
Observation of Quantized Conductance in Neutral Matter


Sebastian Krinner, David Stadler, Dominik Husmann, Jean-Philippe Brantut, Tilman Esslinger


Nature 517, 64-67 (2015)

In transport experiments the quantum nature of matter becomes directly evident when changes in conductance occur only in discrete steps, with a size determined solely by Planck's constant h. The observations of quantized steps in the electric conductance have provided important insights into the physics of mesoscopic systems and allowed for the development of quantum electronic devices. Even though quantized conductance should not rely on the presence of electric charges, it has never been observed for neutral, massive particles.

Optical detection of radio waves through a nanomechanical transducer


T. Bagci, A. Simonsen, S. Schmid, L. G. Villanueva, E. Zeuthen, J. Appel, J. M. Taylor, A. Sørensen, K. Usami, A. Schliesser, and E. S. Polzik


Nature 507, 81–85 (06 March 2014) doi:10.1038/nature13029,
arXiv:1307.3467 (2013)

Electromagnetically-induced-transparency control of single-atom motion in an optical cavity


Tobias Kampschulte, Wolfgang Alt, Sebastian Manz, Miguel Martinez-Dorantes, René Reimann,
Seokchan Yoon, Dieter Meschede, Marc Bienert, Giovanna Morigi


Phys. Rev. A 89, 033404 (2014)

We demonstrate cooling of the motion of a single neutral atom confined by a dipole trap inside a high-finesse
optical resonator. Cooling of the vibrational motion results from electromagnetically induced transparency
(EIT)-like interference in an atomic \Lambda-type configuration, where one transition is strongly coupled to the cavity
mode and the other is driven by an external control laser. Good qualitative agreement with the theoretical
predictions is found for the explored parameter ranges. Further, we demonstrate EIT cooling of atoms in the

QUTE-EUROPE Summer School 2014

2014-08-18 - 2014-08-28
Registration deadline: 
2014-05-15 (All day)
Smolenice castle, Slovak Republic

QUTE-EUROPE SUMMER SCHOOL is focused on training of graduate students in current research topics and challenges of quantum computation and quantum communication technologies. 

The program includes eight series of lectures by leading experts, short presentation of participants on the topics of the lectures.

S-matrix from matrix product states

2013-12-23 - 2014-02-17

Laurens Vanderstraeten, Jutho Haegeman, Tobias J. Osborne, Frank Verstraete



Call for Application to support a Quantum Envoy

2014-01-01 - 2016-01-31

Quantum envoy is any activity connecting interested third-party audiences with the quantum information research community. Typical examples of quantum envoy are public lectures and exhibitions presenting general aspects of QIPC research and goals.

Propagation of Quantum Walks in Electric Fields

2013-10-14 - 2014-01-28

C. Cedzich, T. Rybár, A. H. Werner, A. Alberti, M. Genske, R. F. Werner


Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 160601 (2013)

We study one-dimensional quantum walks in a homogenous electric field. The field is given by a phase which depends linearly on position and is applied after each step. The long time propagation properties of this system, such as revivals, ballistic expansion, and Anderson localization, depend very sensitively on the value of the electric field, Φ, e.g., on whether Φ/(2π) is rational or irrational. We relate these properties to the continued fraction expansion of the field.

Electric quantum walks with individual atoms

2013-05-07 - 2014-01-28

Maximilian Genske, Wolfgang Alt, Andreas Steffen, Albert H. Werner, Reinhard F. Werner, Dieter Meschede, Andrea Alberti


Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 190601

We report on the experimental realization of electric quantum walks, which mimic the effect of an electric field on a charged particle in a lattice. Starting from a textbook implementation of discrete-time quantum walks, we introduce an extra operation in each step to implement the effect of the field. The recorded dynamics of such a quantum particle exhibits features closely related to Bloch oscillations and interband tunneling.

Proof of Heisenberg's error-disturbance relation

2013-10-17 - 2014-01-28

Paul Busch, Pekka Lahti, Reinhard F. Werner


Physical Review Letters 111, 160405 (2013)

While the slogan “no measurement without disturbance” has established itself under the name of the Heisenberg effect in the consciousness of the scientifically interested public, a precise statement of this fundamental feature of the quantum world has remained elusive, and serious attempts at rigorous formulations of it as a consequence of quantum theory have led to seemingly conflict

Heisenberg uncertainty for qubit measurements

2014-01-31 - 2014-06-03

Paul Busch, Pekka Lahti, Reinhard F. Werner


Phys. Rev. A 89, 012129

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