
Measurement-induced multipartite-entanglement regimes in collective spin systems. (arXiv:2305.10209v4 [quant-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Mon, 2024-01-15 04:45

We study the competing effects of collective generalized measurements and interaction-induced scrambling in the dynamics of an ensemble of spin-1/2 particles at the level of quantum trajectories. This setup can be considered as analogous to the one leading to measurement-induced transitions in quantum circuits. We show that the interplay between collective unitary dynamics and measurements leads to three regimes of the average Quantum Fisher Information (QFI), which is a witness of multipartite entanglement, as a function of the monitoring strength. While both weak and strong measurements lead to extensive QFI density (i.e., individual quantum trajectories yield states displaying Heisenberg scaling), an intermediate regime of classical-like states emerges for all system sizes where the measurement effectively competes with the scrambling dynamics and precludes the development of quantum correlations, leading to sub-Heisenberg-limited states. We characterize these regimes and the crossovers between them using numerical and analytical tools, and discuss the connections between our findings, entanglement phases in monitored many-body systems, and the quantum-to-classical transition.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Circular photonic crystal grating design for charge-tunable quantum light sources in the telecom C-band. (arXiv:2401.01447v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Mon, 2024-01-15 04:45

Efficient generation of entangled photon pairs at telecom wavelengths is a key ingredient for long-range quantum networks. While embedding semiconductor quantum dots into hybrid circular Bragg gratings has proven effective, it conflicts with $p$-$i$-$n$ diode heterostructures which offer superior coherence. We propose and analyze hybrid circular photonic crystal gratings, incorporating air holes to facilitate charge carrier transport without compromising optical properties. Through numerical simulations, a broad cavity mode with a Purcell factor of 23 enhancing both exciton and biexciton transitions, and exceptional collection efficiency of 92.4% into an objective with numerical aperture of 0.7 are achieved. Furthermore, our design demonstrates direct coupling efficiency over 90% into a single-mode fiber over the entire telecom C-band. The hybrid circular photonic crystal grating thereby emerges as a promising solution for the efficient generation of highly coherent, polarization-entangled photon pairs.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Tensor Renormalization Group Methods for Quantum Real-time Evolution. (arXiv:2312.14825v3 [hep-lat] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Mon, 2024-01-15 04:45

Ab-initio calculations of real-time evolution for lattice gauge theory have very interesting potential applications but present challenging computational aspects. We show that tensor renormalization group methods developed in the context of Euclidean-time lattice field theory can be applied to calculation of Trotterized evolution operators at real time. We discuss the optimization of truncation procedures for various observables. We apply the numerical methods to the 1D Quantum Ising Model with an external transverse field in the ordered phase and compare with universal quantum computing for $N_{s}=4$ and 8 sites.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Quantum Optimization Algorithms in Operations Research: Methods, Applications, and Implications. (arXiv:2312.13636v3 [quant-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Mon, 2024-01-15 04:45

Quantum optimization algorithms (QOAs) have the potential to fundamentally transform the application of optimization methods in decision making. For certain classes of optimization problems, it is widely believed that QOA enables significant run-time performance benefits over current state-of-the-art solutions. With the latest progress on building quantum computers entering the industrialization stage, quantum-based optimization algorithms have become more relevant. The recent extreme increase in the number of publications in the field of QOA demonstrates the growing importance of the topic in both the academia and the industry. The objectives of this paper are as follows: (1) First, we provide insight into the main techniques of quantum-based optimization algorithms for decision making. (2) We describe and compare the two basic classes of adiabatic and gate-based optimization algorithms and argue their potentials and limitations. (3) Herein, we also investigate the key operations research application areas that are expected to be considerably impacted by the use of QOA in decision making in the future. (4) Finally, current implications arising from the future use of QOA from an operations research perspective are discussed.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Propagation of light in cold emitter ensembles with quantum position correlations due to static long-range dipolar interactions. (arXiv:2310.16158v3 [cond-mat.quant-gas] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Mon, 2024-01-15 04:45

