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Format: 2024-09-17
2017-09-26 14:01

The EC has made available a prepubblication version of the H2020 Work programme 2018-2020

2017-09-20 15:16

International Workshop on "Quantum Machine Learning and Biomimetic Quantum Technologies", March 19-23, 2018, in Bilbao (Spain). (Website of the event:

2017-07-12 10:10

A recently published article on the Quantum Science and Technology tackles the topic of the European Quantum Technologies Flagship Programme

2017-04-28 18:23

QuSoft, the PCQC and the University of Latvia started a collaboration to develop quantum software.

2017-04-25 12:55

The 2016-2017 FET programme has been updated in order to include a new call for a coordination action for Quantum Technologies

2017-04-20 21:02

On the 16 March 2016, The U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission of the United States Congress held a hearing on China's pursuit of new technologies. one of the panel was focussed on Quantum Technologies.

2017-02-27 09:20

The EC has published the slides presented during the event "Quantum Europe 2017 - Towards the Quantum Technology Flagships" as well as the press release from the Maltese presidency

2017-02-17 15:43

Today, the Intermediate Report from the Quantum Technologies Flagship High-Level expert group has been handed over to the European Commission.

2017-01-16 10:14

QuantERA launched its first joint transnational call (Call 2017) for proposals worth € 34 M in support of transnational research in the field of Quantum Information and Communication Sciences and Technologies (Q-ICST).

2017-01-03 12:43

In January 2017 the QuantERA Consortium will announce a Call for Proposals in the field of quantum technologies.

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