Optical trapping of nano-particles for opto-mechanics experiments

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LENS/Università di Firenze
3 August, 2015


Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia
via Sansone 1
Sesto Fiorentino (FI) 50019
43° 49' 55.5492" N, 11° 12' 15.3684" E

The work program involves in the assembly, the characterization and the use of an apparatus for optical trapping of silica spheres of diameter below one micron.
The apparatus to be implemented includes a vacuum chamber where the nano-particle is trapped by a focused laser beam, a feedback system for cooling the particle motion, a transfer system to a UHV vacuum chamber, a positioning system and an high Finesse  optical cavity contained in the second chamber.
The research activity will consist in the characterization of the opto-mechanical interaction and the optimization of the operating parameters. The medium-term objective of the experiment is the observation of quantum effects in the opto-mechanical system.
The candidate should have an expertise in the fields of optics and experimental quantum optics.  Experience in experiments of micro- and nano- optomechanics is positively evaluated.

contact: Francesco Marin marin [at] fi [dot] infn [dot] it or Francesco Cataliotti fsc [at] lens [dot] unifi [dot] it

more info at http://www.unifi.it/mod-MDAssRic.html?target=a


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