Quantum Metrology, Sensing and Imaging

Former name: Quantum Technologies

Cavity QED with an ultracold ensemble on a chip: prospects of strong magnetic coupling at finite temperatures


K. Henschel, H. Ritsch, J. Majer, J. Schmiedmayer
Phys. Rev. A, 82, 033810 (2010)

We study the nonlinear dynamics of an ensemble of cold trapped atoms with a hyperfine transition magnetically coupled to a resonant microwave cavity mode. Despite the minute single atom coupling one obtains strong coupling between collective hyperfine qubits and microwave photons enabling coherent transfer of an excitation between the long lived atomic qubit state and the mode. Evidence of strong coupling can be obtained from the cavity transmission spectrum even at finite thermal photon number.

Ramsey's Method of Separated Oscillating Fields and its Application to Gravitationally


H. Abele, T. Jenke, H. Leeb, J. Schmiedmayer
Phys. Rev. D, 81, 065019 (2010)


Two-point density correlations of quasicondensates in free expansion


S. Manz, R. Bücker, Th. Betz, C. Koller, S. Hofferberth, I. Mazets, A. Imambekov, E. Demler, A. Perrin,
J. Schmiedmayer, Thorsten Schumm
PRA, 81 (2010), S. 031610-1 - 031610-4

We measure the two-point density correlation function of freely expanding quasicondensates in the weakly interacting quasi-one-dimensional (1D) regime. While initially suppressed in the trap, density fluctuations emerge gradually during expansion as a result of initial phase fluctuations present in the trapped quasicondensate. Asymptotically, they are governed by the thermal coherence length of the system.

Mathematics and Quantum Information

Research Type: 

Quantum many-body systems

Bell inequalities, non-locality and communication complexity

Quantum channels

David Perez-Garcia

Cold Molecular Ions

Research Type: 

- Cooling techniques for molecular ions

- Quantum-state control of single ultracold molecular ions

- Coherent manipulation of state-selected molecular ions

- State-controlled, ultracold ion-neutral collisions

Stefan Willitsch

Quantum Optics and Ultracold Atoms - Treutlein group

Research Type: 

Ultracold atoms on atom chips, Bose-Einstein condensation, quantum metrology, spin-squeezing, chip-based atomic clocks, quantum information processing, hybrid quantum systems, micro- and nanomechanical oscillators

Philipp Treutlein

Fabrication and heating rate study of microscopic surface electrode ion traps


N. Daniilidis, S. Narayanan, S. A. Moeller, R. Clark, T. E. Lee, P. J. Leek, A. Wallraff, St. Schulz, F. Schmidt-Kaler, H. Haeffner

We report heating rate measurements in a microfabricated gold-on-sapphire surface electrode ion trap with trapping height of approximately 240 micron. Using the Doppler recooling method, we characterize the trap heating rates over an extended region of the trap. The noise spectral density of the trap falls in the range of noise spectra reported in ion traps at room temperature. We find that during the first months of operation the heating rates increase by approximately one order of magnitude.

Electrostatic trap catches tiny particles


Researchers unveil rival to optical tweezers

Researchers in Switzerland have demonstrated an innovative way of trapping tiny objects using electrostatic fields. The device could allow scientists to scrutinize much smaller biological molecules than is possible with the more established trapping technique known as "optical tweezers".

Full story available at physicsworld.com

The world's smallest fridge


Self-contained chiller can be built from just a few atoms

A group of researchers in the UK has shown that it is possible to build a refrigerator using just two quantum particles (or even just one) in order to cool another quantum particle. They believe that such a device could be exploited in nanotechnology and that versions of it may even exist in nature.

Full story available at physicsworld.com

Decoherence in Adiabatic Quantum Evolution: Application to Cooper Pair Pumping


J. P. Pekola, V. Brosco, M. Möttönen, P. Solinas, and A. Shnirman


Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 030401 (2010)

One of the challenges of adiabatic control theory is the proper inclusion of the effects of dissipation. Here we study the adiabatic dynamics of an open two-level quantum system deriving a generalized master equation to consistently account for the combined action of the driving and dissipation. We demonstrate that in the zero-temperature limit the ground state dynamics is not affected by environment. As an example, we apply our theory to Cooper pair pumping, which demonstrates the robustness of ground state adiabatic evolution.

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