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Format: 2024-07-28
Format: 2024-07-28
Format: 2024-07-28
Type Title Author Post Datesort icon
Job Research Associate in Quantum Information Theory georgia.mortzou 2017-01-05 12:04
Job Postdoctoral Fellowships in Quantum Optics - Deadline extended riasteiger 2017-01-03 14:37
News QuantERA Call 2017 Pre-Announcement Marlena Wosiak 2017-01-03 12:43
Job Postdoc in stochastic and quantum simulation of optically trapped nanoparticles Radim Filip 2016-12-29 22:06
Event Mesoscopic Transport and Quantum Coherence 2017, QTC 2017 Gunes15 2016-12-27 10:43
Job 2 PhD positions within ITN network QCALL bruss 2016-12-23 13:15
Job 2 PhD positions in quantum security analysis bruss 2016-12-23 12:20
Event Conference and PhD school: "From Few to Many: Exploring Quantum Systems, one atom at a time" (EQS2017) pmassignan 2016-12-22 13:27
Job Doctoral Candidate in Quantum Optomechanics Gunes15 2016-12-21 17:23
Job PhD in Quantum Networking with Trapped Ions Matthias Keller 2016-12-21 09:53
Research Group CQ - Cold-atom solid-state hybrid quantum systems fortagh 2016-12-20 19:31
Job Postdoc in Experimental Quantum Optomechanics ubuho 2016-12-20 11:01
Job PhD in theoretical quantum dynamics in superconducting circuits hartmann.mj 2016-12-19 11:46
Job Postdoctoral researcher in Quantum Cryptography cschaffner 2016-12-12 18:18
Job Post Doctoral Fellowships riasteiger 2016-12-12 13:54
Research Group Quantum electronics and quantum optics @ KTH gbjork 2016-12-07 17:31
Event quantum 2017 genovese 2016-12-06 16:48
Research Group Quantum Matter Theory Group hofstett 2016-12-03 23:23
Research Group Quantum Optics domokos 2016-11-30 21:32
Job Marie Sklodowska Curie PhD position in Quantum Optomechanics samuel.deleglise 2016-11-30 13:19
Page Industry Perspective on Quantum Technologies Giardini 2016-11-30 12:10
Job Post-doctoral Researcher and Doctoral Candidate in Quantum Devices Gunes15 2016-11-30 12:03
Page QUTE working group & the Quartet Giardini 2016-11-30 12:02
Page Results of the QT flagship online consultation Giardini 2016-11-30 11:57
Page QT roadmap 2016 Giardini 2016-11-30 11:50