We analyze the scattering of light from dipolar emitters whose disordered positions exhibit correlations induced by static, long-range dipole-dipole interactions. The quantum-mechanical position correlations are calculated for zero temperature bosonic atoms or molecules using variational and diffusion quantum Monte Carlo methods. For stationary atoms in dense ensembles in the limit of low light intensity, the simulations yield solutions for the optical responses to all orders of position correlation functions that involve electronic ground and excited states. We calculate how coherent and incoherent scattering, collective linewidths, line shifts, and eigenmodes, and disorder-induced excitation localization are influenced by the static interactions and the density. We find that dominantly repulsive static interactions in strongly confined oblate and prolate traps introduce short-range ordering among the dipoles which curtails large fluctuations in the light-mediated resonant dipole-dipole interactions. This typically results in an increase in coherent reflection and optical depth, accompanied by reduced incoherent scattering. The presence of static dipolar interactions permits the highly selective excitation of subradiant eigenmodes in dense clouds. This effect becomes even more pronounced in a prolate trap, where the resonances narrow below the natural linewidth. When the static dipolar interactions affect the optical transition frequencies, the ensemble exhibits inhomogeneous broadening due to the nonuniformly experienced static dipolar interactions that suppress cooperative effects, but we argue that, e.g., for Dy atoms such inhomogeneous broadening is negligible.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Involutive Markov categories and the quantum de Finetti theorem. (arXiv:2312.09666v2 [math.CT] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Mon, 2024-01-15 04:45

Markov categories have recently emerged as a powerful high-level framework for probability theory and theoretical statistics. Here we study a quantum version of this concept, called involutive Markov categories. First, we show that these are equivalent to Parzygnat's quantum Markov categories but argue that they are simpler to work with. Our main examples of involutive Markov categories involve C*-algebras (of any dimension) as objects and completely positive unital maps as morphisms in the picture of interest. Second, we prove a quantum de Finetti theorem for both the minimal and the maximal C*-tensor norms, and we develop a categorical description of such quantum de Finetti theorems which amounts to a universal property of state spaces.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Universal algorithm for transforming Hamiltonian eigenvalues. (arXiv:2312.08848v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Mon, 2024-01-15 04:45

Manipulating Hamiltonians governing physical systems has found a broad range of applications, from quantum chemistry to semiconductor design. In this work, we provide a new way of manipulating Hamiltonians, by transforming their eigenvalues while keeping their eigenstates unchanged. We develop a universal algorithm that deterministically implements any desired (suitably differentiable) function on the eigenvalues of any unknown Hamiltonian, whose positive-time and negative-time dynamics are given as a black box. Our algorithm uses correlated randomness to efficiently combine two subroutines -- namely controlization and Fourier series simulation -- exemplifying a general compilation procedure that we develop. The runtime of our algorithm is significantly reduced using compilation compared to a na\"ive concatenation of the subroutines and outperforms similar methods based on the quantum singular value transformation. Finally, to circumvent the need for the negative-time dynamics, we present a universal algorithm to transform positive-time to negative-time dynamics without adding an auxiliary qubit, which could also be of standalone interest.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Bell test of quantum entanglement in attosecond photoionization. (arXiv:2312.05036v2 [physics.atom-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Mon, 2024-01-15 04:45

Attosecond physics enables the study of ultrafast coherent electron dynamics in matter upon photoexcitation and photoionization, revealing spectacular effects such as hole migration and coherent Auger dynamics in molecules. In the photoionization scenario, there has been a strong focus on probing the physical manifestations of the internal quantum coherence within the individual parent ion and photoelectron systems. However, quantum correlations between these two subsystems emerging from the attosecond photoionization event have thus far remained much more elusive. In this work, we design theoretically and model numerically a direct probe of quantum entanglement in attosecond photoionization in the form of a Bell test. We simulate from first principles a Bell test protocol for the case of noble gas atoms photoionized by ultrashort, circularly polarized infrared laser pulses in the strong-field regime predicting robust violation of the Bell inequality. This theoretical result paves the way to the direct observation of entanglement in the context of ultrafast photoionization of many-electron systems. Our work provides a different perspective on attosecond physics directed towards the detection of quantum correlations between systems born during attosecond photoionization and unravelling the signatures of entanglement in the ultrafast coherent molecular dynamics, including in the chemical decomposition pathways of molecular ions.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Approach to Toric Code Anyon Excitation, Indirect Effects of Kitaev Spin in Local Social Opinion Models. (arXiv:2401.05348v1 [physics.soc-ph]) Quantum Physics - Sat, 2024-01-13 02:45

