Dissipative topological superconductors in number-conserving systems


Fernando Iemini, Davide Rossini, Rosario Fazio, Sebastian Diehl, and Leonardo Mazza


Phys. Rev. B 93, 115113 (2016)

We discuss the dissipative preparation of p-wave superconductors in number-conserving one-dimensional fermionic systems. We focus on two setups: the first one entails a single wire coupled to a bath, whereas in the second one the environment is connected to a two-leg ladder. Both settings lead to stationary states which feature the bulk properties of a pwave superconductor, identified in this number-conserving setting through the long-distance behavior of the proper p-wave correlations.

Synthetic gauge fields in synthetic dimensions: Interactions and chiral edge modes


Simone Barbarino, Luca Taddia, Davide Rossini, Leonardo Mazza, and Rosario Fazio


New J. Phys. 18, 035010 (2016)

Synthetic ladders realized with one-dimensional alkaline-earth(-like) fermionic gases and subject to a gauge field represent a promising environment for the investigation of quantum Hall physics with ultracold atoms. Using density-matrix renormalization group calculations, we study how the quantum Hall-like chiral edge currents are affected by repulsive atom-atom interactions. We relate the properties of such currents to the asymmetry of the spin resolved momentum distribution function, a quantity which is easily addressable in state-of-art experiments.

Simulation and Detection of Photonic Chern Insulators in One-Dimensional Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics Lattice


Feng Mei, Jia-Bin You, Wei Nie, R. Fazio, Shi-Liang Zhu, and L. C. Kwek


Phys. Rev. A 92, 041805 (2015)

We introduce a conceptually simple and experimentally feasible method to realize and detect photonic topological Chern insulators with a one-dimensional circuit quantum electrodynamics lattice. By periodically modulating the couplings in this lattice, we show that this one-dimensional model can be mapped into a two-dimensional Chern insulator model. In addition to allowing the study of photonic Chern insulators, this approach also provides a natural platform to realize experimentally Laughlin's pumping argument.

Localized Majorana-like modes in a number conserving setting: An exactly solvable model


Fernando Iemini, Leonardo Mazza, Davide Rossini, Rosario Fazio, and Sebastian Diehl


Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 156402 (2015)

In this Letter we present, in a number conserving framework, a model of interacting fermions in a two-wire geometry supporting nonlocal zero-energy Majorana-like edge excitations. The model has an exactly solvable line, on varying the density of fermions, described by a topologically nontrivial ground state wave function. Away from the exactly solvable line we study the system by means of the numerical density matrix renormalization group.

Magnetic crystals and helical liquids in alkaline-earth fermionic gases


Simone Barbarino, Luca Taddia, Davide Rossini, Leonardo Mazza, and Rosario Fazio


Nature Simone Barbarino, Luca Taddia, Davide Rossini, Leonardo Mazza & Rosario Fazio Simone Barbarino, Luca Taddia, Davide Rossini, Leonardo Mazza & Rosario Fazio Commun. 6, 8134 (2015)

The joint action of a synthetic gauge potential and of atomic contact repulsion in a one-dimensional alkaline-earth(-like) fermionic gas with nuclear spin I leads to the existence of a hierarchy of fractional insulating and conducting states with intriguing properties. We unveil the existence and the features of those phases by means of both analytical bosonization techniques and numerical methods based on the density-matrix renormalization group algorithm.

Exotic attractors of the non-equilibrium Rabi-Hubbard model


M. Schiró, C. Joshi, M. Bordyuh, R. Fazio, J. Keeling, and H. E. Türeci


Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 143603 (2016)

We explore the phase diagram of the dissipative Rabi-Hubbard model, as could be realized by a Raman-pumping scheme applied to a coupled cavity array. There exist various exotic attractors, including ferroelectric, antiferroelectric, and incommensurate fixed points, as well as regions of persistent oscillations. Many of these features can be understood analytically by truncating to the two lowest lying states of the Rabi model on each site. We also show that these features survive beyond mean field, using matrix product operator simulations.

Phase diagram of a QED-cavity array coupled via a N-type level scheme


Jiasen Jin, Rosario Fazio, and Davide Rossini


EPJ Quantum Technology 2015, 2:5

We study the zero-temperature phase diagram of a one-dimensional array of QED cavities where, besides the single-photon hopping, an additional coupling between neighboring cavities is mediated by an N-type four-level system. By varying the relative strength of the various couplings, the array is shown to exhibit a variety of quantum phases including a polaritonic Mott insulator, a density-wave and a superfluid phase. Our results have been obtained by means of numerical density-matrix renormalization group calculations.

Mutual information as an order parameter for quantum synchronization


V. Ameri, M. Eghbali-Arani, A. Mari, A. Farace, F. Kheirandish, V. Giovannetti, and R. Fazio


Phys. Rev. A 91, 012301 (2015)

Spontaneous synchronization is a fundamental phenomenon, important in many theoretical studies and applications. Recently, this effect has been analyzed and observed in a number of physical systems close to the quantum-mechanical regime. In this work we propose mutual information as a useful order parameter which can capture the emergence of synchronization in very different contexts, ranging from semiclassical to intrinsically quantum-mechanical systems.

Photon transport in a dissipative chain of nonlinear cavities


Alberto Biella, Leonardo Mazza, Iacopo Carusotto, Davide Rossini, and Rosario Fazio


Phys. Rev. A 91, 053815 (2015)

By means of numerical simulations and the input-output formalism, we study photon transport through a chain of coupled nonlinear optical cavities subject to uniform dissipation. Photons are injected from one end of the chain by means of a coherent source. The propagation through the array of cavities is sensitive to the interplay between the photon hopping strength and the local nonlinearity in each cavity. We characterize photon transport by studying the populations and the photon correlations as a function of the cavity position.

Nonequilibrium fluctuations in quantum heat engines: theory, example, and possible solid state experiments


Michele Campisi, Jukka Pekola, and Rosario Fazio


New J. Phys. 17 035012 (2015)

We study the stochastic energetic exchanges in quantum heat engines. Due to microreversibility, these obey a fluctuation relation, called the heat engine fluctuation relation, which implies the Carnot bound: no machine can have an efficiency larger than Carnot's efficiency. The stochastic thermodynamics of a quantum heat engine (including the joint statistics of heat and work and the statistics of efficiency) is illustrated by means of an optimal two-qubit heat engine, where each qubit is coupled to a thermal bath and a two-qubit gate determines energy exchanges between the two qubits.

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