CHIST-ERA - Call open


The CHIST-ERA project has published its first call. See details at the Call Announcement.


First CHIST-ERA Joint Transnational Call

The 1st call for proposals within the ERA-Net CHIST-ERA (European Coordinated Research on Long term Challenges in Information and Communication Sciences and Technologies) is open.

Call deadline: 5th of November 2010, 17:00 GMT

CHIST-ERA is looking for highly innovative and multidisciplinary projects in ICST; and is open to new ideas and original solutions, involving interdisciplinary skills in order to strenghten a broader community in the merging of their understanding and their questioning. In addition, the transformative research done in CHIST-ERA will explore new topics with potential for significant scientific and technical impacts. In the first call, two completely different topics are addressed:
1. Quantum Information Foundations and Technologies (QIFT)
2. Beyond Autonomic Systems - the Challenge of Consciousness (BASCC)
Research project consortia are invited to submit transnational proposals electronically on (the submission area will be made available by mid-September).  At the same time, every partner in the project has to bear in mind the specific local application rules/requirements of each national funding organisation. Therefore it is strongly recommended to contact your National Contact Point. The Call Announcement and the official templates for the fulfilment of proposals are available on Moreover, the CHIST-ERA website provides a tool for submitting Expressions of Interest, and to search and find collaborative partners for common projects (available by mid-September).
CHIST-ERA Call Secretariat
Mathieu Girerd
French National Research Agency (ANR)
0033 1 7354 8213
mathieu [dot] girerd [at] agencerecherche [dot] fr