Photons, Qubits and Computers - A Quantum Mechanics Lab on a Chip

2011-12-13 - 2011-12-15

A. Wallraff

Condensed Matter and Materials Physics Conference (CMMP11), Manchester, UK

Using modern micro an nano-fabrication techniques combined with superconducting materials we realize quantum electronic circuits. We create, store, and manipulate individual microwave photons on a chip. The strong interaction of photons with superconducting quantum two-level systems allows us to develop components for applications in quantum information technology and also to probe fundamental quantum effects of light. Here, I will discuss experiments with up to three qubits in which we demonstrate the operation of single-, two- and three-qubit logic gates with high fidelity. Making use of these basic gates I will discuss the generation of two- and three-qubit entangled states and the execution of basic quantum algorithms. Finally, I will present an experiment in which we benchmark a teleportation protocol realized in superconducting circuits an characterize the fidelity of the three-qubit Toffoli gate which is essential for quantum error correction.