In the Media

Experiment nimmt auf Vergangenheit Einfluss

The Austrian newspaper Der Standard brings an article about an experiment that influences the past (in German).

Zukunft beeinflusst Vergangenheit

The Wiener Zeitung writes about quantum phenomena (in German).

Verschränkte Photonenpaare in Halbleiter-Chip realisiert

The Austrian newspaper Der Standard brings a story about entangled photon pairs in semi-conductor chips (in german).

Wir brauchen nicht 14, sondern 100.000 Quantenbits

The Austrian newspaper Der Standard brings an interview with Ignacio Cirac (in german).

Bewegliche Spiegel zur Theorie-Einschränkung

The Austrian newpaper Der Standard writes about a new propose experiment to test Planck-scale physics with quantum optics (in german).

Teleportación cuántica: La transmisión a distancia del 'alma', no del 'cuerpo'

The UPV/EHU PI, Enrique Solano, has written a popularizing article in a Spanish newspaper about Quantum Teleportation.

La simulación cuántica es un teatro de átomos

The UPV/EHU PI, Enrique Solano, has been interviewed in Spanish newspapers.

Ordinateur quantique - Dates

The french newspaper Le Monde writes about a quantum computer (in french).

Les promesses de l'ordinateur quantique

The french newspaper Le Monde writes about a quantum computer (in french).

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