Introductory Material

Links to some scientific material (tutorials, papers, virtual labs,..) on the web.

Introduction to Quantum Computing

'Introduction to Quantum Computing' on IBM developerWorks.

An Introduction to Quantum Computing

"An Introduction to Quantum Computing" by Noson S. Yanofsky.

YouTube TheQubitLab's channel

A dedicated channel on youtube to collect popular video clips on key scientific ideas explored within QIPC. This is sponsored by projects funded by FP6 and FP7 programs of the European Commission.

Visit TheQubitLab.

Video clips on key scientific ideas explored within QIPC

Video clips on key scientific ideas explored within QIPC, and brought to you by projects funded by FP6 and FP7 programmes of European Commission.

Please visit the popular U-tube at:

More to come- watch this space!

LABhub Videoblog: an introduction to Toshiba Quantum Computing R&D Project

A video at LABhubVideoblog about the research at Toshiba Research Europe Ltd. (24th Nov 2010), interview with Andrew Shields (TREL).

Breakthrough in quantum computing - scientists from TREL in BBC News Channel

The group of Andrew Shields from Toshiba Research Europe Limited (TREL) in Cambridge, UK talks about their research on quantum computing and entangled LED in the BBC News Channel (8/6/2010).

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