In the Media

Nous sommes obsédés par le court terme

La Liberation writes about the relation between science and society (in French).

Le secret bien gardé de Monsieur Spock

La Liberation writes on quantum teleportation (in French).

Rekorddistanz: Quanteninformation über 143 Kilometer übertragen

The Austrian newpaper Der Standard writes about a new distance record for the transmission of quantum information (in german).

Forscher teleportieren Licht über 143 Kilometer

Der Spiegel writes about quantum teleportation (in German).

Quanten "schmelzen" nicht

The Wiener Zeitung writes about quantum melting (in German).

Physiker übertragen Quanteninformationen über 143 Kilometer

The Austrian newspaper Der Standard brings a story about a teleportation experiment (in german).

Forscher beamen Quanten 143 Kilometer weit

The Financial Times Deutschland writes about quantum experiments (in German).

Exotische Rechenperlen

The Frankfurter Rundschau writes about quantum computing (in German).

Wie sicher ist Quantenkryptographie wirklich?

Die Zeit writes about quantum cryptography (in German).

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