Quantum Computing

First weak measurements made on optical polarization states

Physicists in Canada and the US claim to be the first to make a direct measurement of the polarization quantum state of light – a feat that at first glance appears to defy Heisenberg's uncertainty principle. The technique, which relies on a process known as weak measurement, could help in fundamental studies on quantum mechanics or in the development of quantum computing.

Grundlage für Quantencomputer: Idente Photonen auf Knopfdruck

The Austrian newspaper Der Standard brings an article about foundations for a quantum computer (in German).

Quantum computers turn mechanical

physicsworld.com brings a story on quantum computers.

'Boson sampling' offers shortcut to quantum computing

A physicsworld.com article about an optical device that could outstrip classical computers.

How Quantum Computers Work

A brief description of how Quantum Computers Will work from HowStuffWorks.com.

Quantum Entanglement and Information

A comprehensive guide to quantum entanglement and its implications for quantum computing, teleportation and cryptography.

Learning material on Quantum Computing

A collection of links and articles at the University of Cambridge.

David Deutsch video lectures

A series of lectures by David Deutsch designed as an introduction to the quantum theory of computation.

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