Marie Sklodowska Curie PhD position in Quantum Optomechanics

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Laboratoire Kastler Brosssel, Univ. P. et M. Curie, Paris, France
1 February, 2016


Uuniversité Pierre et Marie Curie
4 Place Jussieu
Paris 75005
48° 50' 47.1876" N, 2° 21' 18.5796" E

Marie Sklodowska Curie PhD position in Quantum Optomechanics


Research objectives

This thesis focuses on the development of hybrid systems involving nano- and micromechanical oscillators in the quantum regime. Electromagnetic fields coupled to them through high-quality resonators (optical micro-cavities or superconducting microwave stripline resonators) are used as probes. Guided by concepts from atomic physics and quantum optics, but building on solid-state experimental platforms and low temperature techniques, different aspects of quantum measurements, damping and decoherence mechanisms, control and conversion of mechanical quantum states will be explored.

The PhD student will develop a novel electromechanical system based on coplanar-waveguide superconducting cavities coupled to suspended photonic-crystal membranes. This platform, by simultaneously coupling a single resonator to both an optical and a microwave resonator, opens the route towards the conversion of quantum signals throughout the  electromagnetic spectrum, which constitutes a major milestone in the field of quantum information.

Job requirements

Interested candidates possessing fluency in English and a Master’s degree in Physics are encouraged to apply. Experience in quantum optics/nanomechanics/atomic and molecular physics is appreciated.

The candidate will be enrolled in a prestigious Marie Curie European Training Network program on "Optomechanical Technologies". The position includes advantageous funding conditions and an intensive training program on the most relevant aspects of nanomechanics and optomechanics, organized by the different partners of the ETN program across  Europe. To be illegible, the candidates need not be french residents for at least the year preceding the PhD start date.

Conditions of employment

This position offers full-time employment for 3 years, with a yearly salary of 41 425 € + mobility allowance of 7992 €

Information and application

For more detailed information about the position, please contact Dr. S. Deléglise (deleglise [at] lkb [dot] upmc [dot] fr).

Please send your application (including the contact information of the candidate, a CV, copies of transcripts/grade-sheets,  the contact information of one or more references, as well as a copy of the Master’s thesis and (p)reprints of prior publications, if available) by e-mail.

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