The study of Opinion Dynamics, which explores how individual opinions and beliefs evolve and how societal consensus is formed, has been examined across social science, physics, and mathematics. Historically based on statistical physics models like the Ising model, recent research integrates quantum information theory concepts, such as Graph States, Stabilizer States, and Toric Codes. These quantum approaches offer fresh perspectives for analyzing complex relationships and interactions in opinion formation, such as modeling local interactions, using topological features for error resistance, and applying quantum mechanics for deeper insights into opinion polarization and entanglement. However, these applications face challenges in complexity, interpretation, and empirical validation. Quantum concepts are abstract and not easily translated into social science contexts, and direct observation of social opinion processes differs significantly from quantum experiments, leading to a gap between theoretical models and real-world applicability. Despite its potential, the practical use of the Toric Code Hamiltonian in Opinion Dynamics requires further exploration and research.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Constructor Theory as Process Theory. (arXiv:2401.05364v1 [math.CT]) Quantum Physics - Sat, 2024-01-13 02:45

Constructor theory is a meta-theoretic approach that seeks to characterise concrete theories of physics in terms of the (im)possibility to implement certain abstract "tasks" by means of physical processes. Process theory, on the other hand, pursues analogous characterisation goals in terms of the compositional structure of said processes, concretely presented through the lens of (symmetric monoidal) category theory. In this work, we show how to formulate fundamental notions of constructor theory within the canvas of process theory. Specifically, we exploit the functorial interplay between the symmetric monoidal structure of the category of sets and relations, where the abstract tasks live, and that of symmetric monoidal categories from physics, where concrete processes can be found to implement said tasks. Through this, we answer the question of how constructor theory relates to the broader body of process-theoretic literature, and provide the impetus for future collaborative work between the fields.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Correlations for subsets of particles in symmetric states: what photons are doing within a beam of light when the rest are ignored. (arXiv:2401.05484v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Sat, 2024-01-13 02:45

Given a state of light, how do its properties change when only some of the constituent photons are observed and the rest are neglected (traced out)? By developing formulae for mode-agnostic removal of photons from a beam, we show how the expectation value of any operator changes when only $q$ photons are inspected from a beam, ignoring the rest. We use this to reexpress expectation values of operators in terms of the state obtained by randomly selecting $q$ photons. Remarkably, this only equals the true expectation value for a unique value of $q$: expressing the operator as a monomial in normally ordered form, $q$ must be equal to the number of photons annihilated by the operator. A useful corollary is that the coefficients of any $q$-photon state chosen at random from an arbitrary state are exactly the $q$th order correlations of the original state; one can inspect the intensity moments to learn what any random photon will be doing and, conversely, one need only look at the $n$-photon subspace to discern what all of the $n$th order correlation functions are. The astute reader will be pleased to find no surprises here, only mathematical justification for intuition. Our results hold for any completely symmetric state of any type of particle with any combination of numbers of particles and can be used wherever bosonic correlations are found.

Categories: Journals, Physics

A Cold-Atom Particle Collider. (arXiv:2401.05489v1 [cond-mat.quant-gas]) Quantum Physics - Sat, 2024-01-13 02:45

A major objective of the strong ongoing drive to realize quantum simulators of gauge theories is achieving the capability to probe collider-relevant physics on them. In this regard, a highly pertinent and sought-after application is the controlled collisions of elementary and composite particles, as well as the scattering processes in their wake. Here, we propose particle-collision experiments in a cold-atom quantum simulator for a $1+1$D $\mathrm{U}(1)$ lattice gauge theory with a tunable topological $\theta$-term, where we demonstrate an experimentally feasible protocol to impart momenta to elementary (anti)particles and their meson composites. We numerically benchmark the collisions of moving wave packets for both elementary and composite particles, uncovering a plethora of rich phenomena, such as oscillatory string dynamics in the wake of elementary (anti)particle collisions due to confinement. We also probe string inversion and entropy production processes across Coleman's phase transition through far-from-equilibrium quenches. We further demonstrate how collisions of composite particles unveil their internal structure. Our work paves the way towards the experimental investigation of collision dynamics in state-of-the-art quantum simulators of gauge theories, and sets the stage for microscopic understanding of collider-relevant physics in these platforms.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Non-Gaussian diffusive fluctuations in Dirac fluids. (arXiv:2401.05494v1 [cond-mat.stat-mech]) Quantum Physics - Sat, 2024-01-13 02:45

