Quantum Communication


Full Name: 
Superconducting quantum heat engines and refrigerators
Jukka Pekola
Running time: 
2017-10-01 - 2022-09-30

The aim of the proposed work is to realize experimentally the first genuinely quantum mechanical refrigerator/heat engine in the solid state, and test whether one can boost its performance by information/feedback, optimized control, and merely by exploiting the quantum coherences vs the classical dynamics. To achieve this goal, we will investigate experimentally and theoretically the thermodynamics of open quantum systems.

EC vice-president Ansip: "I would like Europe to be the home to a world-class quantum industry"


EC vice-president and Commissioner for the Digital Single Market, Andrus Ansip, makes positive remarks about Quantum Technologies and talk about what will be the next steps in Europe for the QT.

In a recent post on his blog, EC vice-president and Commissioner for the Digital Single Market, Andrus Ansip, expresses his hopes and vision for the Quantum Technologies.

High Level Steering Committee Final Report published


The final report of the High Level Steering Committee for Quantum Technologies has been published.

On the 18th of September the final report of the High Level Steering Committee on Quantum Technologies has been published. This documents complete the intermidiate report which was published in February. The final report expands the section dedicated on the implementation and include a proposal for the governance structure of the QT flagship.

you can find the document at this link https://ec.europa.eu/digital-single-market/en/news/quantum-flagship-high...

Pre-publication of the LEIT-ICT WP18-20 (including QKD Testbed)


The European Commission has made available the prepublication version of the calls for the ICT part of the Work-programme 2018-2020. the documents contains the call for the QKD testbed

Following up yesterday announcement, with the prepublication of the FET workprogramme (you can find the previous announcement here http://qurope.eu/db/news/prepublication-h2020-fet-work-programme-2018-2020 ), the European Commission has made available the prepublication version of another piece of the 2018-2020 work-programme, the one dedicated to the Information and Communication Technology (ICT), which include the call for the QKD testbed. you can find the document here https://ec.europa.eu/programmes/horizon2020/sites/horizon2020/files/h202...

Prepublication of the H2020 FET work Programme 2018-2020


The EC has made available a prepubblication version of the H2020 Work programme 2018-2020

The European Commission has made available a draft version of the work-programme 2018-2020, which can be found at this link: https://ec.europa.eu/programmes/horizon2020/en/what-work-programme

This is still a preliminary version pending formal adoption by the European Commission, which should happen in October.

The European quantum technologies flagship programme - Special Issue in Quantum Science and Technology


A recently published article on the Quantum Science and Technology tackles the topic of the European Quantum Technologies Flagship Programme

, , and


Research Type: 
  • Quantum information theory - channel capacity, Rényi entropies and non-i.i.d. in general
  • Randomness - weak randomness and pseudorandomness, extraction, applications, unitary k-designs
  • Cryptography - mainly security of cryptographic protocols and primitives in connection with randomness
  • Quantum cryptography, communication, and information theory in general.
Jan Bouda

Quantum Technologies have a hearing at the US Congress


On the 16 March 2016, The U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission of the United States Congress held a hearing on China's pursuit of new technologies. one of the panel was focussed on Quantum Technologies.

On the 16 March 2016, The U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission of the United States Congress held a hearing on China's pursuit of new technologies.


Quantum Flagship: HLSC intermediate report handed over to the EC


Today, the Intermediate Report from the Quantum Technologies Flagship High-Level expert group has been handed over to the European Commission.

Today, the Intermediate Report from the Quantum Technologies Flagship High-Level expert group has been handed over to the European Commission. The hand-over took place during the Quantum Technologies Flagship conference organised by the Maltese presidency, which saw the participation of high profile scientists and industry representatives, as well as several national programme representatives.

QuantERA Proposers' Day in Malta

Registration deadline: 
2017-02-10 (All day)
Grand Hotel Excelsior - Malta, Great Siege Road, Floriana
On February 16th, 2017 QuantERA infoday accompanied by a networking event for potential proposers within QuantERA Call 2017 will take place in Malta.
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