Do you think the services provided on the qurope web site are useful and deserve to be maintained?

93% (27 votes)
Yes, but there is room for improvement (please specify in the comment box below)
7% (2 votes)
No (please give reasons in the comment box below)
0% (0 votes)
Total votes: 29

The site has been very useful to me over the past few years and I hope that it continues. yours Shashank Virmani


QUROPE mailing list has become de facto worldwide announce list of the quantum information community, and should thus be preserved. It would be a blow to lose it. I have not used any other website services.


Even though it might not, right now QUROPE gives the appearance of being a closed place.

  • The project itself does not do much to announce to the public what it does and how to use it better.
  • Most of all it is hard to know whether and how to submit announcements, job offers, register a project with QUROPE, etc.
  • With its little traffic, the forum seems like service of little use. I personally prefer the mailing list format because I do not have to return to find nothing has been posted.
  • Apart from the mailing list, the news items are of little use, because to learn about them I have to go to qurope itself to read them --just to check whether they exist. It would be much more useful and efficient for me if those items were spread, either through RSS or through other channels (Facebook, twitter, etc).
Lukas Theussl said:

Thanks for the feedback! Just a few comments:

  • Most information on how to use the site is available in the FAQ, in particular, how to submit content and how to register a project.
  • All database collections (e.g. news, events, jobs, ...) have an associated RSS icon on bottom of the page to subscribe to the corresponding news feed. You can subscribe separately to data (news, events,...) for different projects, different Virtual Institutes, etc.

Otherwise, we would welcome any concrete suggestions to improve the docs!

Daniele Binosi said:

May be the (visual) presentation of data can be improved and streamlined a bit more.

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