ can be an order parameter of confinement/deconfinement transitions in large $N$ quantum field theories on such a compactified space. We explicitly give a prescription of the compactification at finite temperature to distinguish the continuity of spectrum due to momentum and mass spectrum. We then calculate the Krylov complexity of $\mathcal{N}=4, 0$ $SU(N)$ Yang-Mills theories in the large $N$ limit by using holographic analysis of the spectrum and show that the behavior of Krylov complexity reflects the confinement/deconfinement phase transitions through the continuity of mass spectrum.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Amplification of genuine tripartite nonlocality and entanglement in the Schwarzschild spacetime under decoherence. (arXiv:2401.04407v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Thu, 2024-01-11 00:45

We investigate the amplification of the genuine tripartite nonlocality (GTN) and the genuine tripartite entanglement (GTE) of Dirac particles in the background of a Schwarzschild black hole by a local filtering operation under decoherence. It is shown that both the physically accessible GTN and the physically accessible GTE are decreased by the Hawking effect and decoherence. The "sudden" death of the physically accessible GTN occurs at some critical Hawking temperature, and the critical Hawking temperature degrades as the decoherence strength increases. In particular, it is found that the critical Hawking temperature of "sudden death" can be prolonged by applying the local filtering operation, which means that the physically accessible GTN can exist for a longer time. Furthermore, we also find that the physically accessible GTE approaches to the nonzero stable value in the limit of infinite Hawking temperature for most cases, but if the decoherence parameter p is less than 1, the "sudden death" of GTE will take place when the decoherence strength is large enough. It is worth noting that the nonzero stable value of GTE can be increased by performing the local filtering operation, even in the presence of decoherence. Finally, we explore the generation of physically inaccessible GTN and GTE of other tripartite subsystems under decoherence, it is shown that the physically inaccessible GTN cannot be produced, but the physically inaccessible GTE can be produced, namely, GTE can pass through the event horizon of black hole, but the GTN cannot do it. In addition, we can see that the generated physically inaccessible GTE can be increased by applying the local filtering operation, even if the system suffers decoherence.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Quantum heat valve and diode of strongly coupled defects in amorphous material. (arXiv:2401.04417v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Thu, 2024-01-11 00:45

The mechanical strain can control the frequency of two-level atoms in amorphous material. In this work, we would like to employ two coupled two-level atoms to manipulate the magnitude and direction of heat transport by controlling mechanical strain to realize the function of a thermal switch and valve. It is found that a high-performance heat diode can be realized in the wide Piezo voltage range at different temperatures. We also discuss the dependence of the rectification factor on temperatures and couplings of heat reservoirs. We find that the higher temperature differences correspond to the larger rectification effect. The asymmetry system-reservoir coupling strength can enhance the magnitude of heat transfer, and the impact of asymmetric and symmetric coupling strength on the performance of the heat diode is complementary. It may provide an efficient way to modulate and control heat transport's magnitude and flow preference. This work may give insight into designing and tuning quantum heat machines.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Error suppression in multicomponent cat codes with photon subtraction and teleamplification. (arXiv:2401.04439v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Thu, 2024-01-11 00:45

It is known that multiphoton states can be protected from decoherence due to a passive loss channel by applying noiseless attenuation before and noiseless amplification after the channel. In this work, we propose the combined use of multiphoton subtraction on four-component cat codes and teleamplification to effectively suppress errors under detection and environmental losses. The back-action from multiphoton subtraction modifies the encoded qubit encoded on cat states by suppressing the higher photon numbers, while simultaneously ensuring that the original qubit can be recovered effectively through teleamplification followed by error correction, thus preserving its quantum information. With realistic photon subtraction and teleamplification-based scheme followed by optimal error-correcting maps, one can achieve a worst-case fidelity (over all encoded pure states) of over $93.5\%$ ($82\%$ with only noisy teleamplification) at a minimum success probability of about $3.42\%$, under a $10\%$ environmental-loss rate, $95\%$ detector efficiency and sufficiently large cat states with the coherent-state amplitudes of 2. This sets a promising standard for combating large passive losses in quantum-information tasks in the noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) era, such as direct quantum communication or the storage of encoded qubits on the photonic platform.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Frontier science in a quantum experiment: AEgIS at CERN. (arXiv:2401.04440v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Thu, 2024-01-11 00:45

Precise manipulation of matter at the atomic or molecular level has provided the path for the nanotechnological revolution impacting diverse fields such as biology, medicine, material science, quantum technologies, and electronics. At the Antiproton Decelerator facility at CERN, the AEgIS experiment utilises state-of-the-art technology to store and manipulate synthesised exotic atoms containing both matter and antimatter. Such experiments lay the groundwork for a better understanding of the fundamental interactions and hold the potential to unravel the enigma of the absence of antimatter in our universe. Additionally, the developed techniques advance the technological frontier of controlling the quantum states of ions, a critical aspect of quantum sensing and quantum computing applications.

Categories: Journals, Physics
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