Research groups affiliated with the Virtual Institute of Quantum Metrology, Sensing and Imaging

A collection of research groups working in this VI.

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Group Institution Citysort icon Country
CNR-IMM QUantum INformation in Nanostriuctures CNR-IMM Catania & Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia Catania Italy
Quantum information with photons ICFO - The Institute of Photonic Sciences Castelldefels (Barcelona) Spain
Quantum information with cold atoms and non-classical light ICFO – The Institute of Photonic Sciences Castelldefels (Barcelona) Spain
Quantum Optics & Quantum Information Group Physics Division, School of Science and Technology, University of Camerino Camerino Italy
Quantum Optoelectronics and NanoPhotonics SNanoPhotonics Group, Kapitza Building Cavendish Laboratory Cambridge United Kingdom
Hitachi Cambridge Laboratory Hitachi Cambridge Laboratory Cambridge United Kingdom
Quantum Optics Group Wigner Research Centre Budapest Hungary
Laboratoire d'Information Quantique Lab. d'Information Quantique, Université Libre de Bruxelles Bruxelles Belgium
QETLabs University of Bristol Bristol United Kingdom
Bristol Experimental Quantum Optics Group E&EE Department Merchant Venturers Building Bristol United Kingdom
Centre for Quantum Photonics University of Bristol Bristol United Kingdom
Quantum Engineering Centre for Doctoral Training University of Bristol Bristol United Kingdom
Ion Quantum Technology Group University of Sussex, Department of Physics and Astronomy Brighton United Kingdom
AMO Physics University of Sussex Dept of Physics & Astronomy Univerity of Sussex Brighton United Kingdom
QUEST Institute for Experimental Quantum Metrology Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt Braunschweig Germany
UK National Quantum Technology Hub in Sensors and Metrology The University of Birmingham Birmingham United Kingdom
Quantum Technologies for Information Science (QUTIS) Department of Physical Chemistry, University of the Basque Country Bilbao Spain
Quantum Information Theory and Quantum Metrology University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) Bilbao Spain
Quantum Optics Lab University of Bern, Institut of Applied Physics Bern Switzerland
PicoQuant GmbH PicoQuant GmbH Berlin Germany
Molecular Spintronics Institut für Experimentalphysik, Freie Universität Berlin Berlin Germany
Optics Group Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) Bellaterra (Barcelona) Spain
GIQ - Grup d'Informació Quàntica Dep. Física. Universitat Autonoma Barcelona Bellaterra (Barcelona) Spain
Quantum and Atom Optics Group Campus Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Bellaterra Spain
BGU AtomChip Physics Department, Ben Gurion University Be'er Sheva Israel
Quantum Optics and Ultracold Atoms - Treutlein group Department of Physics, University of Basel Basel Switzerland
Super Qubit Basel (QC2) Department of Physics University of Basel Basel Switzerland
Cold Molecular Ions Department of Chemistry Basel Switzerland
Quantum optics lab Physics Dept. - University of Bari Bari Italy
Opto and Quantum Electronics Group Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Bari Bari Italy
Quantum control and quantum tomography Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Bari Bari Italy
Condensed Matter Theory group University of Antwerp Antwerpen Belgium
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