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Format: 2024-09-17
Format: 2024-09-17
Format: 2024-09-17
2010-08-09 14:32

HP Labs' researcher Vinay Deolalikar claims to have solved the problem. His answer is that the two classes do not coincide: P is a proper subset of NP.

2010-07-26 08:40

A call for applications to support a Quantum Envoy has been published.

2010-07-20 12:49

The EC have published several calls related to ICT.

2010-07-05 23:13

 Updated agenda for the Q-Essence session on the 8th of July / Oxford.

2010-06-29 11:06

A call for proposals to organize the QUIE2T-supported QIPC conference in 2011 has been published.

2010-06-28 12:23

Q-ESSENCE support of mobilities and scientific meetings.

2010-06-28 10:41

University of Ulm is a coorganizer of the 3rd International Summer School of the SFB/TRR21 "Control of Quantum Correlations in Tailored Matter", Heinrich-Fabri-Haus, Blaubeuren, October 3rd-5th 2010. 

2010-06-23 12:42

QVA - brief video abstracts to recent papers on the arXiv.

2010-06-22 20:10

Attendance in the Q-Essence Consortium Session, 8th of July, Oxford.


2010-06-11 10:46

'Entangled' LED could help make quantum computer

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