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Format: 2024-07-28
Format: 2024-07-28
Format: 2024-07-28
Type Title Author Post Datesort icon
Job Postdoc position in Vienna navascues 2015-08-28 13:56
Event 100 years of curved spacetime web.admin 2015-08-27 20:21
Job Postdoc position in Quantum Magnetometry ulund 2015-08-19 07:21
Job Postdoc and PhD position in solid state quantum optics (and quantum plasmonics) ulund 2015-08-19 07:12
Job x5 posts within the Centre for Quantum Photonics at University of Bristol working as part of the EPSRC Quantum Hubs kb13458 2015-08-14 17:00
Job 12-24 month POLONEZ fellowships (funded by NCN) web.admin 2015-08-08 16:56
Job 3 x Lecturer posts available in Quantum Photonics and Photonic Quantum Engineering kb13458 2015-08-07 17:02
Job Cavity-enhanced detection of single ions in the solid state (CELLEX-ICFO-MPQ) ICFOjobs 2015-08-06 18:31
Job Quantum Nano-Optics (CELLEX-ICFO-MPQ) ICFOjobs 2015-08-06 18:29
Job Ultrashort pulse technology in the mid-wave infrared (CELLEX-ICFO-MPQ) ICFOjobs 2015-08-06 18:27
Job Ultracold Quantum gases in optical lattices (CELLEX-ICFO-MPQ) ICFOjobs 2015-08-06 18:24
Job PhD studentships in the Centre for Doctoral Training in Quantum Systems Engineering and the Centre for Quantum Photonics kb13458 2015-08-06 10:34
Job Post Doctoral Researcher in the Centre for Quantum Photonics kb13458 2015-08-06 10:29
Job Postdoc and PhD position in the theory of quantum many-body dynamics and superconducting circuits web.admin 2015-08-05 18:38
News 2016 Quantum Conference in Amsterdam binosi 2015-08-05 10:10
News First activity report of the "Russian Quantum Center" binosi 2015-08-05 10:06
Job Post-doc position in theory of cold-atom physics web.admin 2015-07-31 16:13
Job Chair in experimental physics web.admin 2015-07-31 16:11
Event ITN FACT Workshop - Frequency metrology web.admin 2015-07-29 18:05
Job Optical trapping of nano-particles for opto-mechanics experiments FrancescoSCataliotti 2015-07-29 16:16
Job Post-doctoral Fellowship, Physics of Information Group, Lisbon fbarata 2015-07-27 17:13
News Sending Quantum Messages Through Space web.admin 2015-07-27 00:39
Event 602. WE-Heraeus Seminar: Microwaves go quantum web.admin 2015-07-21 16:16
Job DP-PMI - Doctoral Programme in the Physics and Mathematics of Information web.admin 2015-07-20 05:30
Job Call open for 2015-16 edition of the Doctoral Programme in the Physics and Mathematics of Information (DP-PMI) fbarata 2015-07-17 19:24