QUTE working group & the Quartet

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The QUTE Europe Working Group, on the academic side, is formed by representatives - directors and executive secretaries - of the virtual institutes and facilities in quantum technologies, augmented by other stakeholders and a range of industry representatives. Its role is to gather and structure community input to the flagship process as requested by the European Commission in appointing the flagship’s high-level steering committee (HLSC, see ec.europa.eu/digital-single-market/en/news/expert-group-quantum-technology-flagship-now-set). The Working Group has emerged out of the coordination action QUTE Europe (qurope.eu/projects/qute-europe).
The group so far has been coordinated by Tommaso Calarco (University of Ulm), who has stepped down from this coordinating role due to his recent nomination to the HLSC. On its meeting on Sept. 15, the QUTE Europe Working Group has appointed four new coordinators commensurate with the broadening scope of the group. This QUARTET of people (playfully dubbed the QUAntum Research and Technology Enabling Team) will be in close contact with T. Calarco in order to ensure continuity and quality. The group will be the organizing committee for the Nov. 10 Berlin event.

The QUARTET comprises:
Dr. Thierry Debuisschert (THALES) is a scientist at Thales corporate research laboratory, Thales Research & Technology, in charge of the quantum sensing activity. He holds a PhD in quantum optics (ENS – LKB). He has led researches in quantum key distribution, and now in the field of NV centers in diamond for sensing applications.
Contact: thierry [dot] debuisschert [at] thalesgroup [dot] com

Dr. Thomas Strohm (Bosch) is a staff researcher at Robert Bosch GmbH’s Corporate Research and since a few years in charge of Quantum Technologies. He is a condensed-matter theorist by training (PhD at Cardona’s group at MPI for solid state research in Stuttgart) and also worked many years as a software architect at Bosch.
Contact: thomas [dot] strohm [at] de [dot] bosch [dot] com

Dr. Rob Thew (University of Geneva) is a senior researcher in the Quantum Technologies group of the Applied Physics department at the University of Geneva. He is a quantum optics experimentalist working on quantum communication and associated photonic and detection technologies, ranging from fundamental to applied research.
Contact: robert [dot] thew [at] unige [dot] ch

Dr. Frank Wilhelm-Mauch (Saarland University) is a Professor of theoretical physics and the executive secretary of the virtual facility for quantum control. He is a condensed-matter theorist by training and researches quantum computing, quantum simulation, quantum control, and quantum software, primarily with superconducting devices in mind.
Contact: fwm [at] lusi [dot] uni-sb [dot] de