A collection of web links and external resources (websites, documents, etc.) of interest in the field of Quantum Information Technologies.
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Title | Description |
Prix Nobel de physique au Français Serge Haroche et à l'Américain David Wineland: l'optique quantique à l'honneur |
Le Nouvel Observateur writes about the 2012 Nobel Prize in physics (in French). |
Pourquoi le français Serge Haroche a reçu le Prix Nobel |
Le Nouvel Observateur writes about Serge Haroche (in French). |
Nobel de physique : le Français Serge Haroche récompensé |
Le Figaro writes about the 2012 Nobel Prize in physics (in French). |
Le Nobel de Physique au Français Serge Haroche et à l'Américain David Wineland |
Le Figaro writes about the 2012 Nobel Prize in physics (in French). |
Prix Nobel de physique : un Français, grand manipulateur de photons |
La Liberation writes on the 2012 Nobel Prize in physics (in French). |
Physik-Nobelpreis für Quantenforscher aus Frankreich und USA |
Die Zeit writes about the 2012 Nobel Prize in physics (with video, in German). |
La Magie du cosmos |
Le Monde writes about a physics documentary (in French). |
Kausalität in Frage gestellt: Ursache kann zugleich Wirkung sein |
The Austrian newspaper Der Standard brings an article about the publication of "Quantum correlations with no causal order" (in german). |
Le Beau Livre de la physique |
Le Monde writes about a new phsics book (in French). |
Nous sommes obsédés par le court terme |
La Liberation writes about the relation between science and society (in French). |
La téléportation quantique et les oreilles de Spock |
La Liberation writes about quantum teleportation (in French). |
Le secret bien gardé de Monsieur Spock |
La Liberation writes on quantum teleportation (in French). |
Rekorddistanz: Quanteninformation über 143 Kilometer übertragen |
The Austrian newpaper Der Standard writes about a new distance record for the transmission of quantum information (in german). |
Forscher teleportieren Licht über 143 Kilometer |
Der Spiegel writes about quantum teleportation (in German). |
Quanten "schmelzen" nicht |
The Wiener Zeitung writes about quantum melting (in German). |
Physiker übertragen Quanteninformationen über 143 Kilometer |
The Austrian newspaper Der Standard brings a story about a teleportation experiment (in german). |
Forscher beamen Quanten 143 Kilometer weit |
The Financial Times Deutschland writes about quantum experiments (in German). |
Exotische Rechenperlen |
The Frankfurter Rundschau writes about quantum computing (in German). |
How does quantum teleportation work? |
In less than 100 seconds, John Rarity explains why it is tricky to copy quantum information. |
Wie sicher ist Quantenkryptographie wirklich? |
Die Zeit writes about quantum cryptography (in German). |
Why would quantum computers be so much faster than classical computers? |
In less than 100 seconds, John Rarity explains how quantum mechanics could speed up computing exponentially. |
Der Katzenpiesacker namens Schrödinger |
Die Zeit writes about Erwin Schroedinger (in German). |
Wiener Physiker kommen robusteren Quantentechnologien näher |
The Wiener Zeitung writes about advances in Quantum Technologies by Viennese scientists (in German). |
Sensible Revolutionäre |
Der Tagesspiegel writes about quantum computing (in German) |
Quanten-Speicher mit "Langzeitgedächtnis" |
The Austrian newspaper Die Presse writes about quantum memories (in German). |
Quanten-Speicher mit "Langzeitgedächtnis" |
The Wiener Zeitung writes about quantum memory (in German). |
Mister Beam |
Die Zeit writes about Anton Zeilinger (in German). |
Die große Schönheit der Quanten |
Die Zeit writes about Anton Zeilinger at documenta (in German). |
La physique quantique démystifiée dimanche au Musée des arts et métiers |
Le Nouvel Observateur writes about quantum physics (in French). |
La téléportation, même pas un rêve! |
Le Parisien writes about quantum teleportation (in French). |