Quantum Information Theory


Research Type: 

Diamond’s nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers show great promise in sensing applications and quantum computing due to their long electron spin coherence time and their ability to be located, manipulated and read out using light. In our group, we apply femtosecond laser microfabrication to write optical waveguides and NV centers in single-crystal synthetic diamond.

Dr. Shane Eaton

Quantum flagship - Summary of results of the Commission High Level Steering Committee first meeting


The document containing a summary of results of the Commission HLSC is available for download 

The Commission High Level Steering Committee (http://qurope.eu/db/news/expert-group-quantum-technology-flagship) has released a summary of the results obtained during its first meeting (Brussels, Tuesday 20 Spetember 2016).

The file can be downloaded here.

ESAS Winter School "Novel frontiers in superconducting electronics"

2016-12-12 - 2016-12-17
Registration deadline: 
2016-10-15 (All day)
Pozzuoli (Napoli, Italy)


Dear Colleagues,

We are glad to inform you about the ESAS Winter school on Novel Frontiers in Superconducting Electronics: from Fundamental Concepts and Advanced Materials towards Future Applications.

The ESAS Winter school will take place on December 12-17, 2016, in Pozzuoli (Napoli), Italy.
We are also very glad to communicate that the following lecturers have confirmed their participation in the school:

Quantum Information Processing

Research Type: 
  • Simulation of real-time dynamics of quantum many-body systems with the "Massively Parallel Quantum Dynamics Simulator"
  • Quantum annealing
  • Adiabatic quantum computation
  • Gate-level quantum computation
  • Foundations of quantum physics
Kristel Michielsen


Full Name: 
Generation and detection of multipartite entanglement in quantum optical systems
Geza Toth
Running time: 
2011-03-01 - 2017-02-28

During the last decade, quantum entanglement has been intensively studied within quantum information science and has also appeared as a natural goal of recent quantum experiments. Because of that the theoretical background of detecting entanglement has been rapidly developing. However, most of this development concentrated on bipartite or few-party entanglement, while today's experiments typically involve many particles.

Quantum Information Theory and Quantum Metrology

Research Type: 

Our group works on various aspects of quantum information theory related to creation and characterization of quantum entanglement. We are especially interested in entanglement in quantum optical systems, such as cold gases or photonic systems. We also work on quantum metrlogy, in paricular, on using entangled quantum states for quantum enhanced metrology.

Geza Toth


Full Name: 
Multivalued and parallel logic
Francoise Remacle
Running time: 
2013-10-05 - 2016-02-29

MULTI replaces the familiar sequential model of computation that uses Boolean variables and combinational gates by logic operations that are executed in parallel on devices that have a built-in many state memory and whose inputs and outputs are multivalued. MULTI seeks to design, simulate and experimentally implement proof of principle devices on the atomic and molecular scale.

Theoretical Physical Chemistry

Research Type: 

The TCP group research activities focus on the theory and modeling of the dynamics of molecular systems subject to external perturbations, with applications to

Francoise Remacle

Raphael D Levine

Research Type: 
Raphael Levine
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