13.70.+f Quantum feedback/filtering and control

Quantum metrology enhanced by repetitive quantum error correction


Thomas Unden, Priya Balasubramanian, Daniel Louzon, Yuval Vinkler, Martin B. Plenio, Matthew Markham, Daniel Twitchen, Igor Lovchinsky, Alexander O. Sushkov, Mikhail D. Lukin, Alex Retzker, Boris Naydenov, Liam P. McGuinness, Fedor Jelezko



The accumulation of quantum phase in response to a signal is the central mechanism of quantum sensing, as such, loss of phase information presents a fundamental limitation. For this reason approaches to extend quantum coherence in the presence of noise are actively being explored. Here we experimentally protect a room-temperature hybrid spin register against environmental decoherence by performing repeated quantum error correction whilst maintaining sensitivity to signal fields.

Feedback-optimized operations with linear ion crystals


J. Eble, S. Ulm, P. Zahariev, F. Schmidt-Kaler, K. Singer


Journal of the Optical Society of America B 27, A99 (2010)
Selected for publication in the July 2010 issue of Virtual Journal of Quantum Information

We report transport operations with linear crystals of 40Ca+ ions performed by applying complex electric time-dependent potentials. For their control we use the information obtained from the ions’ fluorescence. We demonstrate that by means of this feedback technique, we can transport a predefined number of ions and also split and unify ion crystals.

ExperimentalRepetitive Quantum Error Correction


P. Schindler, J.T. Barreiro, T. Monz, V. Nebendahl, D. Nigg, M. Chwalla, M. Hennrich, and R. Blatt


Science 332, 1059
doi: 10.1126/science.1203329

The computational potential of a quantum processor can only be unleashed if errors during a quantum computation can be controlled and corrected for. Quantum error correction works if imperfections of quantum gate operations and measurements are below a certain threshold and corrections can be applied repeatedly. We implement multiple quantum error correction cycles for phase-flip errors on qubits encoded with trapped ions. Errors are corrected by a quantum-feedback algorithm using high-fidelity gate operations and a reset technique for the auxiliary qubits.

Real-time quantum feedback prepares and stabilizes photon number states


C. Sayrin, I. Dotsenko, X. Zhou, B. Peaudecerf, T. Rybarczyk, S. Gleyzes, P. Rouchon, M. mirrahimi, H. Amini, M. Brune, J.M. Raimond, S. Haroche


Nature (London) 477, 73 (2011)
doi: 10.1038/nature10376

Feedback loops are central to most classical control procedures. A controller compares the signal measured by a sensor (system output) with the target value or set-point. It then adjusts an actuator (system input) to stabilize the signal around the target value. Generalizing this scheme to stabilize a micro-system’s quantum state relies on quantum feedback, which must overcome a fundamental difficulty: the sensor measurements cause a random back-action on the system. An optimal compromise uses weak measurements, providing partial information with minimal perturbation.

Feedback-optimized operations with linear ion crystals


J. Eble, S. Ulm, P. Zahariev, F. Schmidt-Kaler, K. Singer


Journal of the Optical Society of America B 27, A99 (2010) - selected for publication in the July 2010 issue of Virtual Journal of Quantum Information

We report transport operations with linear crystals of 40Ca+ ions performed by applying complex electric time-dependent potentials. For their control we use the information obtained from the ions’ fluorescence. We demonstrate that by means of this feedback technique, we can transport a predefined number of ions and also split and unify ion crystals.

Jonglieren mit Atomen - discussed work: Photon-by-photon feedback control of a single-atom trajectory von A. Kubanek et al., Nature 462, 898-901 (2009)


F. Schmidt-Kaler


Physik Journal 9, 20 (2010)

Mit einzelnen Photonen lässt sich die Bahn eines Atoms beobachten und mittels der Lichtkraft eines Laserstrahls für einige Millisecunden speichern.

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