In the Media

"Cooling with heat" at

Article on research done by the group of prof. Jens Eisert, one of the scientists involved in Q-ESSENCE, highlighted at

Einzelnes Atom speichert Quanteninformation

The Handelsblatt writes about quantum computers (in German).

Quäntchentheorie für Laien

The Wiener Zeitung brings a story on quantum theory for beginners (in German),

Preparing projected entangled pair states on a quantum computer

We present a quantum algorithm to prepare injective PEPS on a quantum computer, a class of open tensor networks representing quantum states. The run-time of our algorithm scales polynomially with the inverse of the minimum condition number of the PEPS projectors and, essentially, with the inverse of the spectral gap of the PEPS' parent Hamiltonian.

Quanten im Spiegel

The Wiener Zeitung writes about quanta in a mirror (in German).

Rekord in der Quantenwelt

The Wiener Zeitung writes about a new record in the quantum world (in German).

Forscher erfinden Quanten-Unterbrecher

Der Spiegel writes about quantum repeaters (in German).

Feynman's legacy: Science at the nanometer scale.

Jonathan Finley presented a talk entitled "Feynman's Legacy: Science at the Nanometer Scale" to a group of more than 100 High School students and Parents at the Carl-Orff Gymnasium in Unterschleissheim, near Munich, Germany.  Details (in German language) and photographs of the event can be found by navigating to

Die Zaubermeister der Materie

The Wiener Zeitung writes about the 'magicians of matter' (in German).

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