Postdoc and PhD position in the theory of quantum many-body dynamics and superconducting circuits

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Heriot-Watt University Edinburgh, UK
30 September, 2015


Heriot-Watt University Edinburgh
United Kingdom
55° 57' 11.7072" N, 3° 11' 17.7612" W

A postdoc and a PhD position are available in the group of Michael Hartmann at Heriot-Watt University Edinburgh.

The research topics of these theory positions lie in the field of quantum dynamics in driven and dissipative systems.
This includes developing accurate and efficient approaches for describing these systems
and exploring concepts for implementing them in quantum simulators with superconducting circuits.

Interested candidates should send a cv (including list of publications) and a cover letter explaining their
interest for the position to m [dot] j [dot] hartmann [at] hw [dot] ac [dot] uk

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