QUROPE services

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The qurope.eu web site has been up and running for over three years now. The CA QUIE2T, that was in charge of maintaining the site up to now, is in its final year and will hand over its responsibilties to the successor project QUTE-EUROPE in the coming months.

With the associated evaluation and review coming up, we would like to have some feedback on the acceptance and general opinion of the community on our site. If you have in any way profited from our services at any time during the last years we would greatly appreciate your feedback (use the Comments link below).

To give you an overview, here is a brief list of the main features our site provides:

  • A hosting service for QIPC-related projects
  • A collection of various databases, in particular a job and event database
  • The ability to statistically evaluate the database collections via search and filter functions
  • An information distribution service via the QUROPE mailing list

You are also invited to vote and leave any comments on a corresponding poll.


With reference to your request for feedback related to the Qurope website and services I am on the Qurope mailing list and it has been very useful to be updated on events coming up as well as other issues. Stefan Kröll, Lund University


I have used the site on a regular basis over the past few years, and greatly value the service that it has provided to the international quantum community.


Thanks for all your work for QUROPE. I think the community has definitely profited from the information turntable that QUROPE was/is. As a job market for young researchers in quantum science this is the best one-stop shop we have. I am glad your program will now be succeeded by QUTE. Markus Arndt, Vienna


The site was a useful source of information during all these years. I also was pleased several times to use it for disseminating information about workshops that I organized. Sincere thanks for the work realized...to Lukas Theussl in particular. Thomas Durt, Institut Fresnel, Marseille.


I have appreciated the information on upcoming events provided by QUROPE mailing list. In addition the jobs listing is in my opinion a very important resource for the community. Serge Massar

Shashank Virmani said:

The Qurope site has been a fantastic forum for information dissemination in the academic community - including advertising positions, workshops, conferences, and more. Shashank Virmani, Brunel University and University of Strathclyde.

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