Ronald Hanson wins European physics prize


SOLID partner Ronald Hanson is the 2012 recipient of the Nicholas Kurti European Science Prize.


Dr. Ronald Hanson from the Kavli Institute of Nanoscience, Delft University of Technology is the 2012 recipient of the Nicholas Kurti European Science Prize. This prize is intended to recognise and promote outstanding achievements of young scientists in the field of physical sciences research and to support their career development. Hanson receives a €8000 cash prize, a unique trophy and certificate. He also has the opportunity to present his work at a conference of his choice.

Hanson is a young investigator in the field of quantum nanoscience. His research is a search for stable qubits, the building blocks for a quantum computer. As a postdoc and FOM group leader, he became one of the pioneers of quantum science in diamond, a material in which quantum states are scarcely disrupted. Professor George Pickett of Lancaster University, chairman of the committee of senior scientists who assess the nominations, commented: "The work of Ronald Hanson on the behaviour of spins in quantum dots and diamond had very much impressed the committee, and we are happy to award him this year’s prize and wish him well in continuing the work in the future."

The Nicholas Kurti European Science Prize is named after Professor Nicholas Kurti, known for his distinguished work in ultra-low temperature physics at Oxford University. The prize is sponsored by Oxford Instruments, a provider of high technology tools and systems for research and industry. Previous winners of the prize include Prof.dr. Mathias Kläui, Dr. Christian Rüegg, Dr. John Morton, FOm workgroup leader Prof.dr. Lieven Vandersypen, former FOM PhD Sir Prof.dr. Kostantin Novoselov, Prof.dr. Andreas Wallraff and Dr. Silvano De Franceschi.