04.10.+s Entanglement in spin models/oscillator chains

Creation and transfer of non-classical states of motion using Rydberg dressing of atoms in a lattice


L. F. Buchmann, K. Mølmer, D. Petrosyan


Phys. Rev. A 95, 013403 (2017)

We theoretically investigate the manipulation of the motional states of trapped ground-state atoms using Rydberg dressing via nonresonant laser fields. The forces resulting from Rydberg state interaction between dressed neighboring atoms in an array of microtraps or an optical lattice can strongly couple their motion. We show that intensity modulation of the dressing field allows us to squeeze the relative motion of a pair of atoms and generate nonclassical mechanical states.

One-dimensional Bose gas in optical lattices of arbitrary strength

2015-09-15 - 2016-02-08

Grigory E. Astrakharchik, Konstantin V. Krutitsky, Maciej Lewenstein, and Ferran Mazzanti


Phys. Rev. A 93, 021605(R)

One-dimensional Bose gas with contact interaction in optical lattices at zero temperature is investigated by means of the exact diffusion Monte Carlo algorithm. The results obtained from the fundamental continuous model are compared with those obtained from the lattice (discrete) Bose-Hubbard model, using exact diagonalization, and from the quantum sine-Gordon model.

Entanglement of an impurity in a few-body one-dimensional ideal Bose system

2015-12-10 - 2016-03-17

M. A. García-March, A. S. Dehkharghani, N. T. Zinner


Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, Volume 49, Number 7

We study the correlation between an impurity and a small ensemble of bosonic particles in one dimension. Our study analyzes the one-body density matrix and calculates the corresponding von Neumann entanglement entropy as a function of the interaction strength between the impurity and the bosons when all particles have the same mass.

Entanglement area law from specific heat capacity

2014-11-02 - 2015-09-16

Fernando G. S. L. Brandão and Marcus Cramer


Phys. Rev. B 92, 115134

We study the scaling of entanglement in low-energy states of quantum many-body models on lattices of arbitrary dimensions. We allow for unbounded Hamiltonians such that systems with bosonic degrees of freedom are included. We show that, if at low enough temperatures the specific heat capacity of the model decays exponentially with inverse temperature, the entanglement in every low-energy state satisfies an area law (with a logarithmic correction). This behavior of the heat capacity is typically observed in gapped systems.

Unconstrained tree tensor network: An adaptive gauge picture for enhanced performance


M. Gerster, P. Silvi, M. Rizzi, R. Fazio, T. Calarco, and S. Montangero


Phys. Rev. B 90, 125154 (2014)

We introduce a variational algorithm to simulate quantum many-body states based on a tree tensor network ansatz which releases the isometry constraint usually imposed by the real-space renormalization coarse graining. This additional numerical freedom, combined with the loop-free topology of the tree network, allows one to maximally exploit the internal gauge invariance of tensor networks, ultimately leading to a computationally flexible and efficient algorithm able to treat open and periodic boundary conditions on the same footing.

Noise-resistant optimal spin squeezing via quantum control


T. Pichler, T. Caneva, S. Montangero, M. D. Lukin, and T. Calarco


Phys. Rev. A 93, 013851 (2016)

Entangled atomic states, such as spin-squeezed states, represent a promising resource for a new generation of quantum sensors and atomic clocks. We demonstrate that optimal control techniques can be used to substantially enhance the degree of spin squeezing in strongly interacting many-body systems, even in the presence of noise and imperfections. Specifically, we present a protocol that is robust to noise and outperforms conventional methods. Potential experimental implementations are discussed.

Detecting two-site spin-entanglement in many-body systems with local particle-number fluctuations


Leonardo Mazza, Davide Rossini, Rosario Fazio, Manuel Endres


New J. Phys. 17, 013015



We derive experimentally measurable lower bounds for the two-site entanglement of the spin-degrees of freedom of many-body systems with local particle-number fluctuations. Our method aims at enabling the spatially resolved detection of spin-entanglement in Hubbard systems using high-resolution imaging in optical lattices.

Slowest local operators in quantum spin chains


Hyungwon Kim, Mari Carmen Bañuls, J. Ignacio Cirac, Matthew B. Hastings, David A. Huse



We numerically construct slowly relaxing local operators in a nonintegrable spin-1/2 chain. Restricting the support of the operator to M consecutive spins along the chain, we exhaustively search for the operator that minimizes the Frobenius norm of the commutator with the Hamiltonian and show that the Frobenius norm bounds the time scale of relaxation of the operator.

All spin-1 topological phases in a single spin-2 chain


Augustine Kshetrimayum, Hong-Hao Tu, and Roman Orus


Phys. Rev. B. 91, 205118 (2015)

Here we study the emergence of different Symmetry-Protected Topological (SPT) phases in a spin-2 quantum chain. We consider a Heisenberg-like model with bilinear, biquadratic, bicubic, and biquartic nearest-neighbor interactions, as well as uniaxial anisotropy.

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