Dirac fluids - interacting systems obeying particle-hole symmetry and Lorentz invariance - are among the simplest hydrodynamic systems; they have also been studied as effective descriptions of transport in strongly interacting Dirac semimetals. Direct experimental signatures of the Dirac fluid are elusive, as its charge transport is diffusive as in conventional metals. In this paper we point out a striking consequence of fluctuating relativistic hydrodynamics: the full counting statistics (FCS) of charge transport is highly non-gaussian. We predict the exact asymptotic form of the FCS, which generalizes a result previously derived for certain interacting integrable systems. A consequence is that, starting from quasi-one dimensional nonequilibrium initial conditions, charge noise in the hydrodynamic regime is parametrically enhanced relative to that in conventional diffusive metals.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Facets of correlated non-Markovian channels. (arXiv:2401.05499v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Sat, 2024-01-13 02:45

We investigate the domain of correlated non-Markovian channels, exploring the potential memory arising from the correlated action of the channels and the inherent memory due to non-Markovian dynamics. This paper examines how quantum states change when subjected to correlated non-Markovian channels and how the channel correlation factor affects the degree of non-Markovianity. We further propose a correlated CP-divisible modified Ornstein-Uhlenbeck noise where non-Markovianity arises from retaining the correlation for a longer time. The correlated Random Telegraph Noise and non-Markovian amplitude damping channels are constructed, and their non-Markovianity is analysed using the Breuer-Laine-Piilo measure and a measure based on entanglement. In addition, the non-Markovianity of the correlated CP-divisible channel was computed using the Shrikant-Srikanth-Subhashish measure. The channels constructed are unital as well as non-unital in nature, adding versatility to the study. The link between the correlation factor and error correction success probability is highlighted.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Characterization of Overparameterization in Simulation of Realistic Quantum Systems. (arXiv:2401.05500v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Sat, 2024-01-13 02:45

Quantum computing devices require exceptional control of their experimental parameters to prepare quantum states and simulate other quantum systems. Classical optimization procedures used to find such optimal control parameters, have further been shown in idealized settings to exhibit different regimes of learning. Of interest in this work is the overparameterization regime, where for systems with a sufficient number of parameters, global optima for prepared state and compiled unitary fidelities may potentially be reached exponentially quickly. Here, we study the robustness of overparameterization phenomena in the presence of experimental constraints on the controls, such as bounding or sharing parameters across operators, as well as in the presence of noise inherent to experimental setups. We observe that overparameterization phenomena are resilient in these realistic settings at short times, however fidelities decay to zero past a critical simulation duration due to accumulation of either quantum or classical noise. This critical depth is found to be logarithmic in the scale of noise, and optimal fidelities initially increase exponentially with depth, before decreasing polynomially with depth, and with noise. Our results demonstrate that parameterized ansatze can mitigate entropic effects from their environment, offering tantalizing opportunities for their application and experimental realization in near term quantum devices.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Diffeomorphism invariant classical-quantum path integrals for Nordstrom gravity. (arXiv:2401.05514v1 [gr-qc]) Quantum Physics - Sat, 2024-01-13 02:45

When classical degrees of freedom and quantum degrees of freedom are consistently coupled, the former diffuse, while the latter undergo decoherence. Here, we construct a theory of quantum matter fields and Nordstrom gravity in which the space-time metric is treated classically. The dynamics is constructed via the classical-quantum path integral and is completely positive, trace preserving (CPTP), and respects the classical-quantum split. The weak field limit of the model matches the Newtonian limit of the full covariant path integral but it is easier to show that the theory is both diffeomorphism invariant, CPTP, and has the appropriate classical limit.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Weak value advantage in overcoming noise on the primary system. (arXiv:2401.05532v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Sat, 2024-01-13 02:45

