
Random numbers certified by Bell’s theorem


S. Pironio, A. Acin, S. Massar, A. Boyer de la Giroday, D. N. Matsukevich, P. Maunz, S. Olmschenk, D. Hayes, L. Luo, T. A. Manning, C. Monroe


Nature 464, 1021 (2010)

In this work, the authors show how random numbers can be generated in a certified manner using the non-local correlation of entangled quantum states. The randomness of the generated symbols is private and device-independent. Moreover, they perform an experimental proof-of-principle realization of the theoretical formalism.

qurope.eu web portal launched


With the start of the new CA QUIE2T the qurope.eu web portal has been officially launched.

The qurope.eu web site will provide everything of relevance for the QIPC community, from latest news, information material, specialized databases to a hosting framework for QIPC related projects. The top domain of the web portal is www.qurope.eu, watch out for the additions and updates of the several sub-domains.

This web portal is maintained by Work Package 3 of the FP7 Coordination Action project QUIE2T.

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