
Wrachtrup group sense single remote nuclear spins


Wrachtrup group sense single remote nuclear spins

Photon-Mediated Interactions Between Distant Artificial Atoms


Wallraff group demonstrate exchange interactions, superradiant states and subradiant states for two qubits placed two centimeters apart in an open one-dimensional space.



Ronald Hanson wins European physics prize


SOLID partner Ronald Hanson is the 2012 recipient of the Nicholas Kurti European Science Prize.


Dr. Ronald Hanson from the Kavli Institute of Nanoscience, Delft University of Technology is the 2012 recipient of the Nicholas Kurti European Science Prize. This prize is intended to recognise and promote outstanding achievements of young scientists in the field of physical sciences research and to support their career development. Hanson receives a €8000 cash prize, a unique trophy and certificate. He also has the opportunity to present his work at a conference of his choice.

Breakdown of quasi-locality in long-range quantum lattice models


J. Eisert, M. van den Worm, S. R. Manmana, and M. Kastner


Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 260401 (2013) http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.111.260401
arXiv:1309.2308 [quant - ph]

We study the nonequilibrium dynamics of correlations in quantum lattice models in the presence of long-range interactions decaying asymptotically as a power law. For exponents larger than the lattice dimensionality, a Lieb-Robinson-type bound effectively restricts the spreading of correlations to a causal region, but allows supersonic propagation. We show that this decay is not only sufficient but also necessary.

Edge theories in Projected Entangled Pair State models


S. Yang, L. Lehman, D. Poilblanc, K. Van Acoleyen, F. Verstraete, J.I. Cirac, N. Schuch


Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 036402 (2014)

We study the edge physics of gapped quantum systems in the framework of Projected Entangled Pair State (PEPS) models. We show that the effective low-energy model for any region acts on the entanglement degrees of freedom at the boundary, corresponding to physical excitations located at the edge. This allows us to determine the edge Hamiltonian in the vicinity of PEPS models, and we demonstrate that by choosing the appropriate bulk perturbation, the edge Hamiltonian can exhibit a rich phase diagram and phase transitions.

Dissipative production of a maximally entangled steady state

2013-07-16 - 2013-10-17

Y. Lin, J. P. Gaebler, F. Reiter, T. R. Tan, R. Bowler, A. S. Sørensen, D. Leibfried, D. J. Wineland


Nature 504, 415–418 (19 December 2013) doi:10.1038/nature12801

Entangled states are a key resource in fundamental quantum physics, quantum cryp-tography, and quantum computation [1].To date, controlled unitary interactions applied to a quantum system, so-called "quantum gates", have been the most widely used method to deterministically create entanglement [2].

Bristol University Offers Cloud Access To Quantum Chip


Anyone can try quantum computing experiments on Bristol’s public access two-quibit chip.

Bristol University’s centre for quantum photonics has hooked up its quantum chip to the web. Anyone interested in quantum physics or computing can follow a link to Bristol’s Qcloud and try an experiment on a quantum simulator, before running it on a real quantum computer. Read the whole article at www.techweekeurope.co.uk.

QIPC conference, Florence


The QUIE2T - sponsored international QIPC conference 2013 was successfully staged in Florence last week.

In addition to the scientific program, the 2013 QIPC conference comprised sessions that were of interest beyond the scientific community, and that continued the tradition of similar activities at earlier QIPC conferences. Adjusted to the vocation of QUIE2T, these activities included an ‚Industry Session‘, an ‚EU funding session‘ and the ceremony for the ‚QIPC Young Investigator Award‘.


Oxford, UK

Come along to the Oxford University Museum of Natural History, Parks Road, from 5:30pm on Thursday 6th June for an evening of 3 fascinating talks about quantum mechanics – the strangest theory ever to be correct!

Nasa buys into 'quantum' computer


A $15m computer that uses "quantum physics" effects to boost its speed is to be installed at a Nasa facility.

The BBC reports this story about a quantum computer to be shared by Google, Nasa, and other scientists. Read the whole article at www.bbc.co.uk.

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