The concept of weak value exhibits numerous intriguing characteristics, leading to unexpected and potentially advantageous phenomena. In this paper, we analyze, from a computational perspective, the performance of the weak measurement protocol for measuring the weak value within various noise channels. A mathematical framework is developed for addressing the less explored case of noise acting on the primary rather than probe system. We pinpoint specific instances where the sensitivity to noise is reduced quadratically with the weak measurement protocol while this cannot be achieved with the standard measurement protocol. Specifically, when confronted with the challenge of learning an operator under the influence of either a Pauli noise channel, a unital noise channel, or an amplitude and phase damping channel, the weak measurement of the weak value can yield significant benefits. Notably, in the first two cases, and especially in the context of the unital noise channel, initializing the system in the maximally mixed state (but postselecting it in a pure state) has proven to be particularly advantageous.

Categories: Journals, Physics

QuantumSEA: In-Time Sparse Exploration for Noise Adaptive Quantum Circuits. (arXiv:2401.05571v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Sat, 2024-01-13 02:45

Parameterized Quantum Circuits (PQC) have obtained increasing popularity thanks to their great potential for near-term Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum (NISQ) computers. Achieving quantum advantages usually requires a large number of qubits and quantum circuits with enough capacity. However, limited coherence time and massive quantum noises severely constrain the size of quantum circuits that can be executed reliably on real machines. To address these two pain points, we propose QuantumSEA, an in-time sparse exploration for noise-adaptive quantum circuits, aiming to achieve two key objectives: (1) implicit circuits capacity during training - by dynamically exploring the circuit's sparse connectivity and sticking a fixed small number of quantum gates throughout the training which satisfies the coherence time and enjoy light noises, enabling feasible executions on real quantum devices; (2) noise robustness - by jointly optimizing the topology and parameters of quantum circuits under real device noise models. In each update step of sparsity, we leverage the moving average of historical gradients to grow necessary gates and utilize salience-based pruning to eliminate insignificant gates. Extensive experiments are conducted with 7 Quantum Machine Learning (QML) and Variational Quantum Eigensolver (VQE) benchmarks on 6 simulated or real quantum computers, where QuantumSEA consistently surpasses noise-aware search, human-designed, and randomly generated quantum circuit baselines by a clear performance margin. For example, even in the most challenging on-chip training regime, our method establishes state-of-the-art results with only half the number of quantum gates and ~2x time saving of circuit executions. Codes are available at

Categories: Journals, Physics

Analytical approximations for generalized quantum Rabi models. (arXiv:2401.05615v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Sat, 2024-01-13 02:45

The quantum Rabi model is essential for understanding interacting quantum systems. It serves as the simplest non-integrable yet solvable model describing the interaction between a two-level system and a single mode of a bosonic field. In this study, we delve into the exploration of the generalized quantum Rabi model, wherein the bosonic mode of the field undergoes squeezing. Utilizing the Segal-Bargmann representation of the infinite-dimensional Hilbert space, we demonstrate that the energy spectrum of the generalized quantum Rabi model, when both the Rabi coupling strength and the squeezing strength are not significantly large compared to the field mode frequency, can be analytically determined by a bi-confluent Fuchsian equation with two regular singularities at 0 and 1 and an irregular singularity of rank two at infinity.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Frequency tuning of a squeezed vacuum state using interferometric enhanced Bragg diffraction effect. (arXiv:2401.05619v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Sat, 2024-01-13 02:45

We experimentally demonstrate the optical frequency tuning of a squeezed vacuum state generated from an optical parametric oscillator by using an acousto-optic modulator based bi-frequency interferometer. The systematic efficiency of the frequency tuning device is $91\%$, which is only confined by the optical transmission efficiency of the acousto-optic modulators. The amount of frequency tuning is 80 MHz, which is orders of magnitude larger than the line-width of the laser used to generate the squeezed state, and can in principle be further extended to GHz range. Our investigation shows the interferometric enhanced Bragg diffraction effect can be applied to a variety of other quantum optical states as well, and will serve as a handy tool for quantum network.

Categories: Journals, Physics
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