In the Media

Atomic Van der Waals force measured for the first time writes about the measurement of atomic Van der Waals forces.

Innsbrucker Quantenphysiker Blatt erhält Humboldt-Forschungspreis

The Austrian newspaper Der Standard writes about Rainer Blatt receiving the Humboldt-Forschungspreis (in German).

Entangled atom–photon pairs created on demand writes about Entangled atom–photon pairs.

Physiker Immanuel Bloch erhält Körber-Preis

The Austrian newspaper Der Standard writes about the Immanuel-Bloch receiving the Koerber-Preis (in German).

Grundbaustein für weltweites Quantennetzwerk

The Austrian newspaper Der Standard writes about a world-wide quantum network (in German).

Quantenverschränkung erstmals gefilmt

The Austrian newspaper Der Standard writes about an entanglement experiment (in German).

Das Jahrzehnt der Meilensteine

The Austrian newspaper Der Standard lists QIPC related research among the top milestones of the decade (in German).

Starke Kopplung zwischen Licht und Materie erzielt

The Austrian newspaper Der Standard writes about strong coupling between light and matter (in German).

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