
Steady-state entanglement of two superconducting qubits engineered by dissipation

2013-09-16 - 2014-01-16

Florentin Reiter,
L. Tornberg,
Göran Johansson,
Anders S. Sørensen


PHYSICAL REVIEW A 88, 032317 (2013)

We present a scheme for the dissipative preparation of an entangled steady state of two superconducting qubits in a circuit quantum electrodynamics (QED) setup. Combining resonator photon loss—a dissipative process already present in the setup—with an effective two-photon microwave drive, we engineer an effective decay mechanism which prepares a maximally entangled state of the two qubits. This state is then maintained as the steady state of the driven, dissipative evolution.

Nondestructive Detection of an Optical Photon


Andreas Reiserer, Stephan Ritter, Gerhard Rempe


Science 342, 1349 (2013)

All optical detectors to date annihilate photons upon detection, thus excluding repeated measurements. Here, we demonstrate a robust photon detection scheme that does not rely on absorption. Instead, an incoming photon is reflected from an optical resonator containing a single atom prepared in a superposition of two states. The reflection toggles the superposition phase, which is then measured to trace the photon. Characterizing the device with faint laser pulses, a single-photon detection efficiency of 74% and a survival probability of 66% are achieved.

Ground-State Cooling of a Single Atom at the Center of an Optical Cavity


A. Reiserer, C. Nölleke, S. Ritter, G. Rempe


Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 223003 (2013)

A single neutral atom is trapped in a three-dimensional optical lattice at the center of a high-finesse optical resonator. Using fluorescence imaging and a shiftable standing-wave trap, the atom is deterministically loaded into the maximum of the intracavity field where the atom-cavity coupling is strong. After 5 ms of Raman sideband cooling, the three-dimensional motional ground state is populated with a probability of (89+/-2)%.

High fidelity spin entanglement using optimal control


F. Dolde, V. Bergholm, Y. Wang, I. Jakobi, S. Pezzagna, J. Meijer, P. Neumann, T. Schulte-Herbrueggen, J. Biamonte, and J. Wrachtrup


Nature Communications 5, 3371 (2014)

Precise control of quantum systems is of fundamental importance in quantum information processing, quantum metrology and high-resolution spectroscopy. When scaling up quantum registers, several challenges arise: individual addressing of qubits while suppressing cross-talk, entangling distant nodes and decoupling unwanted interactions. Here we experimentally demonstrate optimal control of a prototype spin qubit system consisting of two proximal nitrogen-vacancy centres in diamond. Using engineered microwave pulses, we demonstrate single electron spin operations with a fidelity F≈0.99.

Hidden Markov model of atomic quantum jump dynamics in an optically probed cavity


S. Gammelmark, K. Mølmer, W. Alt, T. Kampschulte, D. Meschede


Phys. Rev. A 89, 043839 (2014)

We analyze the quantum jumps of an atom interacting with a cavity field, where strong coupling makes the cavity transmission depend on the time-dependent atomic state. In our analysis we employ a Bayesian approach that conditions the population of the atomic states at time t on the cavity transmission observed both before and after t , and we show that the state assignment by this approach is more decisive than the usual conditional quantum states based on only earlier measurement data.

In situ measurement of vacuum window birefringence by atomic spectroscopy


Andreas Steffen, Wolfgang Alt, Maximilian Genske, Dieter Meschede, Carsten Robens, Andrea Alberti


Review of Scientific Instruments 84, 126103 (2013)

We present an in situ method to measure the birefringence of a single vacuum window by means of microwave spectroscopy on an ensemble of cold atoms. Stress-induced birefringence can cause an ellipticity in the polarization of an initially linearly polarized laser beam. The amount of ellipticity can be reconstructed by measuring the differential vector light shift of an atomic hyperfine transition.

Experimental Bit Commitment Based on Quantum Communication and Special Relativity


T Lunghi, J Kaniewski, F Bussières, R Houlmann, M Tomamichel, A Kent, N Gisin, S Wehner, H Zbinden


Experimental Bit Commitment Based on Quantum Communication and Special Relativity, T Lunghi, J Kaniewski, F Bussières, R Houlmann, M Tomamichel, A Kent, N Gisin, S Wehner, H Zbinden, Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 180504 (2013)

Bit commitment is a fundamental cryptographic primitive in which Bob wishes to commit a secret bit to Alice. Perfectly secure bit commitment between two mistrustful parties is impossible through asynchronous exchange of quantum information.

Demonstration of suppressed phonon tunneling losses in phononic bandgap shielded membrane resonators for high-Q optomechanics


Yeghishe Tsaturyan, Andreas Barg, Anders Simonsen, Luis Guillermo Villanueva, Silvan Schmid, Albert Schliesser, Eugene S. Polzik


Optics Express, Vol. 22, Issue 6, pp. 6810-6821 (2014),
arXiv:1312.7776 (2013)

Quantum interference of a single spin excitation with a macroscopic atomic ensemble


S. L. Christensen, J.-B. Béguin, E. Bookjans, H. L. Sørensen, J. H. Müller, J. Appel, E. S. Polzik


Phys. Rev. A 89, 033801 (2014),
arXiv:1309.2514 (2013)

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