Quantum Metrology, Sensing and Imaging

Former name: Quantum Technologies

Giant Stark effect in the emission of single semiconductor quantum dots


Anthony J. Bennett, Raj B. Patel, Joanna Skiba-Szymanska, Christine A. Nicoll, Ian Farrer, David A. Ritchie, and Andrew J. Shields


Appl. Phys. Lett. 97, 031104 (2010)

We study the quantum-confined Stark effect in single InAs/GaAs quantum dots embedded within a AlGaAs/GaAs/AlGaAs quantum well. By significantly increasing the barrier height we can observe emission from a dot at electric fields of 500 kV cm−1, leading to Stark shifts of up to 25 meV. Our results suggest this technique may enable future applications that require self-assembled dots with transitions at the same energy.


From Rotating Atomic Rings to Quantum Hall States


M. Roncaglia, M. Rizzi, and J. Dalibard



Considerable efforts are currently devoted to the preparation of ultracold neutral atoms in the emblematic strongly correlated quantum Hall regime. The routes followed so far essentially rely on thermodynamics, i.e. imposing the proper Hamiltonian and cooling the system towards its ground state. In rapidly rotating 2D harmonic traps the role of the transverse magnetic field is played by the angular velocity.

Modified spin-wave theory with ordering vector optimization II: Spatially anisotropic triangular lattice and J1J2J3 model with Heisenberg interactions


“Modified spin-wave theory with ordering vector optimization II: Spatially anisotropic triangular lattice and J1J2J3 model with Heisenberg interactions”
P. Hauke, T. Roscilde, V. Murg, J.I. Cirac, R. Schmied

 We study the ground state phases of the S = 1=2 Heisenberg quantum antiferromagnet on the spatially anisotropic triangular lattice and on the square lattice with up to next-next-nearest neighbor coupling (the J1J2J3 model), making use of Takahashi’s modified spin-wave (MSW) theory supplemented by ordering vector optimization. We compare the MSW results with exact diagonalization and projected-entangled-pair-states calculations, demonstrating their qualitative and quantitative reliability.

Optically Levitating Dielectrics in the Quantum Regime: Theory and Protocols


O. Romero-Isart, A. C. Pflanzer, M. L. Juan, R. Quidant, N. Kiesel, M. Aspelmeyer, J. I. Cirac


Phys. Rev. A 83, 013803 (2011)

We provide a general quantum theory to describe the coupling of light with the motion of a dielectric object inside a high finesse optical cavity. In particular, we derive the total Hamiltonian of the system as well as a master equation describing the state of the center of mass mode of the dielectric and the cavity field mode. In addition, a quantum theory of elasticity is used in order to study the coupling of the center of mass motion with internal vibrational excitations of the dielectric.

Feedback-optimized operations with linear ion crystals


J. Eble, S. Ulm, P. Zahariev, F. Schmidt-Kaler, K. Singer


Journal of the Optical Society of America B 27, A99 (2010) - selected for publication in the July 2010 issue of Virtual Journal of Quantum Information

We report transport operations with linear crystals of 40Ca+ ions performed by applying complex electric time-dependent potentials. For their control we use the information obtained from the ions’ fluorescence. We demonstrate that by means of this feedback technique, we can transport a predefined number of ions and also split and unify ion crystals.

Jonglieren mit Atomen - discussed work: Photon-by-photon feedback control of a single-atom trajectory von A. Kubanek et al., Nature 462, 898-901 (2009)


F. Schmidt-Kaler


Physik Journal 9, 20 (2010)

Mit einzelnen Photonen lässt sich die Bahn eines Atoms beobachten und mittels der Lichtkraft eines Laserstrahls für einige Millisecunden speichern.

Focusing a deterministic single-ion beam


W. Schnitzler, G. Jacob, R. Fickler, F. Schmidt-Kaler, K. Singer


New Journal of Physics 12, 065023 (2010)

Focus on atom optics and its applications


F. Schmidt-Kaler, T. Pfau, P. Schmelcher, W. Schleich


New Journal of Physics 12, 0650014 (2010)

Atom optics employs the modern techniques of quantum optics and laser cooling to enable applications which often outperform current standard technologies. Atomic matter wave interferometers allow for ultra-precise sensors; metrology and clocks are pushed to an extraordinary accuracy of 17 digits using single atoms. Miniaturization and integration are driven forward for both atomic clocks and atom optical circuits.

A trapped-ion local field probe


G. Huber, F. Ziesel, U.G. Poschinger, K. Singer, F. Schmidt-Kaler
Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics 100, 725 (2010)

We introduce a measurement scheme that utilizes a single ion as a local field probe. The ion is confined in a segmented Paul trap and shuttled around to reach different probing sites. By the use of a single atom probe, it becomes possible characterizing fields with spatial resolution of a few nm within an extensive region of millimeters. We demonstrate the scheme by accurately investigating the electric fields providing the confinement for the ion. For this we present all theoretical and practical methods necessary to generate these potentials.

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