A collection of web links and external resources (websites, documents, etc.) of interest in the field of Quantum Information Technologies.
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Title | Description |
Quanten-Computer vor Durchbruch zu ultraschnellen Rechnern |
The Austrian newspaper Der Standard writes about quantum computing. |
Is computing speed set to make a quantum leap? |
The Guardian writes about quantum computing. |
Bose–Einstein condensate is in the can |
physicsworld.com writes about Bose-Einstein condensates. |
Reibungslose Quantenwelle |
The Austrian newspaper Der Standart writes about a 'quantum wave' (in German). |
Nasa buys into 'quantum' computer |
The BBC writes about quantum computers. |
Es ist die pure Neugier, die mich antreibt |
The Austrian newspaper Der Standard brings an interview with Peter Zoller (in German). |
Schnelleres Rechnen mit Licht |
The Austrian newspaper Der Standard brings an article about quantum computers (in German). |
Quantenphysiker Peter Zoller mit renommiertem Wolf-Preis geehrt |
The Austrian newspaper Der Standard writes about the Wolf prizer for Peter Zoller (in German). |
Eine Quantenquelle für das All |
The Austrian newspaper Der Standard brings a story about a Chinese-Austrian collaboration (in German). |
The Hindu 18 April 2013 |
Quantum states preserved longer VASUDEVAN MUKUNTH
ETH Life 18.04.2013 |
A new twist for quantum systems
Andreas Trabesinger |
Innovation Report 18.04.2013 |
Ein neuer Dreh für Quantensysteme Roman Klingler |
How fat is Schrödinger’s cat? |
physicsworld.com writes about Schrödinger’s cat. |
Third Bell loophole closed for photons |
physicsworld.com writes about a Bell experiment. |
Die Zeit, 2.7.2012 |
Superrechner für Spezialanwendungen
Quantencomputer könnten die Entwicklung von Medikamenten sowie die Materialforschung enorm voranbringen. Innsbrucker Forscher gehören dabei zu den Pionieren
Stuttgarter Zeitung, 2.5.2012 |
Ein Quantensprung für den Computer |
Der Standard, 3.4.2012 |
Ionenfallen und der Sprung in eine neue Quantenwelt |
Tages-Anzeiger 28.06.2011 |
"Auf dem Weg zum Schweizer Supercomputer" |
Blick am Abend 23 June 2011 |
Andreas Wallraff erhält Max Rössler-Preis-2011 |
IDW online 23 June 2011 |
Mit Quantensprüngen zum Erfolg |
Phys.org 22 februrary 2011 |
Breakthrough for photons in the microwave frequency range |
Inscience 22 february 2011 |
Research Breakthrough for Photons in the Microwave Frequency Range |
Alice and Bob communicate without transferring a single photon |
physicsworld.com writes about exchanging quantum information without transferring a single photon. |
Keine "Schlupflöcher" für Quantenexperimente |
The Austrian newspaper Der Standard brings a short article on a quantum experiment (in German). |
QT Lab |
A selection of quantum conferences from the Quantum Technology Laboratory (Queensland). |
Quantenphysik auf der ISS |
The Austrian newspaper Der Standard writes about a planned quantum experiment in space (in German). |
Spukhafte Fernwirkung im Ausstellungsraum |
The Austrian newspaper Der Standard writes about a public quantum experiment in Vienna (in German). |
Quantum signal sent from aircraft |
physicsworld.com brings a story on quantum cryptography |
Physik Journal 11 (2012) Nr. 1, S. 20 |
K. Hammerer "Atomare Dämpfer" |
Physics 4, 97 (2011) |
Hybrid Atom-Optomechanics |