In the Media

Quanten treiben die Forschung

The Wiener Zeitung writes about research in quantum science (in German).

Quantum broadband becomes reality

An article in Newscientist on the research at Toshiba Research Europe Limited (TREL), 20th April 2010.

Toshiba invention brings quantum computing closer writes about the research led by the group of Andrew Shields at Toshiba Research Europe Limited (TREL), Cambridge, UK.

Breakthrough in quantum computing - scientists from TREL in BBC News Channel

The group of Andrew Shields from Toshiba Research Europe Limited (TREL) in Cambridge, UK talks about their research on quantum computing and entangled LED in the BBC News Channel (8/6/2010).

On quantum observations - TEDxBratislava, lecture by Vladimir Buzek

Vladimir Buzek was one of the speakers during TEDx Day in Bratislava.

"Borges, Kafka, Kehlmann and a little bit of quantum theory"

Funknetz im Quantencomputer

The Austrian newspaper Der Standard reports on a new Nature article by the Insbruck group around Rainer Blatt.

Neue Architekturfür Quantencomputer

The Wiener Zeitung brings a short note on a new architecture for quantum computers (in German).

"Quantum cryptography is not picky, physicists prove" research at Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw

An article in AlphaGalileo portal on the latest experiment with photonic entanglement at Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw. This research conducted by Polish physicists was also supported by Q-ESSENCE project.


Physiker bauen Photonenknast

Der Spiegel writes about photon traps (in German).

La cryptographie, un art toujours perfectible

The Courrier international writes about cryptography (in French).

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