04.80.+d Entanglement dynamics in composite quantum systems

Topological phases of lattice bosons with a dynamical gauge field

2015-12-14 - 2016-03-02

David Raventós, Tobias Graß, Bruno Juliá-Díaz, Luis Santos, Maciej Lewenstein


Phys. Rev. A 93, 033605

Optical lattices with a complex-valued tunneling term have become a standard way of studying gauge-field physics with cold atoms. If the complex phase of the tunneling is made density dependent, such a system features even a self-interacting or dynamical magnetic field. In this paper we study the scenario of a few bosons in either a static or a dynamical gauge field by means of exact diagonalization.

Quantum many-body systems out of equilibrium


J. Eisert, M. Friesdorf, C. Gogolin


Nature Physics 11, 124–130 (2015)

How do closed quantum many-body systems driven out of equilibrium eventually achieve equilibration? And how do these systems thermalize, given that they comprise so many degrees of freedom? Progress in answering these—and related—questions has accelerated in recent years—a trend that can be partially attributed to success with experiments performing quantum simulations using ultracold atoms and trapped ions.

Variational matrix product operators for the steady state of dissipative quantum systems


Jian Cui, J. Ignacio Cirac, Mari Carmen Bañuls


Phys. Rev. Lett. (to appear, May 2015)

We present a new variational method, based on the matrix product operator (MPO) ansatz, for finding the steady state of dissipative quantum chains governed by master equations of the Lindblad form.

Slowest local operators in quantum spin chains


Hyungwon Kim, Mari Carmen Bañuls, J. Ignacio Cirac, Matthew B. Hastings, David A. Huse



We numerically construct slowly relaxing local operators in a nonintegrable spin-1/2 chain. Restricting the support of the operator to M consecutive spins along the chain, we exhaustively search for the operator that minimizes the Frobenius norm of the commutator with the Hamiltonian and show that the Frobenius norm bounds the time scale of relaxation of the operator.

Observation of entanglement propagation in a quantum many-body system

2014-01-21 - 2014-01-22

P. Jurcevic, B. P. Lanyon, P. Hauke, C. Hempel, P. Zoller, R. Blatt, C. F. Roos



The key to explaining a wide range of quantum phenomena is understanding how entanglement propagates around many-body systems. Furthermore, the controlled distribution of entanglement is of fundamental importance for quantum communication and computation. In many situations, quasiparticles are the carriers of information around a quantum system and are expected to distribute entanglement in a fashion determined by the system interactions.

Spread of correlations in long-range interacting quantum systems

2013-11-12 - 2014-01-22

P. Hauke, L. Tagliacozzo


Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 207202 (2013)

The nonequilibrium response of a quantum many-body system defines its fundamental transport properties and how initially localized quantum information spreads. However, for long-range-interacting quantum systems little is known. We address this issue by analyzing a local quantum quench in the long-range Ising model in a transverse field, where interactions decay as a variable power law with distance.

Emulating Solid-State Physics with a Hybrid System of Ultracold Ions and Atoms


U. Bissbort, D. Cocks, A. Negretti, Z. Idziaszek, T. Calarco, F. Schmidt-Kaler; W. Hoffstetter, R. Gerritsma


URL: http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.111.080501
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.111.080501
PACS: 03.67.Ac, 37.10.Ty, 71.10.Fd

We propose and theoretically investigate a hybrid system composed of a crystal of trapped ions coupled to a cloud of ultracold fermions. The ions form a periodic lattice and induce a band structure in the atoms. This system combines the advantages of high fidelity operations and detection offered by trapped ion systems with ultracold atomic systems.

Thermal vs. Entanglement Entropy: A Measurement Protocol for Fermionic Atoms with a Quantum Gas Microscope


Hannes Pichler, Lars Bonnes, Andrew J. Daley, Andreas M. Läuchli, Peter Zoller



We show how to measure the order-two Renyi entropy of many-body states of spinful fermionic atoms in an optical lattice in equilibrium and non-equilibrium situations. The proposed scheme relies on the possibility to produce and couple two copies of the state under investigation, and to measure the occupation number in a site- and spin-resolved manner, e.g. with a quantum gas microscope.

Entangling two distant oscillator with a quantum reservoir


A. Wolf, G. de Chiara, E. Kajari, E. Lutz, G. Morigi


Europhys. Lett. 95, 60008 (2011)

The generation of entanglement between two oscillators that interact via a common reservoir is theoretically studied. The reservoir is modeled by a one-dimensional harmonic crystal initially in thermal equilibrium. Starting from a separable state, the oscillators can become entangled after a transient time, that is of the order of the thermalization time scale. This behavior is observed at finite temperature even when the oscillators are at a distance significantly larger than the crystal's interparticle spacing.

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