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Format: 2024-10-18
2015-07-16 10:27

The report of the workshop on Quantum Technologies and Industry was held in Brussels on 6 May 2015 has been published

2015-06-22 02:34

Congratulations to Professor Alexander S. Holevo from Stekhlov Mathematical Institute in Moscow (Russia) who was selected to be awarded the prestiguous Claude E. Shannon Award 2016.

2015-06-22 02:25

We are ahppy to anounce that this year's winner of QIPC Young Investigator Award is Oriol Romero Isart from University of Innsbruck (

2015-06-02 21:35
2015-05-31 21:37

Generation and Detection of a Sub-Poissonian Atom Number Distribution in a One-Dimensional Optical Lattice by J.-B. Béguin et al  in Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 263603 (2014).


2015-05-31 21:28

Generation of a squeezed state of an oscillator by stroboscopic back-action-evading measurement by  G. Vasilakis, H. Shen, K. Jensen, M. Balabas, D. Salart, B. Chen & E. S. Polzik in Nature Physics (2015)

2015-04-23 09:51

DK MataiChairman and Founder at Quantum Innovation Labs ( take a look of what he believes are the 10 key facts for investing in the Quantum Technologies field.

2015-03-12 14:21

A  conversation with Nobel Laureate Konstantin Novoselov and quantum computing expert Robert Schoelkopf on the materials and technology of future electronics (video inside).

2015-03-10 12:48

The aim of this topical issue is to support future funding schemes at both the national and international levels. For more information see the announcement (pdf).

2015-03-09 11:00

IOP Physics World informs about a new general approach for evaluating the "quantumness" of biological processes such as the ability of some birds to sense the Earth's magnetic field.

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