An integrated quantum repeater at telecom wavelength with single atoms in optical fiber cavities


Manuel Uphoff, Manuel Brekenfeld, Gerhard Rempe, Stephan Ritter


Appl. Phys. B 122, 46 (2016)

Quantum repeaters promise to enable quantum networks over global distances by circumventing the exponential decrease in success probability inherent in direct photon transmission. We propose a realistic, functionally integrated quantum-repeater implementation based on single atoms in optical cavities. Entanglement is directly generated between the single-atom quantum memory and a photon at telecom wavelength. The latter is collected with high efficiency and adjustable temporal and spectral properties into a spatially well-defined cavity mode.

Cavity-based quantum networks with single atoms and optical photons


Andreas Reiserer, Gerhard Rempe


Rev. Mod. Phys. 87, 1379 (2015)

Distributed quantum networks will allow users to perform tasks and to interact in ways which are not possible with present-day technology. Their implementation is a key challenge for quantum science and requires the development of stationary quantum nodes that can send and receive as well as store and process quantum information locally. The nodes are connected by quantum channels for flying information carriers, i.e., photons. These channels serve both to directly exchange quantum information between nodes and to distribute entanglement over the whole network.

Breakdown of atomic hyperfine coupling in a deep optical-dipole trap


Andreas Neuzner, Matthias Körber, Stephan Dürr, Gerhard Rempe, Stephan Ritter


Phys. Rev. A 92, 053842 (2015)

We experimentally study the breakdown of hyperfine coupling for an atom in a deep optical-dipole trap. One-color laser spectroscopy is performed at the resonance lines of a single 87Rb atom for a trap wavelength of 1064 nm. Evidence of hyperfine breakdown comes from three observations, namely, a nonlinear dependence of the transition frequencies on the trap intensity, a splitting of lines which are degenerate for small intensities, and the ability to drive transitions which would be forbidden by selection rules in the absence of hyperfine breakdown.

A local shortcut to adiabaticity for quantum many-body systems


Victor Mukherjee, Simone Montangero, and Rosario Fazio



We study the environment assisted local transitionless dynamics in closed spin systems driven through quantum critical points. In general shortcut to adaiabaticity (STA) in quantum critical systems requires highly non-local control Hamiltonians. In this work we develop an approach to achieve local shortcuts to adiabaticity (LSTA) in spin chains, using local control fields which scale polynomially with the system size, following universal critical exponents.

Destruction of string order after a quantum quench


Marcello Calvanese Strinati, Leonardo Mazza, Manuel Endres, Davide Rossini, and Rosario Fazio



We investigate the evolution of string order in a spin-1 chain following a quantum quench. After initializing the chain in the Affleck-Kennedy-Lieb-Tasaki state, we analyze in detail how string order evolves as a function of time at different length scales. The Hamiltonian after the quench is chosen either to preserve or to suddenly break the symmetry which ensures the presence of string order. Depending on which of these two situations arises, string order is either preserved or lost even at infinitesimal times in the thermodynamic limit.

Dissipation, Correlation and Lags in Heat Engines


Michele Campisi and Rosario Fazio



By modelling heat engines as driven multi-partite system we show that their dissipation can be expressed in terms of the lag (relative entropy) between the perturbed state of each partition and their equilibrium state, and the correlations that build up among the partitions. We illustrate the rich interplay between correlations and lags with a two-qubit device driven by a quantum gate.

Universal attainment of Carnot efficiency at finite power with critical heat engines


Michele Campisi and Rosario Fazio



Since its inception about two centuries ago thermodynamics has sparkled continuous interest and fundamental questions. According to the second law no heat engine working between two heat reservoirs at temperatures T_1 > T_2 can have an efficiency larger than Carnot's efficiency \eta^C=1-T_2/T_1. The latter can be achieved by the Carnot engine, which however ideally operates in infinite time, hence delivers null power. A question that is currently in the limelight of current investigation is whether the Carnot efficiency can be achieved at finite power.

Entanglement entropy in a periodically driven Ising chain


Angelo Russomanno, Giuseppe E. Santoro, and Rosario Fazio



In this work we study the entanglement entropy of a uniform quantum Ising chain in transverse field undergoing a periodic driving of period \tau. By means of Floquet theory we show that, for any subchain, the entanglement entropy tends asymptotically to a value \tau-periodic in time. We provide a semi-analytical formula for the leading term of this asymptotic regime: It is constant in time and obeys a volume law.

Cluster mean-field approach to the steady-state phase diagram of dissipative spin systems


Jiasen Jin, Alberto Biella, Oscar Viyuela, Leonardo Mazza, Jonathan Keeling, Rosario Fazio, and Davide Rossini



We show that short-range correlations have a dramatic impact on the steady-state phase diagram of quantum driven-dissipative systems. This effect, never observed in equilibrium, follows from the fact that ordering in the steady state is of dynamical origin, and is established only at very long time, whereas in thermodynamic equilibrium it arises from the properties of the (free-)energy. Tiny correlations may be amplified in the dynamics and therefore have a strong impact in the steady state.

Energy transport between two integrable spin chains


Alberto Biella, Andrea De Luca, Jacopo Viti, Davide Rossini, Leonardo Mazza, and Rosario Fazio


Phys. Rev. B 93, 205121 (2016)

We study the energy transport in a system of two half-infinite XXZ chains initially kept separated at different temperatures, and later connected and let free to evolve unitarily. By changing independently the parameters of the two halves, we highlight, through bosonization and time-dependent matrix-product-state simulations, the different contributions of low-lying bosonic modes and of fermionic quasiparticles to the energy transport. In the simulations we also observe that the energy current reaches a finite value which only slowly decays to zero.

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