33.20.+d Quantum dots

Nonequilibrium frequency-dependent noise through a quantum dot: A real-time functional renormalization group approach


C. P. Moca, P. Simon, C. H. Chung, and G. Zaránd


Phys. Rev. B 83, 201303(R) (2011)

We construct a real time current-conserving functional renormalization group (RG) scheme on the Keldysh contour to study frequency-dependent transport and noise through a quantum dot in the local moment regime. We find that the current vertex develops a nontrivial nonlocal structure in time that is governed by a new set of RG equations. Solving these RG equations, we compute the complete frequency and temperature dependence of the noise spectrum.

Quantum-Dot-Spin Single-Photon Interface


S. T. Yılmaz, P. Fallahi, and A. Imamoğlu


Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 033601 (2010)

Using background-free detection of spin-state-dependent resonance fluorescence from a single-electron charged quantum dot with an efficiency of 0.1%, we realize a classical single spin-photon interface where the detection of a scattered photon with 300 ps time resolution projects the quantum dot spin to a definite spin eigenstate with fidelity exceeding 99%. The bunching of resonantly scattered photons reveals information about electron spin dynamics.

Coupling molecular spin states by photon-assisted tunneling


L. R. Schreiber, F. R. Braakman, T. Meunier, V. Calado, J. Danon, J. M. Taylor, W. Wegscheider, L. M. K. Vandersypen


arXiv:1010.5682v1 [quant-ph]

Artificial molecules containing just one or two electrons provide a powerful platform for studies of orbital and spin quantum dynamics in nanoscale devices. A well-known example of these dynamics is tunneling of electrons between two coupled quantum dots triggered by microwave irradiation. So far, these tunneling processes have been treated as electric dipole-allowed spin-conserving events. Here we report that microwaves can also excite tunneling transitions between states with different spin.

Efficient C-Phase gate for single-spin qubits in quantum dots


T. Meunier, V. E. Calado, L. M. K. Vandersypen


arXiv:1010.0164v1 [cond-mat.mes-hall]

Two-qubit interactions are at the heart of quantum information processing. For single-spin qubits in semiconductor quantum dots, the exchange gate has always been considered the natural two-qubit gate. The recent integration of magnetic field or g-factor gradients in coupled quantum dot systems allows for a one-step, robust realization of the controlled phase (C-Phase) gate instead.

Electron Shot Noise and Nuclear Spin Dynamics in Spin-Blockaded Quantum Dots


M. S. Rudner, F. H. L. Koppens, J. A. Folk, L. M. K. Vandersypen, L. S. Levitov


arXiv:1001.1735v1 [cond-mat.mes-hall]

Transport through spin-blockaded quantum dots provides a means for electrical control and detection of nuclear spin dynamics in the host material. Although such experiments have become increasingly popular in recent years, interpretation of their results in terms of the underlying nuclear spin dynamics remains challenging. Here we point out a fundamental process in which nuclear spin dynamics can be driven by electron shot noise; fast electric current fluctuations generate much slower nuclear polarization dynamics, which in turn affect electron dynamics via the Overhauser field.

Crystal Phase Quantum Dots


N. Akopian, G. Patriarche, L. Liu, J.-C. Harmand and V. Zwiller


Nano Lett., 2010, 10 (4), pp 1198–1201

In semiconducting nanowires, both zinc blende and wurtzite crystal structures can coexist. The band structure difference between the two structures can lead to charge confinement. Here we fabricate and study single quantum dot devices defined solely by crystal phase in a chemically homogeneous nanowire and observe single photon generation.

Single quantum dot nanowire photodetectors


M. P. van Kouwen, M. H. M. van Weert, M. E. Reimer, N. Akopian, U. Perinetti, R. E. Algra, E. P. A. M. Bakkers, L. P. Kouwenhoven, and V. Zwiller


Appl. Phys. Lett. 97, 113108 (2010)

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