In the Media

Die Quantencomputer- Programmiererin

The Austrian newspaper Der Standard brings an article on secure Cloud-Computing (in German).

Wenn Atome rechnen lernen

The Handelsblatt writes about quantum computing (in German).

Eine Wette auf die Zukunft

The Handelsblatt writes about the quantum computer by D-wave (in German).

Quantencomputer rechnen blind – und abhörsicher

The Austrian newspaper Die Presse writes about quantum computers (in German).

Trivial Low Energy States for Commuting Hamiltonians, and the Quantum PCP Conjecture

We consider whether or not Hamiltonians which are sums of commuting projectors have "trivial" ground states which can be constructed by a local quantum circuit of bounded depth and range acting on a product state. While the toric code only has nontrivial ground states, commuting projector Hamiltonians which are sums of two-body interactions have trivial ground states.

Analytic and numerical demonstration of quantum self-correction in the 3D Cubic Code

A big open question in the quantum information theory concerns feasibility of a self-correcting quantum memory. A quantum state recorded in such memory can be stored reliably for a macroscopic time without need for active error correction if the memory is put in contact with a cold enough thermal bath. In this paper we derive a rigorous lower bound on the memory time $T_{mem}$ of the 3D Cubic Code model which was recently conjectured to have a self-correcting behavior.

Die Wirklichkeit der Welle

Die Zeit writes about quantum physics (in German).

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