Frequently Asked Questions - Web Site - Hosting

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First you will have to register an account on the qurope web site. You should also identify yourself by contacting the webmaster, as you might need additional permissions to edit the site.

Once you are registered and logged in you can start adding/editing content for your site.

For inspiration, you can look at the projects that are already hosted at our site.

Please consult the Frequently Asked Questions, the Discussion Forum, or contact us directly if you have any questions or problems.

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First, we are open to any new suggestions, if you want or need a special feature or service, just ask!

Then, we already have a number of built-in services that new projects can use out of the box. Among them:

  • an intranet, i.e. a private area that is only accessible to project members (see another section of this faq for more details)
  • a discussion forum
  • some standard web pages with basic info about the project, e.g. news, events, highlights, etc. The URLs for these pages is found at standard locations, e.g.
    • /projects/%project%/news
    • /projects/%project%/events
    • /projects/%project%/highlights
    • /projects/%project%/groups
    • /projects/%project%/publications
    • /projects/%project%/media
    • /projects/%project%/%wp%/results

    where %project% is a placeholder for the project name or acronym, %wp% is either wp1, wp2, etc for a specific work package, or 'all' for all work packages, and the path is relative to the site base URL (
    Site editors just have to submit new content types (news, events,...) that will automatically show up on these pages. Note that if you want to add links to these pages from the navigation menu, you have to ask an administrator to do that for you.

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Yes. This is a common request for all projects that we want to host on our site and we even consider this more important than a public website.

To get access to these services, you should contact a web site administrator and ask for a so-called 'organic group' for your project. This is basically a group of registered users that have special permissions on certain parts of the site. Once this is set up, you can authorize other users (if they are registered) to become members of the group.

Any member of your group will then be able to view, upload and edit confidential content that is only accessible within the group. As an additional service, we also provide private forums (one is set up by default), where group members can post and discuss privately.