Quantum information theory

Research Type: 

  • quantum information theory
  • quantum optical implementations of quantum information ideas
  • quantum many-body theory

Jens Eisert

Quantum Information, University of Leeds

Research Type: 
  • Quantum Information Theory and Computation (Beige, Dunningham, Kendon, Pachos, Spiller)
  • Foundations of Quantum Mechanics (Dunningham, Beige, Spiller)
  • Optical and Solid State Implementations (Beige, Pachos, Spiller)
  • Bose Einstein Condensation (Dunningham, Pachos, Spiller)
  • Topological Quantum Computation (Pachos)
  • Quantum Simulations and Transport (Kendon)
  • Quantum Cryptography (Razavi, Spiller, Beige)
  • Quantum Communication Networks (Razavi)
Tim Spiller

International Symposium on Optical Manipulation of Quantum Information in Solids


The direct continuation of SMQIOAS 2008, May 26-29, Paris.

More details on


International Symposium on Optical Manipulation of Quantum Information in Solids

2010-05-26 - 2010-05-28
Paris, Institut Henri Poincaré

Organised by some of the QuReP partners, this workshop will gather around 50 to 70 scientists from various countries working in the field of coherent and quantum optical processes in solids. It will also pay a tribute to the memories of two researchers, well-known in the community, who disappeared in an air crash last year. The conference is in the direct continuation of SMQIOAS 2008 in Bozeman, Montana and of a series of European workshops organized for several years on quantum information in rare earth doped crystals.

Q-ESSENCE New Partner


University of Paderborn (UPB) -  new beneficiary in Q-Essence project.

University of Paderborn (UPB), Germany, will become the new Q-Essence beneficiary. Prof. Christine Silberhorn, previously in MPL, was appointed as a full professor at the University of Paderborn where she will continue her research in the Applied Physics group within the Center of Optoelectronics and Photonics (CeOPP).

Randomness is no lottery thanks to entangled ions


Number sequences guaranteed random by quantum mechanics

An international team of physicists (involving physicists C. Monroe and A. Acin from the AQUTE and Q-ESSENCE projects respectively) has created the first system that can produce verifiably random numbers. The technique relies on the inherent uncertainties in quantum mechanics and future versions could help cryptographers to encode information more securely than ever before.

Full story available here.

RCQI Bratislava

Research Type: 


  • Quantum information theory
  • Quantum measurement theory
  • Quantum walks
  • Quantum protocols
  • Quantum foundations
  • Quantum optics


Mário Ziman

Quantum Optics Laboratories

Research Type: 

  • Light-atoms quantum interface
  • Quantum memory
  • Teleportation of atomic ensembles
  • Repeaters
  • Single photon source

Eugen S. Polzik

Quantum Physics Group UG

Research Type: 
  • multiphoton interferometry
  • parametric optical processes
  • quantum communication
  • Bell's theorem
Marek Zukowski
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