In the Media

Forschern gelang großer Schritt Richtung Quantencomputer

The Austrian newspaper Der Standard writes on recent developments on quantum logic gates for trapped ions (in german).

Die erste absolut sichere Datenübertragung

Die Welt writes about quantum cryptography (in German).

La science expliquée aux jeunes

Le Parisien writes about a science festival in Paris (in French).

Forscher baut "Chaos-Maschine"

The Handelsblatt writes about quantum computing (in German).

Que la lumière soit... à partir du vide

Le Nouvel Observateur writes about a quantum experiment (in French).

id210 - new product by ID Quantique - at

ID Quantique’s id210 brings a major breakthrough for single-photon detection at telecom wavelengths of 900 – 1700nm.

La science à la conquête des superpouvoirs

Le Parision writes about quantum teleportation (in French).

Innsbrucker Physiker entwickeln Korrektur für Quantenrechner

The Austrian newspaper Der Standard reports on the latest Science article of the Innsbruck group (in German).

Der Kern der Dinge

Die Zeit writes about the discovery of the nucleus (in German).

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