Quantum Information Theory

Complex quantum systems

Research Type: 
  • Open quantum systems and decoherence; quantum probes
  • Structured quantum systems and environments in optical and ions set-ups
  • Collective phenomena, synchronization
  • Quantum information and thermodynamics
Roberta Zambrini

Center for Quantum Entanglement Science and Technology (QUEST)

Research Type: 

Funding Committee:

Richard Berkowits (Theory)

Emanuele Dalla Torre (Theory)

Lev Khaykovich (Ultracold atoms)

Avi Peer (Quantum Optics)

Michael Rosenbluh (Quantum Optics)

Michael Stern (Solid-State Qubits)




Richard Berkowits

Information Coding group

Research Type: 

Security of Quantum Cryptography, simulation of Quantum Computers, Quantum Bitcoin

Jan-Åke Larsson

Quantum Information

Research Type: 

Quantum information, quantum cryptography (continuous-variable quantum key distribution, quantum cryptography beyond QKD), quantum networks, delegated quantum computing, quantum verification, quantum optics, silicon photonics for quantum technologies, foundations of quantum mechanics


Eleni Diamanti, Elham Kashefi, Damian Markham

QMIT (Quantum Mechanics & Information Theory group)

Research Type: 

Information geometry; Open system dynamics; Quantum information theory

Stefano Mancini


Full Name: 
Genuine quantumness in cooperative phenomena
Prof. Gerardo Adesso
Running time: 
2015-05-01 - 2020-04-30

The proposed research programme addresses issues of fundamental and technological importance in quantum information science and its interplay with complexity. The main aim of this project is to provide a new paradigmatic foundation for the characterisation of quantumness in cooperative phenomena and to develop novel platforms for its practical utilisation in quantum technology applications. To reach its main goal, this programme will target five specific objectives: O1.

Quantum Correlations Group

Research Type: 

Our research is mainly devoted to the identification and quantification of genuinely quantum resources for efficient quantum information technology. 

Prof. Gerardo Adesso

Extreme simulations for Quatum Technologies

Research Type: 

Optimal control:

  • Optimally engineered quantum technologies
  • CRAB optimization
  • BEC optimal controlled processes
  • Cold atoms in optical lattice optimal manipulations

Extreme Simulations:

Prof. Simone Montangero

Announcing Quantum - the open journal for quantum science


Quantum is a new, free and open access, peer-reviewed journal that provides high visibility for quality research on quantum science and related fields. It is an effort by researchers and for researchers to make science more open and publishing more transparent and efficient.

Quantum is backed by a non-profit organisation, relies on an international board of highly respected researchers for guidance, practices an open governance, and welcomes community feedback.

You can read more about the mission, the editorial policies, and the people behind Quantum on:

Public call for applications to extend membership of the high-level expert group on quantum technologies


The call aims to include 12 new members from industries with interest in the Quantum Technologies

DG Connect, as follow up to the recent appointment of the High-Level expert group, has opened a public call in order to add 12 more members to the group.

The Call is aimed to industries with interest in the field of Quantum Technologies. Additional members will be individuals appointed to represent a common interest or organisations. Therefore, there will be two types of membership:

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